Scheme: Set up an Orphanage

For what it’s worth: I get the Tower of Eyes more than once a day usually. (But I play quite a lot.)

It’s usually not so much that the designers are setting a particular card at a rare draw chance. Often, the issue is that with so MANY potential cards to draw, you’re just at the mercy of the RNG. For example, back when I was starting Seeking the Name, for months I got no cards, and then suddenly I started getting them in rather quick succession. It really is just having to wait until the RNG throws up the right stuff.

So apparently you can now invite players with 3rd tier professions to perform at your Salon or Orphanage - so far I’ve seen the option to invite an Author for the Salon, and a Conjurer for the Orphanage. Haven’t tried either yet.

If anyone with an Orphanage wants to invite me, I’m a Conjurer who would be happy to perform for your children! I won’t convince them to work for Hell, I promise!

Also, I saw a Salon option that used a new acquaintance - Silas the Showman. Any idea where to get that?
edited by Dolan on 8/23/2013

I’m a Murderer, and I find the lack of Salon invitations quite perplexing. In a city where death is a mere inconvenience, I can hardly think a talk from a noted author a more civilised or intellectual entertainment than a well-constructed closed room mystery.

Frankly, I’d have thought a few horrific killings in a respectably situated orphanage would also Make Waves, but no, the placid pond of our jaded modern society is more readily disturbed by faintly sinister parlour tricks…

These new options seem to be appearing slowly. I do hope that all the new professions will eventually be included in the Salon/Orphanage Invitations. As a Mystic I’m sure that I would grace any Salon.[li]
edited by reveurciel on 8/24/2013

I second the offer of any Orphanage operators who wish to make use of my Conjuring hobby. It’s an incredibly profitable option to play!

I am a conjurer and have an orphanage. So will be happy to accept invitations but also need people who will accept mine.

Is it possible to switch what you have.[li]

I went with an Orphanage - but I’m having doubts about these grubby little gits. I have a vast and wide web of interacting schemes and they aren’t so much in the picture or in my characters choice as much as I thought:

I was hoping to be able to have lots of eyes and ears around the city, much like Lord Varys in Game of Thrones. I’m not a monster though, (beyond very carefully and timidly seeking the name), so I’m not about to sell them into slavery.

Anyway, I’d like to switch to a Salon, I’m finding it too much of a money sink for not very much with the Orphanage.

Another Conjurer here. I have a Salon, but am not currently making use of it. Feel free to send invitations, and I will gladly accept.

I’m an Author and I would be happy to visit your Salons. I play daily, so I’m sure I won’t make you look bad by failing to appear.

My secret hope is to use my orphanage to bring up the next generation of monster- and Vake- hunters.

You may well get your wish! There’s a new Fate option on the Tower of Eyes card for those who own an Orphanage. If you have at least level 15 of Scheme: an Orphanage and 20 Fate to surrender, you’ll be able to recruit a Laconic Prodigy as your assistant.

&quotAfter she kills a venge-rat with a single coolly flung stone; after she returns from a roof-top expedition with the colllar of the Duchess’ newest tortoiseshell cat; after you find her reading Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica by candle-light; you begin to wonder just who you’ve got on your hands here.

[The Laconic Prodigy increases each of Dangerous, Shadowy and Watchful by 10. And she has quite an admirable hat.]&quot

The effects of a fated item usually aren’t listed in the description, so that’s a little surprising. It’s a strategy that works on me, though; I’m more tempted to make the purchase. Plus, she’s got a spiffy hat! I normally don’t make Fate purchases solely for items, but she sounds very interesting and I’m weak against pet items. I rather miss my previous ward… After erecting my orphanage, the Winsome Dispossessed Orphan appealed to me to give him a place there:
&quotI’m tired,&quot the little fellow confides. &quotThe meals up there smell wonderful. The streets seem darker. I know what we contracted for. I signed the contract. But could you find it in your heart to release me early?&quot

He’s better off in the safety of my orphanage. Constant caretakers, lit rooms, warm beds, hearty meals… A fine reminder that the adventure of night doesn’t hold glamor for everyone. I’ve yet to unlock the option to reunite the Dispossessed Orphan with his parents – at least I hope they’re his parents – but that’s something I’m anticipating. This orphanage story branch has become one of my favorite experiences of Fallen London.

Admittedly, I was first annoyed when I realized how many Echoes I’d need to build and maintain my orphanage. Then that feeling quickly faded when I also realized that I’d be a vainglorious hoarder if I didn’t cough up the Echoes. Options for charity are sadly in the minority, so when a major one came along, my reaction was &quotWHOO! Yeah! …Wait, it costs how much?! Can’t they make do with smaller beds? Or no beds at all?&quot Not one of my best moments. :P

What did I subconsciously think I’d have to do to create social progress in a responsible manner? Arrange riots and bombs? Seduce the Queen’s counselors? Duel with members of Parliament? (Actually, I wouldn’t mind that last one…) Blather blather, I’m very happy with my orphanage, guys!

By the way, has anyone spotted a Fated item for Salon owners, a counterpart to the Laconic Prodigy?

If there’s a Fate-locked option for Salon owners, I’ve yet to see it! The most extravagant thing so far is inviting the Duchess over.
That and inviting a drunk who pretended to be a snowman once, but I don’t think that’s currently possible.

I only saw the Laconic Prodigy option when I had The Airs of London at 96, so you can’t access it whenever you want… Something similar for the Salon, maybe. Just food for thought.

Aha! How glorious! Thanks to you, I now have a new goal, something to aim for. Much obliged!

Now to hunt down that ever-elusive Tower of Eyes card…

Any advice on how one might grind Airs of London to the 90’s to see if The Salon also has this option?

Airs of London actually changes randomly now instead of by set amounts, so it’s not exactly easy to grind, per se. You can rob anonymous wretches in Spite (under Rob a Drunk), do quick commissions in Veilgarden or sleep in your lodgings to change the Airs level, off the top of my head. Most of the secondary options on connections cards (like buying drinks for Dockers or Bohemians or attending a church feté) change the Airs level as well.

Of course, there’s no guarantee that the Salon fate-locked option, if it exists, is unlocked at the same level as the Orphanage’s one!
edited by Spacemarine9 on 8/29/2013

No Fate option for the Salon at Airs of London 96. Nigel is sad and wishes to waste no more actions on this wild goose chase.
There is a wild Übergoat chase to engage in!

I’d say the easiest way to do this is to not do this. That is, we just keep playing, and if somebody happens to find a Fate-locked option for a Salon on the Tower of Eyes card checks his Airs of London (putting it on his Scrapbook to verify the exact number)and reports it here and on the wikis. If it exists, somebody is bound to stumble upon it someday ^^

I have The Airs of London at 100 and I see the Laconic Prodigy.

Unfortunately I don’t have my Scheme high enough to actually use the option, drat and double drat!

Also: seems the Laconic Prodigy is exactly two points better in all stats compared to the Scuttering Squad. A shame it has the exact same three stats. But then it’s a Fate item so most people will never buy it.