Savour the Fruits of the Zee!

Not sure, since I did the same. But I also noticed that Wines’ worry and displeasure escalated with each new happy couple, and at the third hand-in he seemed convinced that the Bazaar’s takeoff would be imminent. You see this in the “Love? On Mutton Island?” passages. I wonder if there’s a similar effect in the opposite direction?

How come you’re dealing with Wines at all? I’ve only ever seen Jervaise, and had text and a promise of rewards back in London, but no goodies.

[quote=Anthony]I turned in three star-spun love stories to Mr Wines and after concluding my business with it I got a bit of interesting text. (Echoed on my profile in the link under &quotAn End&quot). I was wondering if this text is the same no matter what sort of stories one turns in?[/quote]

If all three stories are catastrophic the shine is &quotin Gant and Apocyan colors, a palette of mournful hue&quot, and that’s it, for now.

[quote=Anthony]I turned in three star-spun love stories to Mr Wines and after concluding my business with it I got a bit of interesting text. (Echoed on my profile in the link under &quotAn End&quot). I was wondering if this text is the same no matter what sort of stories one turns in?[/quote] I forgot to echo it, but I’m reasonably sure I got an identical conclusion with Star-Spun/Catastrophe/Star-Spun; seems the Bazaar is content with at least one happy ending. The top three entries for those curious about turn-ins for Jervaise/Replete (Happy), Plenty/Chef (Disaster), and Curate/Drownie (Happy). Whatever Wines might say, I think I guided those dates exactly correctly.

Once you collect 3 stories, when you’re back in London there should be a storylet to turn them over to Mr. Wines.

I ended up doing one star-spun and two catastrophic love stories (in that order) and Wines was not happy at all with the star-spun and positively giddy with joy at the catastrophic ones. I didn’t echo those unfortunately.

One has to wonder if there’s going to be some epilogue once the festivities wind down. And if there is, how will the exact nature of your stories influence it. From Mr Wines’ reactions it would seem that particularly all-Star-Spun or all-Catastrophic results might have an effect on the Bazaar and its moods/plans.
I wish we knew if the direction we take is going to have any downstream consequences. And if it’s a good idea to mix good and bad stories or if you should stick to one end of the scale to get a more radical effect.

I think, however, that if something dramatic were to happen again, it would entail world qualities. This tech would have been tailor-fit for tallying all the submitted stories and determining the overall outcome, and I don’t know if the game actually even keeps check of what you submit.

Strange, I got the option to choose Sinning Jenny’s Wimple at the Wreckers’ Cove - the hover text said it was “unlocked with no wimples” so I picked it thinking I must have forgotten losing it before. Then checked my possessions and sure enough now I have two identical wimples, side by side - I knew I’d got it back last time! Assume it’s a bug - anyone else encounter this?

[quote=Sir Reginald Monteroy]One has to wonder if there’s going to be some epilogue once the festivities wind down.[/quote]Having turned in three star-spun endings I rather hope there is something more to come, because from an action/reward perspective improving any of the relationships at all from the starting point is a complete waste of time.

I do not have a Wimple, and I was in the cove earlier today with picking somewhere in the 18-20 range, and I saw no option to get one.

I do have An Encounter with Jenny. I got the Wimple when it was available, and returned it to her, but I didn’t stay to get it a second time
edited by PJ on 8/19/2021

[quote=PJ]I do not have a Wimple, and I was in the cove earlier today with picking somewhere in the 18-20 range, and I saw no option to get one.

I do have An Encounter with Jenny. I got the Wimple when it was available, and returned it to her, but I didn’t stay to get it a second time
edited by PJ on 8/19/2021[/quote] I have An Encounter with Jenny plus the Wimple (now two of them) so that was most likely a bug…oh too bad, you could have got it now having missed it before!
edited by theonie on 8/19/2021

I’m still struggling to get the Mari Lwyd. The RNG hates me. If my catch is too low it doesn’t add the extra, if it’s too high it does.

I’ve got the Jillyfleur cloak (yes!), the Scrimshander knife and a submerged rector so far. And the submerged rector level clay man and jars, damnit. I’m not giving up! Though I might take a break, I need to visit Abbey Rock.

[quote=Bluestocking]I’m still struggling to get the Mari Lwyd. The RNG hates me. If my catch is too low it doesn’t add the extra, if it’s too high it does.[/quote] Yes, that’s the other very frustrating aspect of the FotZ! I’ve blocked from memory how many tries it took me. And all the while accumulating menaces in the FotZ storylet!

I focus on the joy of finishing last year with an extra point of BDR and 4 points of Dangerous.

Evidently the Wimple’s unlock requirements are different from what they were when it originally appeared, so I was looking at the values when I determined that it wasn’t there anymore. So I’ll go back to the island tomorrow to get it.

So, if I have a ship and “Explorer of the zee” - I can’t take the ferry back to London? So I’m going to lose all my dramatic tension, and casing and all the other qualities?
Or did something else change while I wasn’t around?

I believe those qualities no longer reset when going to zee, only when docking at or leaving some destinations. Dramatic tension definitely doesn’t, but I don’t remember about casing.

Zee Voyages no longer reset any qualities by default. Locations that use qualities reset those qualities on entrance/exit. I’ve observed that Mutton Island and Hunter’s Keep reset Time Passing in the Southern Archipeligo, Hunter’s Keep also resets Dramatic Tension, and Polythreme resets Investigating and Fascinating. But if you don’t dock at a place that uses a quality, it’s not reset.

Also locations will generally warn you beforehand that they reset qualities. At least Polythreme has game instructions about that.
edited by PSGarak on 8/20/2021

When they did the Zee rework I actually half expected them to change Polythreme to use two new qualities instead of Fascinating and Investigating, to avoid having to reset them. I thought the big draw of the new system was that it wouldn’t make the act of stepping on a boat so punishing, so I thought maybe they would do their best to remove the punishment completely.

Has the Hooded Woman vanished, or am I just unlucky?

I only see the options for the Custodial Chef and the Melancholy Curate.

I traded my Strange Catch at Wrecker’s Cove for two items so far.

I want to go there again.

[quote=fishandchips]Has the Hooded Woman vanished, or am I just unlucky?

I only see the options for the Custodial Chef and the Melancholy Curate.

I traded my Strange Catch at Wrecker’s Cove for two items so far.

I want to go there again.[/quote]
According to the Wiki, the Chef & Curate show up with Airs 67-100, while the Hooded Lady only shows up with Airs 83-100. The Airs range is a strict subset, so she’ll only show up half the time the two gentlemen are around.

It seems the Airs values are not actually visible this year. Not sure if that’s different from previous years. It definitely makes it a little harder to tell what’s going on.