Rat Sending Simulator 2015

If I already have some circuitry, can I flip through the deck for more (via more LRK’s), or should I stop trying?
edited by Knyx on 7/27/2013

The card should lock if you have 1 rat circuitry or 1 legendary rat king if i recall correctly, so if you have some circuitry your only way to get a rat king is to rip the LRK out of yourself.
and vice versa if you have an LRK and you want Rat King Circuitry

I don’t like that system. It’s too hard to get any real circuitry. The chance of upgrading should be 50%-60% in my opinion.

There are a few other ways to improve circuitry as well as the usage option

i did mean to make the difficulty -1 instead of 1 though oops

Wait, what? I can upgrade my circuitry even more? How much more? Is 5 it? It’s 7 somehow, isn’t it?

Currently 5. Currently.

EDIT: Okay! I think almost every item should have at least some token usability now. Not equippable ones, except the Rat King. If i’ve missed any, I’ve probably forgotten to link the storylet to the item!


i stayed up to 5am doing this hahahaha ha… i have no idea what i’m doing. enjoy rats!

12 more storylets and i’ll be on the storynexus front page… which is merely step one of global domination! !!!
edited by Spacemarine9 on 7/27/2013

I require more rats and people to send rats to, o ratty friends!

Oh, congRATulations on the global domination thing progress!

I did it! I’m the winner! And by winner i mean &quot11th biggest user-created world on the front page&quot, but that’s technically still a winner. I guess.

Anyway! Now you can visit the mysterious Rat Storage Zone! If you have at least a million rats, you can start a super spooky ritual. And then go to the Rat Storage Zone. Which is also super spooky.
I think the balance on the… things… which happen in the Storage Zone is a bit weird so i could probably use some input on those
(basically i think i’ve miscounted zeroes all over the place, so if you get something that increases a certain quality by a massive amount then i have done something wrong! ! ! )
edited by Spacemarine9 on 7/27/2013

Holy hell 1 billion rats. Can you make it possible to go into rat storage zone again? i want to since i clearly didn’t see all the options but can’t sigh.
Also I can see that you were inspired by Nadir a lot when you made this~

There’s not really that much stuff in the Rat Storage Zone, i think there’s like 11 cards total.
I guess i could make it so that you could make your Heart explode so you can go back in, if that’s a thing you want to do.

And hey, my first draft of it was a lot closer to the Nadir: not intentionally! but there’s only really so many ways you can make a time-limited area given the tools provided :V
Mines is better though!!! It’s got, like, variability and stuff. And it’s about rats.

nah don’t-just make it another portal(no arcane rituals needed a second time) and if you have a heart you get a full crime level and debt reduction~

Quantum radiation, or quantum ratiation?
What’s that billion refering to? Should I farm more rats before going to storage? I only have some 250M of them :(

It’s a reward! And, um, 250 million is enough. I thought i was being too harsh with some of the rat storage zone ratiation variables, but 250 million would cancel most ratiation out entirely.
In fact, I think the highest thing is 100 million. Maybe I should go back and make all those higher (i went and made them lower earlier, but, welp)
edited by Spacemarine9 on 7/28/2013

“Scores!” should probably loop back into itself.

stuck in the Hell Zone

oh. welp.

You know, I’m not entirely sure what I expected, really.
edited by MidnightVoyager on 7/28/2013

Me either!

Also you can now smash your Heart of the Rat Zone to pieces if you want to go back to R-space, or use it for something else entirely! Currently it just deletes your character but I think I might turn it into Ratgame: New Game Plus later (so don’t pick it now or you’ll just kind of lose everything anyway)
(I actually added those yesterday but I put them on the wrong storylet. Whoops!)
edited by Spacemarine9 on 7/28/2013

A bug report!
Apparently having 1 billion rats somehow borks the game. I don’t have acces to both sending rats storylet and rat storage zone entrance storylet( i have 20 arcane ritual tho). somethign you might want to fix ASAP.

I guess storynexus is afraid of numbers that big! Can’t say I really blame it, but I guess I’m going to have to knock a zero off of that reward.

Can we have a “send 100 000 000 rats” and “exchange 100 000 000 rat points” storylet options then? i want to dump a bunch of my rats but not ALL of them eh!