Railway is here!

It’s the election fate-locked caricaturist, right? It’s a useful option to have, though I’m just happy that we can mass-produce Comprehensive Bribes without resorting to Fate or Fidgeting Writer through Final Breaths.

Hope that you guys are enjoying the new content! I am having a lot of trouble with juggling the election, Parabola hunting / Fingerking-simping, Lab experiments and skeleton building at the moment so at least I am more involved than usual.

It’s the election fate-locked caricaturist, right? It’s a useful option to have, though I’m just happy that we can mass-produce Comprehensive Bribes without resorting to Fate or Fidgeting Writer through Final Breaths.

Hope that you guys are enjoying the new content! I am having a lot of trouble with juggling the election, Parabola hunting / Fingerking-simping, Lab experiments and skeleton building at the moment so at least I am more involved than usual.[/quote]

You can get them through using final breaths option too.

Can anyone say what the Caricaturist option gives and share an echo? I’m deciding among various Fate election items and am particularly torn between this and the Gazebo for Bear-related shenanigans.

[quote=The Curious Watcher][quote=Winthropx]

Hope that you guys are enjoying the new content! I am having a lot of trouble with juggling the election, Parabola hunting / Fingerking-simping, Lab experiments and skeleton building at the moment so at least I am more involved than usual.[/quote]

I know how you’re feeling. I’ve already got a full lab and the new qualities at max (at least as far as I can max them out in london), but I still have to produce my first railway tracks and my ambition also isn’t finished.
So you’re not alone with that trouble. ;)

One bribe and a Venom-ruby. It’s quite good, but the who knows if the option will be permanent.

By the way, the Enthusiast of the Ancient World now sells these too. Quite appropriate actually, since he’s (very likely) a Presbyterian.

It’s incredibly nice to have another source of comprehensive bribes available. Creating and selling surveys for final breaths definitely beats scrolling up and down Unfinished Business in Veilgarden dozens of times. Should make things slightly easier for those who have yet to get started on railway content, too.

One bribe and a Venom-ruby. It’s quite good, but the who knows if the option will be permanent.[/quote]

Is there any central source for this information? Between the election, railway, laboratory, Parabola, and paleontology, Failbetter has far exceeded my ability to keep up. Heck, I can’t even remember now what impact picking the winning candidate has on one. Time to research. :)
edited by Snort on 7/15/2020

PSA: Free bonus board meeting! Go collect it now at Moloch Station, before your TtH hits.

Thank you FBG!

[edit] Also apparently Jericho Locks is blocked until the 27th (end of the Election).
edited by PSGarak on 7/15/2020

[quote=PSGarak]PSA: Free bonus board meeting! Go collect it now at Moloch Station, before your TtH hits.

Thank you FBG![/quote]

This turned up after the last meeting ended for me (last Friday), but then disappeared shortly after-- I thought there was a time limit to use it (which would have made in-game sense, actually, these are busy people). Nice to see it’s back! Of course, I’ve run out of actions halfway through the meeting, but that’s not such a problem.

You can get items that normally cost fate if you feed the track Union.

Has anyone trusted or swung at furnace when at the dig site yet?

I did as she asked, and am now deciding what to do with the site.

So Judging from what the frankly fantastic Diptych’s mantle says, doing as she asks gets her trust you more. Does this change if you take the other option?

Anyone knows what the gift &quototherwise obtainable only with Fate&quot is? It sounds tempting. But I’m science-inclined and the leviathan frame + finishing in one go sound good too.

I love Furnace. If you talk to me about your past, your goals and your fears I WILL love you. I mean, she was already PERFECT but now…

It seems that it affects Tracklayers’ Displeasure only.
But if you try to READ the stone Furnace blows it with a Hillmover?
(I’m reading the wiki here. I trusted Ancora)

Does anyone think we’ll get a second &quotWhat’s his face got everyone together early!&quot thing for the railroad come monday, or should I wait until monday for my next railroad meeting post time the healer (which for me is friday)?
edited by Jules Asimov on 7/16/2020

The “otherwise obtainable only with Fate” item is a Consignment of Scintillack Snuff. At least, that was the reward for feeding the Tracklayers well. I assume it’s true for both branches.

Actually, when you give them gunpowder, you get mutersalt instead.

Muttersalt? Wow, I think I need to prioritize Virginia’s spa now. I didn’t think we’d be able to get that until the Fruits of the Zee festival. I hope you can still search for bones after that, because a free Leviathan frame sounds absurdly good even at that cost.

Also, having done the work stoppage event, I think Furnace is hiding something under her helmet.

She’s very knowledgeable about the Correspondence and Discordance and she seems informed about Mr. Fires and his designs on the railway. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s heavily burnt or frozen by one of the alphabets or if she’s working with the Union to hide her identity from someone.

My working theory is that Furnace had a run-in with one of Hell’s law-furnaces, which legislated her a surplus of faces.