Railway is here!

[quote=The Lonely Hunter]
Also, having done the work stoppage event, I think Furnace is hiding something under her helmet.

She’s very knowledgeable about the Correspondence and Discordance and she seems informed about Mr. Fires and his designs on the railway. I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s heavily burnt or frozen by one of the alphabets or if she’s working with the Union to hide her identity from someone.
Notice the voice that sometimes comes from her (but isn’t hers).

She trails off when she jokes that the Union &quotcan’t do the gargoyles […] you’d most likely get a creature with three eyes by accident.&quot

And if you fail to persuade her to vote (as a board member), Virginia asks if &quotthere is anyone else inside Furnace’s helmet that would like a vote.&quot

edited by Chablink on 7/16/2020

There’s an option at Ealing Station to ask how she learned about the language if you did the discovery.

Okay, so Furnace will talk to you and explain things if you obey her. Will that option disappear if you read the stone?

From the wiki, it seems that the two options are mutually exclusive. Unless you mean the talk on the ride home; I presume that happens regardless of whether you’ve listened to Furnace or disobeyed? And the sole difference is in the Tracklayers’ Displeasure?
Does anyone have the echo of trying to read the stone?

And another thing - so far according to wiki, it seems that calling for dividends actually leads to net financial loss due to having to remove Corporate Debt afterwards. I presume this will change with further stations; or has anyone found any worth in the option so far?

From the wiki, it seems that the two options are mutually exclusive. Unless you mean the talk on the ride home; I presume that happens regardless of whether you’ve listened to Furnace or disobeyed? And the sole difference is in the Tracklayers’ Displeasure?
Does anyone have the echo of trying to read the stone?

Bishop Winthrop from above actually has the echo.
Now I wonder, whether Steward of Discordance will lock some further options?

And, apparently, whole Liberation is a sham. At least, humanity’s place in it.

[quote=The Lonely Hunter]Muttersalt? Wow, I think I need to prioritize Virginia’s spa now. I didn’t think we’d be able to get that until the Fruits of the Zee festival. I hope you can still search for bones after that, because a free Leviathan frame sounds absurdly good even at that cost.[/quote]I reckon they’re mutually exclusive rewards that you can only get when you build this particular stretch of track.

Nope, you need to build two stretches of tracks and can choose both options.

And another thing - so far according to wiki, it seems that calling for dividends actually leads to net financial loss due to having to remove Corporate Debt afterwards. I presume this will change with further stations; or has anyone found any worth in the option so far?[/quote]
The game instructions say that the payout scales up with the number of stations, and the luxuriousness of your train cars. I don’t believe the exact formula is known yet, but I would hope that it more-than-doubles.

There might be some opportunity to remove Corporate Debt more cheaply by repeatedly booting and re-admitting certain members to the board.

[quote=Chablink]Anyone knows what the gift &quototherwise obtainable only with Fate&quot is? It sounds tempting. But I’m science-inclined and the leviathan frame + finishing in one go sound good too.

I love Furnace. If you talk to me about your past, your goals and your fears I WILL love you. I mean, she was already PERFECT but now…

It seems that it affects Tracklayers’ Displeasure only.
But if you try to READ the stone Furnace blows it with a Hillmover?
(I’m reading the wiki here. I trusted Ancora)[/quote]

If I get both of the normally-fate-locked items rather than the Leviathan Frame, I’m saving myself 20 fate and a wait until August, right?

[quote=suinicide]Nope, you need to build two stretches of tracks and can choose both options.[/quote]Ah yes, it does say this

[quote=Fallen London]This option is costly, but will complete all of the track remaining as well as discovering a Leviathan Frame, a valuable skeleton torso.[/quote]But only on the dig option, so I suppose you can pick up one of the two gifts first and then finish with the bones. However, that does mean paying the cost for an extra stretch of track.

[quote=Televangelist]If I get both of the normally-fate-locked items rather than the Leviathan Frame, I’m saving myself 20 fate and a wait until August, right?[/quote]Seems so, though it of course means forfeiting the Leviathan Frame. But those can be gotten without fate.

It rather seems as though this was designed to give those of us without Mutersalt or Snuff access to them (since we’ve so far been locked out of snuff-smuggling and bribing workers with sausages), whereas the Leviathan Frame option is primarily for those who already have those items. It’s a good move.

Can anyone post description for “Steward of Discordance” quality?

[quote=Aro Saren]Can anyone post description for &quotSteward of Discordance&quot quality?[/quote][quote=Fallen London]Steward of the Discordance 1
An inkling, only, of how to protect against things that should not be known.[/quote]

[quote=Chablink][quote=The Lonely Hunter]
Also, having done the work stoppage event, I think Furnace is hiding something under her helmet.[i]

snipped spoilers[/i][/quote]
Notice the voice that sometimes comes from her (but isn’t hers).

She trails off when she jokes that the Union &quotcan’t do the gargoyles […] you’d most likely get a creature with three eyes by accident.&quot

snipped spoilers

edited by Chablink on 7/16/2020[/quote]

on the way back from the patch of frozen land

you can hear snoring coming from her helmet even though her eyes are open

Judging from her own tale and Secretary’s account she fused with two other workers as a fallout of her colleague activating a set of Discordance stones. And devils know exactly what’s up with her.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/16/2020

[quote=Aro Saren]Judging from her own tale and Secretary’s account she fused with two other workers as a fallout of her colleague activating a set of Discordance stones. And devils know exactly what’s up with her.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/16/2020[/quote]

One for each faction of the Tracklayers Union.

One for each faction of the Tracklayers Union.[/quote]

Huh, this actually makes sense.

On second reading: it’s her as a main host, Cornelius and that amateur archeologist mentioned. By exclusion, Cornelius was a Liberationist. Well, it makes sense for them to know Correspondence and Discordance.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/16/2020

[quote=Aro Saren][quote=Winthropx]
One for each faction of the Tracklayers Union.[/quote]

Huh, this actually makes sense.

Some points of factual disagreement:

When you have a Conversation with Furnace, Cornelius is explicitly identified as the the first Prehistoricist. I also think that Cornelius is the &quotamateur archeologist&quot mentioned, I don’t think there were two separate people. He was the one identified in other text as being able to read the Stones.

I’m still on board with the idea of Furnace’s voices corresponding to tracklayer factions. I’m very curious about the specifics. More secrets to be explored, no doubt.

Strange, I could swear it read “he went with an amateur acheologist” or something like that, but it doesn’t.
Ok, nevermind my previous comment then.

Of course. Why should being a Courier’s Footprint, consummate esoterist and fulminant linguist extraordinaire matter when you can so simply fail the one non-repeatable, 84% check I’ve actually been interested in passing for a long time?
And now my character doesn’t have a clue what the stone was, why should it be dangerous, what &quotDiscordance&quot is and how to defend against it at all. Only that the message was the most important bit of text I’ve ever seen.

Obviously, the only worthy way forward is to doggedly pursue every tiniest trace of similar stones in the future, until I am able to study them properly and assess the risk on my own. That can’t go wrong, can it.

Funny place to find oneself in, for a semi-Liberationist…

The game instructions say that the payout scales up with the number of stations, and the luxuriousness of your train cars. I don’t believe the exact formula is known yet, but I would hope that it more-than-doubles.

There might be some opportunity to remove Corporate Debt more cheaply by repeatedly booting and re-admitting certain members to the board.[/quote]

Yes, that’s what I was counting on as well. According to wiki, HAL even comments along these lines when you propose paying dividends. I just wanted to be sure that I’m not overlooking anything already available.

[quote=Aardvark]Of course. Why should being a Courier’s Footprint, consummate esoterist and fulminant linguist extraordinaire matter when you can so simply fail the one non-repeatable, 84% check I’ve actually been interested in passing for a long time?
And now my character doesn’t have a clue what the stone was, why should it be dangerous, what &quotDiscordance&quot is and how to defend against it at all. Only that the message was the most important bit of text I’ve ever seen.

Obviously, the only worthy way forward is to doggedly pursue every tiniest trace of similar stones in the future, until I am able to study them properly and assess the risk on my own. That can’t go wrong, can it.

Funny place to find oneself in, for a semi-Liberationist…


Since the resulting quality is measured in cp, it is reasonable to assume there’s more to find further on, and a possibility for grind too.
Also, you are smacked with a Hillmover before you understand anything from that stone anyway.

Outside information: Discordance is also known as Horizon Glyphs, an inversion of Correspondence, freezing your brains to absolute zero, usually used by Liberation-sided suns, like Halved, but, apparently, not only them. It’s also used in Red Science, since it deals with twisting the Law.
Ancient warfare traces including it have certain implications, but I think it’s too early to speak anything, since the authors cannot agree on setting (or just learn it fully upon entering the team) and casually rewrite it from time to time.