Railway is here!

I booted the commissioner, plotted through the bog, and gave myself a dividend all in one board meeting. I could have installed some benches but I was impatient to start getting stuck not being able to build more track.

But once you leave the meeting, you’re done for the week.

Apparently, Luxury sets Debt at double Luxury value, if not already equal or higher, after successful vote.
I suppose, Defenses do the same.
Meaning, you should upgrade both to 2 in one go now, and then you’ll be able to only do one per week.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/10/2020

I reduced my Corporate Debt and Tracklayers’ Displeasure both to zero before going into the meeting. I am not sure if the latter had any effect. You might want to have your Favors: Hell at 3 or 6 for bribes just in case for Virginia if she’s on the board, but, oddly for most votes, I had 100% chance of success, which I don’t understand. I chose to do the bog plans first, just in case, which seemed like the right choice because otherwise you could set yourself back by focusing on the luxury and security (but maybe I’m wrong.) I was able to get plans approved, add benches, add pads, and extra cars, plus guards. I was not able to upgrade weapons because once debt hits 6, you’re locked out.

Unless I am mistaken, you can lay one track, but get stopped by the tracklayers finding a &quotPreserved False-snake.&quot

The club card for Sophia’s text changes based on what you used in your watchtower. I used the boatman’s Lantern and it mentioned that.

[quote=Feldon Smithe]I reduced my Corporate Debt and Tracklayers’ Displeasure both to zero before going into the meeting. I am not sure if the latter had any effect. You might want to have your Favors: Hell at 3 or 6 for bribes just in case for Virginia if she’s on the board, but, oddly for most votes, I had 100% chance of success, which I don’t understand. I chose to do the bog plans first, just in case, which seemed like the right choice because otherwise you could set yourself back by focusing on the luxury and security (but maybe I’m wrong.) I was able to get plans approved, add benches, add pads, and extra cars, plus guards. I was not able to upgrade weapons because once debt hits 6, you’re locked out.

Unless I am mistaken, you can lay one track, but get stopped by the tracklayers finding a &quotPreserved False-snake.&quot[/quote]

Tracklayers do not count during the vote (though I do not have Furnace on board), though displeasure still rises when you lay the plans for the Bog.
100% success means your current directors do not oppose your decisions, at least not much, and thus are easily convinced.

After one set of tracks workers hit a &quotPatch of frozen Neath&quot, like with anomalous block, and you need to vote on this thing again, next time.
At least, you have something to amuse yourself with in your lab during the waiting.

RNG have mercy, why is this Complete Account of Frogs, Toads and other Croaking Beasts taking so long?! It’s lasting longer than some Red Science experiments! SO glad I bumped Monstrous Anatomy all the way up to 10 and hatched both the special iguanas during Whitsun, but if anyone took the easy route I just hope the ultimate secrets of amphibiankind are worth the effort. This had better be, I don’t know, the Anti-Life Equation of frogs.

10 points of amphibian research for a Rubbery Dragon; 15 for a Partisan Messenger Tortoise. Slow going, to be sure, but charming company.

I got impatient and just paid my way past more actions. I appear to have…a book that confuses other Londoners (It’s echoed on my mantelpiece)? Well. Normally I’d be disappointed but I certainly didn’t foresee an early railway obstacle developing into a methodology for duplicating bones from living animals born of the Shapeling Arts and Red Science so I’m kind of bracing myself for this book somehow being the gateway to terrifying eldritch knowledge. About amphibians.

Do you all think that we’ll get our Shapeling Arts max increases associated with the work stoppage or with the False Snake? I’m breeding a Hound of Heaven before I investigate the snake, so I don’t know how Amalgamous this research will end up being.

The Big Research Frog Book is similar to the Big Research Bird Book–it unlocks the ability to make a new Skeleton type. In particular, Reptile and Amphibian, which have Legs for all their limbs (Reptile has a Tail and Amphibian does not).

There’s a Shapeling Arts check before starting the research, and some Whitsun-locked options to raise Shapeling Arts during the book research only, but I still haven’t found the cap increase.

Alright, thank you for the info. I guess that none of us knows how progress on the work stoppage is going to go, what it will unlock and what we’re going to find in Jericho Locks.

As for Reptiles and Amphibians…


I’m hoping against hope that we’ll get an option at the Bone Market to sell to a Youthful Amphibian Enthusiast. I haven’t played The Garden Embassy, but it seems like the Investment Minded Ambassador might be a major player in that ES. It’s not entirely out of the question that our skeletons might pique the interest of Johnny Croak.[/spoiler]

Speaking of frog related research. Anyone has result for ocular toadbeast echoed in their journal? I have sold mine a while ago for being a useless deck clogger and don’t want making another one.
edited by Lucius Vera on 7/11/2020

Here’s the success for the ocular toadbeast. It’s not long but it’s interesting. I’m not sure I encountered the failure, if I do I can’t pick it out of my journal. Result was 25 amphibian research.


Did anybody do the Ealing station option with the boatmans lantern and cares to show the echo (or atleast tell me if it uses up the latnern? should i use the firebird instead?)

Did anybody do the Ealing station option with the boatmans lantern and cares to show the echo (or atleast tell me if it uses up the latnern? should i use the firebird instead?)

I shared it on the first page of the Ealing Garden topic thread. It does not use up the lantern.

Just a heads up about Hinterland Scrip in case people missed it - Nightsoil sells 1 for 1 at Ealing for Hinterland Scrip, so farming it from the Bonemarket is equally useful and the side-rewards from the BoneBuyers tend to be better

HOWEVER - the Mushroom Vendor card turns 10 Nightsoil into 15 Peppercaps (which also sell for 1 Hinterland Scrip each), meaning that if you want Hinterland Scrip, you gain 2.5 EPA from this card in scrip. This is very good.
edited by Toran on 7/12/2020

That’s a good note on the Mushroom Vendor. I’ll need to remember that the next time I’m in the area.

I also went to Ealing yesterday, and the 10 Soul exchange on the Engage in Some Minor Smuggling card has been nerfed. You can now trade in 10 Souls for 1 Preserved Surface Bloom, although I think the Shadowy check is easier than what the other options offer. This was probably inevitable, trading 10 Souls for 3 Surface Blooms was an absolutely absurd rate.

Looks like you can use your Railway to endorse a candidate.

They added a new source of comprehensive bribes in the Viric Jungle.