Railway is here!

I was initially annoyed by the time-gate, but I kind of appreciate it now. I’m not in a mad rush to do all the new content TO THE MAX and can take my time to explore the new secondary options that opened up (like the hilarity that the Device lets you do in the Bone Market). It’s a departure from how FL usually works and it’s taking some control away from the player, but I can see the design decision and I think it works. Plus once we get stations built out, and the default issue to vote on is &quotdividends,&quot then gating on Time the Healer will feel more natural and routine, like the Nadir.

(Honestly it also gives me an appreciation for why infrastructure projects are often so delayed and overbudget. The frustration of &quotit’s just a stupid hole, the solution is obvious, why do we even need to vote and why won’t you people see reason&quot is a good match of mechanics to text.)

The experiments with time-limited pacing are a new thing that we’ve now seen with several Ambitions, Whitsun, and now the Railway. I think I like the Railway best because my daily cadence for playing varies considerably but my weekly cadence is steady. But it depends on the content being ungated each week actually being a week’s worth of content. So far this seems plausible but we’ll see. It’s also a little unfair that some players get to experience the new content at different times based on their timing of Time the Healer.

Of course, I also wasn’t bitten by losing a week to an unfortunate edge case. I think it would be worth it to install some rails to not let you end the board meeting until after a Big Decision, and possibly separating the composition and voting aspect into separate phases.

As far as min-maxing the board: Maybe there will be advantages later, there’s some implication of that. Right now I think I just want the smallest possible (which is 4?), but within that constraint, minimizing the number of actions to get everyone on board. So for one, board members ideally persuaded by the same thing (e.g. Obfuscation, or Bribery). For another, having board members who don’t oppose what you’re about to do (e.g. Jenny would presumably not be OK with dynamiting an orphanage).

Thanks! I will have one of my characters scoot over there soon.
P.S. Wonder why there of all places. Maybe it’s one of the shoppers there? I hope not. Managing the requirements for the card draws is busywork that I don’t like.

Ey… The wiki has been updated, and I am seeing most of the options are performed at the lab and its Parabolan reflection. Are you are sure that the Bone Market has any options like that, Optimatum?

UPDATE: Eh, never mind, I found those. That stall better has good blinds or curtains; I doubt on-lookers would like to see someone doing impossible things with skulls.
edited by Rostygold on 6/26/2020

Thanks! I will have one of my characters scoot over there soon.
P.S. Wonder why there of all places. Maybe it’s one of the shoppers there? I hope not. Managing the requirements for the card draws is busywork that I don’t like.

Ey… The wiki has been updated, and I am seeing most of the options are performed at the lab and its Parabolan reflection. Are you are sure that the Bone Market has any options like that, Optimatum?

UPDATE: Eh, never mind, I found those. That stall better has good blinds or curtains; I doubt on-lookers would like to see someone doing impossible things with skulls.[/quote]
To be fair, the skulls you’re doing them to were pretty impossible to begin with.

Also no guarantee the wiki is complete at this point. I’m the one who added the Skull options, and I only have a Device, not the other thing.

The other enlarges a human ribcage into giant sizes, so your character can make an even more convincing forgery about giant humans. (That’s another one of Failbetter’s reference to the palaeontology scams of the late 19th century.)

&quot~Weird science! Ooh!~&quot
edited by Rostygold on 6/26/2020

Also, I am hoping that the Monster-Hunter gets more options at Ealing. Having done a lot of Parabolan hunts, I don’t find the Monster Hunter’s advantage to be worthwhile because it still depends on a Narrow Diff RNG roll.

To elaborate about more options at Ealing, the Monster-Hunter should have a lot of beast corpses - like the Licentiate has a lot of human ones. I expect at least one option to get whatever ‘standard-issue’ meat product that would be introduced in Ealing, for free.
edited by Rostygold on 6/26/2020

By the way, there is the matter about a possible coding issue in the track-laying options. This is the screenshot for the option to lay the tracks while feeding the workers fed.

I have raised a feedback ticket about this through Failbetter Support, but by then all my characters have already gone past the first track-laying.

After it has been fixed, I would like to ask someone to give a screenshot of this. (Screenshot, thank you very much. The Echo links are a pain in the ass to navigate if the person gave the wrong link.)

I have a predilection for reading about fictional characters stuffing their faces full with food.
edited by Rostygold on 6/26/2020

On a matter of time gates: The Nadir predates them all. So, the decision is fine. Nothing really new implemented here.

It’s one of the things I adore about FL and FailBetter – they’re so bally erudite!


The other enlarges a human ribcage into giant sizes, so your character can make an even more convincing forgery about giant humans. (That’s another one of Failbetter’s reference to the palaeontology scams of the late 19th century.)

&quot~Weird science! Ooh!~&quot
edited by Rostygold on 6/26/2020[/quote]

[quote=Rostygold]By the way, there is the matter about a possible coding issue in the track-laying options. This is the screenshot for the option to lay the tracks while feeding the workers fed.
I have raised a feedback ticket about this through Failbetter Support, but by then all my characters have already gone past the first track-laying.

After it has been fixed, I would like to ask someone to give a screenshot of this. (Screenshot, thank you very much. The Echo links are a pain in the ass to navigate if the person gave the wrong link.)

I have a predilection for reading about fictional characters stuffing their faces full with food.
edited by Rostygold on 6/26/2020[/quote]

Do we know if this is also affects the Liberation-related option?

Also, I have both the Device and the Betrayer of Measures, and I didn’t see any options other than the Lab project for resizing the Human Ribcage and the two options for duplicating skulls which are already on wiki. I hope we see some sort of bone duplication options at Ealing Station or somewhere else, as I am really quite averse to severing my own skull just to use this nifty toy.

Has anyone already seen the options for solving the first work stoppage? I wonder if failing the Red Science-based one will preclude further attempts or just penalize you with menaces/action loss.

Nope - but it does increase the Emancipationist movement among the Union. Keep in mind that Furnace has already implied that the Liberationists are the ones that would blow crap up rather than worry about keeping food on the table.

From the fluff text, both devices need a lot of effort on the part of the user - especially how much the user understands what is being duplicated or modified. Human heads only for now (the St. John’s head may have grown out of a plant - but apparently it is still sort of a human head).

As of now, no. Progress is tied to Time, The Healer.

[quote=Rostygold]By the way, there is the matter about a possible coding issue in the track-laying options. This is the screenshot for the option to lay the tracks while feeding the workers fed.

I have raised a feedback ticket about this through Failbetter Support, but by then all my characters have already gone past the first track-laying.

After it has been fixed, I would like to ask someone to give a screenshot of this. (Screenshot, thank you very much. The Echo links are a pain in the ass to navigate if the person gave the wrong link.)

I have a predilection for reading about fictional characters stuffing their faces full with food.
edited by Rostygold on 6/26/2020[/quote]

I…I thought I was the only one. Reading about people eating makes me hungry for some reason. Alas I have no screenshots, myself.

On the subject of the REALLY LONG research projects for increasing Artisan of the Red Science: Grinding Enigmas from the Flit or normal lab work, which is the better action economy?

Just brute forced my way into being a Shattering Force.

Which card art am I on the lookout for?

How would I describe a pear? It’s like sweet, sugary sand.

Reference to a (cheesy) movie aside, if anyone of you are wondering whether the lab experiment to identify an Unidentified Thigh Bone has been updated to finally use that awkward &quotStage&quot quality, then no. It has not been updated.

Has anyone already seen the options for solving the first work stoppage? I wonder if failing the Red Science-based one will preclude further attempts or just penalize you with menaces/action loss.[/quote]
Time the Healer hit five minutes ago. I did not encounter the failure option, so I can’t answer your question. I’m adding success info to the Wiki now… even redacting the text, the mechanics raise an eyebrow.

[quote=Deathjack999]Just brute forced my way into being a Shattering Force.

Which card art am I on the lookout for?[/quote]

It’s like a larger version of the Railway Steel art (can’t remember if it is the exact same piece of art, but it is very similar). That’s to say three lengths of roughly I-shaped steel rail.

After five cancelled board meetings, I finally got the failure and can confirm it has no consequences.

Oh man… Just did a crapload of wiki updates.

New experiment to grind up Artisan of the Red Science by the way. It’s the kind that lets you nom down on Searing Enigmas and Incunabuli.

Also, clone the Vake Head. You are now decoration, Mr. Veils.

Also, use your head (had been there since Railway update). Literally. Repeatedly. Grind that Science.
&quot~Why don’t people understand
My intentions~&quot
edited by Rostygold on 6/29/2020

Oh by the way, if you haven’t noticed already, the gentleman who buys Jurassic Femurs have wisened up. He offers you a lot less Bessemer Steel now.

I certainly hope that only applies to the femurs, and not to whole skeleton sales. IMHO, he offered little enough as it is.

AFAIK it was rebalanced - he started paying less for femurs because he started to buy whole skeletons.

Do we need Comprehensive bribes for each stretch of tracks (e. g. 3 to get to Ealing)?