Railway is here!

Except card refills are trivially available now, so hardly.

Ha! Ha! Same thing happened to me! Attempt to draw the card for almost an entire day and not a bleedin’ sausage. This morning it finally shows up and I &quotperhaps not&quot out of the card in the hope of rustling up a couple of society favours and all of a sudden it’s Goodnight Irene as the card has out of nowhere done a runner.

I shall be writing to Trading Standards and my Member of Parliament. :)

Ha! Ha! Same thing happened to me! Attempt to draw the card for almost an entire day and not a bleedin’ sausage. This morning it finally shows up and I &quotperhaps not&quot out of the card in the hope of rustling up a couple of society favours and all of a sudden it’s Goodnight Irene as the card has out of nowhere done a runner.

I shall be writing to Trading Standards and my Member of Parliament. :)[/quote]

At least you do not yet have to wrestle with a recalcitrant Board of Directors and a surly bunch of railway workers. :)

At least you do not yet have to wrestle with a recalcitrant Board of Directors and a surly bunch of railway workers. :)[/quote]

Not to mention vicissitudes of Red Science, Time the Healer and spatiotemporal continuum in general…

The Pot of Venison Marrow is not available yet, is it? The butchery update isn’t there yet.

From the announcement post:

I guess it’s technically in the game, but I don’t think it’s possible to access it for a few more weeks.
edited by PSGarak on 6/25/2020

Ha! Ha! Same thing happened to me! Attempt to draw the card for almost an entire day and not a bleedin’ sausage. This morning it finally shows up and I &quotperhaps not&quot out of the card in the hope of rustling up a couple of society favours and all of a sudden it’s Goodnight Irene as the card has out of nowhere done a runner.

I shall be writing to Trading Standards and my Member of Parliament. :)[/quote]

It turned up again late yesterday, and I nearly clicked on it, but managed to stop myself in time. So for now it’s just occupying one of the five slots until I can scrounge up enough scrip or favors (I’d prefer scrip, just because the option it’s for is more in character, but I’m not really picky ) to actually get going.

At least you do not yet have to wrestle with a recalcitrant Board of Directors and a surly bunch of railway workers. :)[/quote]

Not to mention vicissitudes of Red Science, Time the Healer and spatiotemporal continuum in general…[/quote]

Oh, no! I’m not even close to those problems yet. :)

Time to cross fingers and hope to screw up on those bone-identifying and -finding tests then. :|

Glad I didn’t sell the bones to the bloke on the least impressive card in the Bone Market.
P.S. Venison marrow paste/broth should be made with fresh bones in real life, by the way.
edited by Rostygold on 6/25/2020

“”“I might quibble with a few lines, but I can accept this if it is in line with the news of the rest”"

I think this is a typo and they meant “views”?

Also, if anyone knows where there is a way to grind up Artisan of Red Science after raising its maximum, please mention it here.
P.S. Yes, I am aware of April.
edited by Rostygold on 6/25/2020

From screenshots I’ve seen, the new Artisan options in the Bone Market increase it.

Thanks! I will have one of my characters scoot over there soon.
P.S. Wonder why there of all places. Maybe it’s one of the shoppers there? I hope not. Managing the requirements for the card draws is busywork that I don’t like.
edited by Rostygold on 6/25/2020

Is anyone else frustrated that you can only convene the board of directors once a week. I kicked off Virginia and then went to hire another director and then found I had to wait until Time, the Healer, until I could begin the first stage on construction.

Apparently you can boot board members after voting on another issue, but the delay is mildly annoying.

Mildly annoying is putting it mildly. I know the very core of the game has a timegate in the form of the candles, but one week between major decisions seems very unnecessary. FailBetter has never seemed to mind before the rate at which players consume content.

This is fairly new, yes, and the only thing I can think to compare it to is Marsh-Mired In Dreams of Sustenance, which is supposed to be infuriating.

So it turns out the option to overcap your Persuasive through the Unsigned Message has been locked off with the introduction of the Railway.

Has anyone noticed any advantage to stocking the Board full with the various members? Or do you figure they are more to be viewed as an inconvenience, in that you’ll have to use an action to persuade every single one on every single vote? Because so far we seem to be incentivised to thin the Board as much as possible, while you’d think having like-minded members on there should actually help.

Maybe the composition and number of Board Members will play other roles down the line? Hope so, as I’m quite fond of many possible members. Contrarian, HAL, both Bishops and others - it’s like Dilmun’s Club joins the Calendar Council on a trip to Hell :)


Has anyone noticed any advantage to stocking the Board full with the various members? Or do you figure they are more to be viewed as an inconvenience, in that you’ll have to use an action to persuade every single one on every single vote? Because so far we seem to be incentivised to thin the Board as much as possible, while you’d think having like-minded members on there should actually help.

Maybe the composition and number of Board Members will play other roles down the line? Hope so, as I’m quite fond of many possible members. Contrarian, HAL, both Bishops and others - it’s like Dilmun’s Club joins the Calendar Council on a trip to Hell :)[/quote]

I don’t know, but if you hire Furnace as a Board Director and convince her to agree with you, you can then use a Queen Mate from the Chessboard to convince everyone at once. I also recruited everyone that I possibly could just to see what could happen.