Railway is here!

Regardless of EPA, I like this option better than messing with skeletons for bessemer steel. Final breaths are easy to get, and favours are abundant.

Is Clay Highwayman capped at any particular value?

I’m at 10 right now and can still increase it.

It is a terrible option for steel and I am enraged.

Enraged-ish. It’s SO much faster to just flip cards to make Docks favors for Justificande Coins and buy Bessemer Steel with creepy bones.

I’m not sure what Aro is doing that makes Final Breaths widely available, but the only source I can see is also Bone Market.

Sell Surveys there. They’re easy to get.

Now we have additional opportunities with Furnace’s case. Can anyone try and tell, whether they’re mutually exclusive, or I can both track Cornelius and subvert Fires’ mole?

Yes, you can.

And I like this option: put your mole in charge instead of Fires’, this way you can either keep control over Union or give it back to Furnace when you rescue her.
That’s actually very reasonable, now you have a choice. Authors made their saving throw this time, good.
edited by Aro Saren on 10/19/2020

Well that meeting with Cornelius went reasonably well. After seeing what the Discordance did to him, I now understand when Furnace lobs a hand-grenade at anyone who tries to read it. I’m also getting Poor Edwards vibes from the guy, which is not something I wish to revisit.

So what do you guys think: Pawn or Cornelius?
The one requires an expensive item from the parabola. The other is the culmination of a storyline that has been building for a while.
Which do you think will end better? And no, keeping the guy as Mr. Fires pawn is not an option.

I turned the pawn and have Cornelius on my said. I have it set up that the moment we get Furnace back, she’ll take back control no matter who I appoint in her stead.
edited by Winthropx on 10/20/2020

Subvert the pawn, then talk with Cornelius. Now you’re in charge, and you can decide what to do when all parties are present. While I’m not against reinstating Furnace, I suspect she may have some skeletons in the closet too, which must also be dragged into light before decision proper.

Yes, for some reason she always seemed a little double-faced to me.

Anyway, now with August, September, January and July/April, it is now basically possible for the Railroad to be virtually Calendar council exclusive. And as much as it pains me to finally lay off two of my best friends (HAL and Southwark), this opportunity is too good for the Thirteenth Month to pass up. After that, the choice of Cornelius is pretty much a given.

Once again we’re given an opportunity to summon the board ahead of time. Anyone gotten to Station proper yet?

I’m at Station VIII. Soup is served!

A few observations.

My Persuasive cap is, in fact, now 218.

I do not have enough tentacles.

There seems to be quite a lot of content to unlock, and exploring said content will take a while.

[spoiler]After taking a tour of the factory, you can break into it. One option (the middle one on Airs 50+) lets you unlock a lab. I can’t do anything in the lab yet, presumably I need to do more petty crime first, to unlock other things.

I built a restaurant! I need to serve three more meals before I can level up by restaurant, but I don’t think I have enough tentacles.

The lab and restaurant look to be the “meat” of the content. Both have a lot.

There’s a new card that lets you turn in a high-value Surface-oriented Cover Identity for a Rumormonger’s Network, among other things. The other things are probably gated on Station VIII lab content? No other cards seen yet, although I have been promised one based on the restaurant.[/spoiler]

Oh, one last thing. The next station is Burrow-Infra-Mump, locked until “After Hallowmas.”

Does anyone know July’s board preferences? Or is she like the Jovial Contrarian in having a consistent base difficulty reduced by something else, rather than just being &quotagainst x&quot?

I think that she works like a “normal” board member, but with a higher base difficulty and milder responses to Board Against X. But that’s based on just 3 votes so far. She’s definitely affected by Obfuscation, for whatever that’s worth to you (it’s worth a lot to me).

I’ve not seen much in the way of custom text from her, which will get her booted from my board more than any opposition will.

I heard something about a new board member from Hallowmas? Who is that?

It’s the Rubbery Yes Man. It says in his description.