Railway is here!

Seems I was lucky, then. I’ll be looking out for the Morelways!

This is really a great addition IMO. It really makes the weekly board meeting worthwhile and adds to the nice industrial flavor of the Railway. As an added benefit, now you have an incentive to actually gather the board each week and so won’t miss when the next stage of the track is made available. (I know there will be an announcement, but still, it’s nice.)

Ah, sorry, broken giant, not morelways. I misremembered

Huh. I may just have to convene my first board meeting in weeks now.

Without getting into too many details, the Commissioner is very displeased about a decision that I was just now able to make.

See y’all on the other side! (of what?)

Viscountess is now a potential Board Member. Where would she sit during the Board Meeting? Someone’s lap?

Discussion go there?

Ok, obligatory question: what are the consequences for both choices? Is it again boring vs. funny?

One has you learning about giant rock-melting worms (likely the bigger cousins of the kind-of dead one you found), the other has you setting up mirrors through Parabola while laying dream-tracks and suppressing any dream-protests by the dream-natives to dream-develop their dreamlands.

Afterwards, it’s just boring hill-boring, together with the grinding for 'splosives of the powdery and eggy kinds.

Did you run into any dream-protests? Because I definitely didn’t. Maybe that’s because I passed all the checks at a first go.
I kind of regret not meeting the cool worms, but as a Glassman and a professional dreamster, the opportunity to perform any number of oneiric shenanigans with the Railway and its passengers somewhere down the line was irresistible.

“Dream-protests” as in the native dream-foliage tried to choke the train-tracks’ path. Your character and his/her/their/its goons go through them with dream-blades and dream-weed-whacker.

It’s just text though. No work stoppages this time.

Having Jenny vote with you reduces her Credit with the Headmistress now. I’m not sure if it’s just anti-labor or anti-unfortunate or just every time she bites with you.

Just put a large cardboard box on a chair – she’ll be happy.

Bites with you? What on earth were you doing in that boardroom?

In any case, can report that voting for a dividend reduces your Credit with the Headmistress. My Charter is Scientific Knowledge if that makes any difference.

Plans for Balmoral reduced Credit With the Headmistress also - looks like every time she votes with you. Negligible if you’ve done much schooling, but still not a silver bullet board member (in theory).

Every new station has increased the Persuasive cap by 3. With Balmoral, the cap is now 215, making Persuasive the only stat that can be raised back to the old cap.

Do we think that Station VIII will raise the cap up to 218? I’m inclined to think yes, but I don’t have a solid reason for it other than a recent trend of power creep.

And now we can exchange cover indentities for railway steel directly. Anyone tried it, how much does it give?

Since you can plan the next stretch: https://community.failbettergames.com/topic28155-station-viii.aspx
Discussion go there.

Oh god. The stoppage for this one is Cornelius getting some clay men to kidnap Furnace.

Any ideas about “Involve the Clay Highwayman’s gang in industrial steel robbery” EpA?

It gives 17 steel at the end. I don’t think its an especially great option.