Railway is here!


New station - new thread.

And now we can only juggle directors and upgrade trains for a while. Well, fine.

“Later 2020”… well, that’s pretty vague, to say the least.

I guess we can pretty safely assume there won’t be new developments for the next meeting, or indeed several. Hopefully we’ll receive a more precise time marker once we get closer to the release.

Finally got a Station at Ealing.

Is it necessary to raise the Storylet Qualities that Improve your Trains to 5 before making a start on Jericho Locks?

No, raising your luxuries/baggage/defenses is independent of building new stations.

You know, after coming this far with Railway I nearly forgot the only other, much more abandoned and forlorn thing on Moloch Stick: The Honey-Addled Detective. That man has been sitting his office listlessly, mulling over the same minor case about a starving artist nobody cares about for years on end while I’m out there building diving bells and learning the Bazaar’s dread debts. Imagine how he must feel, his client of many years ago going up in the world owning his own railway while the man just sits there toying with a case nobody cares to touch. He’s probably so honey-addled at this point that he’s basically a joyride for bored Fingerkings, only remaining functional because even to them he’s a useless, unfun sack of bones quickly abandoned for more interesting storylets in Parabola or elsewhere in the Neath. What a sad ending for Definitely Not Sherlock Holmes, becoming a forgotten side character.

Yeah, he’s just there as a vague reference to Sherlock Holmes.

That said, it would be wise for Failbetter to steer clear of developing this character any further - and especially no Fate stories about him. The Arthur Conan Doyle estate has been rather litigious in recent years.

P.S. Yes, for those of you who remember, I do remember having written the opening for the “Suggestion: The Constable Renown Items” thread. That was before I learnd to be mindful about there being estates for famous writers like Arthur Conan Doyle. Heck, do you know that there’s one for the Bard too?

Hey does anyone have echos of the various “Demand Answers from Furnace” responses? I want to see what she says before I answer.

It is already on the wiki, together with summaries. Let’s just say that she has a multi-faceted personality.

Finally did the “Make a lot of Tracks.” option…end result is 15 Railway Steel.

I’m not sure why (Maybe it was the ABSURD AMOUNT OF BESSEMER INGOTS THAT YOU NEEDED!) but I was expecting there to be at least enough Steel to lay two pieces of track.

It takes three times the actions, three times the coins, a little less than four times the steel, and in turn gives you a little less than four times the payout.

I’m not sure what exactly you were expecting, but it probably wasn’t very much in line with the inputs.

Making tracks is the most anger-inducing experience this game has ever given me because of how cost inefficient it is, because how nobody else on your board apparently has the capacity to get these damn tracks, because nobody will EXPLAIN why you can only use this specific eldritch formula for railway tracks, because logically the old railway company would NOT have had the expertise in Parabola to grind Justificandes by having some poor bastard sacrifice himself over and over again, and because the only other alternative is robbing Mr. Iron proving the Bazaar itself COULD give you all the steel you could ever need if it felt like supporting the thing it felt invested in enough to send a representative to oversee.

I am angry. Angry about railway tracks.

I could probably work myself into a track-induced berserker rage if I really tried.

There is a third way to get the steel now by the way, you can get it in exchange for surface blooms from upper river smuggling.

Also, you grind your justificandes from the chessboard? I’ve mostly done a few heists and then sold some corrective narratives to the revs up-river. Not sure what is actually the bet way but these seemed more convenient to me.

[quote=Tsar Koschei]There is a third way to get the steel now by the way, you can get it in exchange for surface blooms from upper river smuggling.

Also, you grind your justificandes from the chessboard? I’ve mostly done a few heists and then sold some corrective narratives to the revs up-river. Not sure what is actually the bet way but these seemed more convenient to me.[/quote]

Kind of hard to get Coins From the Upper River when you only have a station at Ealing Gardens

How you figure? The which meeting card still appears there. Granted, you only get the rumor going one way if you do card refreshes, but even so.

Replying here because for some reason replying with quote gives me a too much text error: That explains it, I’ve kept banditry nonexistent because it’s MY railway and the criminals should go get their own so I never saw that option.

I’ve long built past Jericho Locks but missed that other option, though. Anyway I spend a lot of time in Parabola chasing the same bear over and over again because I’m trying to grind Defender of the Public Safety so I can get up a second statue of myself. And well, might as well not waste my action economy on another trip past the glass while I’m there

Esteemed gentlebeings, it seems that collecting dividends has been improved for some reason. Right now, I collected a Magnificent Diamond and a Consignment of Scintillack Snuff on top of the predicted 3050 Moon-Pearls. Don’t know if this is the standard succes now or an alternative/rare succes,but I got it twice in a row. Perhaps this is connected with some railway qualities; I have everything maxed out.

At any rate, this is really quite worthwhile now, particularly if you keep your board thin and collect the dividends twice before removing corporate debt by taking on and later removing the Tentacled Entrepreneur.

On the one hand, I’m happy they buffed it! On the other hand, I collected my dividends two hours ago and I’m a little annoyed I missed the change by minutes. But I’ve been sitting on that board meeting for 6.9 days.

I’ll be able to do it again in about half an hour, so I’ll keep my eyes peeled. I’m guessing that text will allude to new pay-outs if they are dependent on qualities.

UPDATE: Two dividends, each gave 2xMagnificent Diamond. No changes in text. My trains are also fully maxed. Based on nothing at all, I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess it’s dependent on Charter? Mine is infernal.

[quote=PSGarak]On the one hand, I’m happy they buffed it! On the other hand, I collected my dividends two hours ago and I’m a little annoyed I missed the change by minutes. But I’ve been sitting on that board meeting for 6.9 days.

I’ll be able to do it again in about half an hour, so I’ll keep my eyes peeled. I’m guessing that text will allude to new pay-outs if they are dependent on qualities.

UPDATE: Two dividends, each gave 2xMagnificent Diamond. No changes in text. My trains are also fully maxed. Based on nothing at all, I’m going to take a wild stab in the dark and guess it’s dependent on Charter? Mine is infernal.[/quote]

I got the same reward, but my charter is for worker ownership.

From the discord, Magnificent diamonds were added to the payout. Snuff is a rare success. And non-worker owned railways can get morelways as well.