Railway is here!

That’s the one! Thanks!

Glad I could help!

It seems that opening of Magistracy of Evenlode Station has been postponed. The lock icon now says “Late August”, as opposed to the “second week”.

Has any official word been heard over Discord or anywhere else?

While I’m anxious to see what new endeavours the Railway is going to bring, I suppose this is nice for the people who started later and need to catch up with the Railway content. At any rate, it’ll give me chance to play some of the Exceptional Stories that have been accumulating for me due to the hectic pace of this year, and to stock up on Railway-related materials.

There is post on Reddit (https://www.reddit.com/r/fallenlondon/comments/i8ubgp/magistracy_of_the_evenlode_time_unlock/), that have comment with supposedly Olivia’s words

Update: yeah, looks like Discord have a search feature. Who would know. Anyway, I was able to find this quote, so it should be accurate. And some more comments on dreams update, but this is most interesting thing. And - yeah, people from IT know too well all horrors of &quotlet’s update on a Friday&quot concept.
edited by Alpha900i on 8/14/2020

Oh, man, excellent point. Release the new content on a Monday. Save weekends for things you don’t want feedback on, like stealing gold Napoleons from a London bank. (Also I have no doubt Olivia’s content will be completely excellent, as it always is.)

The date quality for the action to build the station at the Magistracy of the Evenlode has been updated to &quotLate August&quot.
Oh someone else has already mentioned that here.
edited by Rostygold on 8/14/2020

So, speculation time: does later in August mean next week, the week after, or the 30 or 31st?
edited by Jules Asimov on 8/14/2020

Late August refers to the Jovial Contrarian’s more recent writing.

[quote=Jules Asimov]So, speculation time: does later in August mean next week, the week after, or the 30 or 31st?
edited by Jules Asimov on 8/14/2020[/quote]

Everything from August 15 to the end of September.

Still beats years without any content.
edited by Aro Saren on 8/14/2020

Oh yes, heavily.

I suppose we should prepare for a period of more relaxed progress with the railway, as we’re about to reach the limit of the openly announced content. But with three stations, personally I’ll be fine if FBG sets a boundary for a couple of months, or a period of more long-term grinding. Perhaps we’ll hear what their vision for future Railway content is once the first batch of stations is implemented…

Hopefully, though, the dividends become at least borderline profitable with the introduction of Evenlode, so we have something to do with the weekly Board Meetings.
Edit: corrected the third station’s name.
edited by Aardvark on 8/14/2020

Evenlode, you mean.

But yes, I’m very interested to see what the payout will be from three stations and fully upgraded trains. You would think that the degree of one’s GHR propaganda push and baggage level would also influence profits, but AFAIK that’s not currently the case.

While I suppose they can’t make it game-breakingly good, one would expect a non-trivial profit relative to the amount of debt accrued, what with all the investments involved.

Well, at least I can use the time to build up my trains.

We already have pretty big weekly payments from profession, nadir, ambition, bone market. I dont believe that we will see any serious sums from dividents, 50 echo per week tops.
edited by Waterpls on 8/14/2020

[quote=Waterpls]We already have pretty big weekly payments from profession, nadir, ambition, bone market. I dont believe that we will see any serious sums from dividents, 50 echo per week tops.
edited by Waterpls on 8/14/2020[/quote]

Nadir eats your stats, bone zone is a whole WHOLE lot of work and I need charts and resources to figure it out and get anything decent out of it and really I don’t see how it’s a “weekly payment”, and ambition really doesn’t give much, especially compared to how much it cost. It’d be nice if pouring all these resources into something would actually pay out well.

Bone Market Exhaustion is reduced weekly and its main limit for how many high EpA deals you can make.

Stat reduction is not a problem with new stat caps.

We already have our pay out. New optimized grinds with 3.5-4.5 EpA. And even if you don’t care about optimization, most actions in railway stations are 2.2-2.5 EpA, which is higher than optimized grinds (orphan trade and silken thread expeditions) from the times before 10th anniversary.
edited by Waterpls on 8/14/2020

[quote=Waterpls]We already have pretty big weekly payments from profession, nadir, ambition, bone market. I dont believe that we will see any serious sums from dividents, 50 echo per week tops.
edited by Waterpls on 8/14/2020[/quote]

Well, the trouble with Dividends right now is that even if you have the smallest possible Board, it still costs 6 actions for one payment of dividends - and that’s not counting debt removal. As paying dividends gives 4, not 3 CP of debt, you always need two rounds of debt removal. That means removing the debt costs 25 - 30 echoes + additional two actions, basically a nonexistent payout.

Now, if you remove the debt by repeatably adding the Tentacled Entrepreneur or the Gracious Widow to the board, things get slightly more interesting - these two actually remove enough debt to cover two rounds of Dividends (4 + 8 CP debt). With Jericho and maxed Train Luxury, weekly round of two Dividends preceded by removal of TE/GW and followed by their addition would give 2×28 Echo in Moon Pearles + 5 E in Hinterland Scrips from hiring the Board member; this total of 61 E costs 19 actions (if adding a Board member actually costs an action; I can’t remember and can’t check atm.) Result would be 3,21 EPA (or 3,39 EPA) - good, but in fact less good than using the Bone Market, even if you sell only for nonmultiplicative rewards and don’t use exhaustion. And unlike the Bone Market the Dividends carousel is limited to 19 actions each week. So it’s not too far fetched to hope for more worthwhile return on this investment and all the hoops you need to jump through to use it efficiently.

[quote=Waterpls]Stat reduction is not a problem with new stat caps.[/quote]Says you. 206 is still less than 215.

[quote=Waterpls]We already have our pay out. New optimized grinds with 3.5-4.5 EpA. And even if you don’t care about optimization, most actions in railway stations are 2.2-2.5 EpA, which is higher than optimized grinds (orphan trade and silken thread expeditions) from the times before 10th anniversary.[/quote]All of that has precisely nothing to do with the railroad being supposedly profitable.

>>>Says you. 206 is still less than 215.

Yeah, difference between 206+70 and 215+70 is so important sarcasm

>>>All of that has precisely nothing to do with the railroad being supposedly profitable.

Well, i continue to make insane echoes from Ealing and Jericho. And you continue to believe that railroad is not profitable. I have no problems with that.

Railroad is the top of the iceberg, because most of good options here are not self sufficient grinds, but items conversions. Sometimes barely legal, like expeditions in jericho when you are Doctore are ~9 EpA. Or combo of Clay Tailor + max Luxuries + baggage + banditry. Or surveys to bones in Ealing. Or Souvenir shop.
edited by Waterpls on 8/14/2020

Again, you can make good profits at the locations along the railroad, but that doesn’t make the railroad ITSELF profitable as a business venture. It’s a thematic matter more than anything else, really.

Always thought that my railway is not about didvidends, but about providing more opportunities.

I mean, in-character. I have enough wealth to fund it without immediate return, if the Upper River regions have enough goods.

Please, remind, what’s the simplest way to get a ton of Bessemer steel? I’m really sick of skeletons, but the option in Parabola is a little too expensice, since Identities are not easily farmed either.
edited by Aro Saren on 8/16/2020