Railway is here!

The Great Hellbound Railway is now a worker-owned venture, and I am forging ahead toward the Magistracy. My train carriages have comfortable seats and curtains, suitable for all kinds of passengers, but I absolutely refuse to class-segregate the carriages. We also have dedicated baggage carriages (nothing secret - if I need to smuggle anything, I’ll do it myself, rather than putting the railway staff at risk). In short, I’m bloody loving the railway content.

…So now calling in Rev favours in the Flit scales off of Renown. I spent 500 Scrip on the Contrarian’s statue when it became better than this option (and when the storylet was still a card, making Hinterlands’ thinner deck look more preferable), and just in a few days it got much worse again. Perhaps it wouldn’t be such a fiasco if at least it gave something other than the Proscribed Material… but well.

I am somewhat disappointed there was no option to terrorise the workers with my Vake. Apparently there wasn’t even much constable brutality and I just hired other people until the strikers cracked. Aww.

Also, has anyone tried to keep their workforce well-fed while punishing them? Not sure if it’s because I TRIED to take the most brutal approach but while I started supporting the paleontological workers out of revenge, I did try ONE well-fed option for old times’ sake and apparently it didn’t lower worker dissatisfaction. Although they did give me some Antique Mysteries and a Searing Enigma out of gratitude/as tribute out of terrified fear I will unleash the Vake, which is better anyway.

None of the options on this stretch change displeasure, at least if you go through the hills.
Grassy land gives displeasure on each option, but less on well-fed. Apparently, this place really sucks.

Well damn. FINALLY scrounged enough Favors: Criminals to unlock the next Shadowy uncapping quest, and found myself a Discordant Soul.

I suddenly regret reading that rock Furnace told me not to. That stuff seems like nicotine for souls.

I’m having angst over the damn solacefruit. I had a small stockpile from Flint years ago, have now run out, and am basically unable to functionally grind them from the Waswood because they seem to only pop one out of maybe 10 tries. I guess I’ll have to start digging bones with my workers.

If you didn’t know, a possibly easier source is hiding from nightmares at the Parabolan Base Camp. As long as you are wearing nightmare gear (sporting hat), you will get Solacefruit semi-regularly.

If you have Parabolan defenses, then Hide in your Base-Camp has a 50% chance of giving a solacefruit on success, along with Nightmare reduction. You might have to do some hunting to increase nightmares if you need a lot of solace fruits, but it will be much faster than Waswood.

If you have Parabolan defenses, then Hide in your Base-Camp has a 50% chance of giving a solacefruit on success, along with Nightmare reduction. You might have to do some hunting to increase nightmares if you need a lot of solace fruits, but it will be much faster than Waswood.[/quote]
In the same boat here, would doing that be more effective than just zailing back to Apis Meet to get more? It’s been so long since I did Flint, I don’t actually remember how easy they were to get.

With the Block (you know, the one that resets your Track Laid) do you get stuck in a loop of laying your first stretch of Track, encountering the block and getting your progress reset until you can bring down an Impossible Theorem?

And by that I mean, do you encounter The Block every time you lay down the first bit of Track?
edited by Deathjack999 on 8/10/2020

[quote=Deathjack999]With the Block (you know, the one that resets your Track Laid) do you get stuck in a loop of laying your first stretch of Track, encountering the block and getting your progress reset until you can bring down an Impossible Theorem?

And by that I mean, do you encounter The Block every time you lay down the first bit of Track?

edited by Deathjack999 on 8/10/2020[/quote]

You get the trouble only once and can’t lay any new tracks until the problem is solved. If this isn’t the case for you, I reccomend to write a ticket, because there is most likely something wrong.

Besides that, there is another option to solve the problem (without a Impossible Theorem).

[quote=Judaspriester][quote=Deathjack999]With the Block (you know, the one that resets your Track Laid) do you get stuck in a loop of laying your first stretch of Track, encountering the block and getting your progress reset until you can bring down an Impossible Theorem?

And by that I mean, do you encounter The Block every time you lay down the first bit of Track?

edited by Deathjack999 on 8/10/2020[/quote]

You get the trouble only once and can’t lay any new tracks until the problem is solved. If this isn’t the case for you, I reccomend to write a ticket, because there is most likely something wrong.

Besides that, there is another option to solve the problem (without a Impossible Theorem).[/quote]
Well it wasn’t repeatedly showing up, but it’s annoying to deal with (only option that was unlocked for me with regards to the Block was the one that reset Track Laid).

At least it’s a one off thing.

Which cards in the hinterlands are currently worth playing? All the options that give rumours are trivial now, so what’s left? Mushrooms for nightsoil, narratives for justificande, ears and artist protection for trophies, saving old men to reduce banditry, looking around the river for bones… there’s a few options with specialized aims like these. Anything else? Anything inherently profitable?

I’ve just discovered that the minimum number of board members is 5, not 6 as I had previously thought! Sorry TE, it’s been fun but come Thursday my board will be LADIES ONLY!

Artistry or rubbery observances - once, for Helicone house. Currently useless, but may unlock something in the future.
Unattended mirror is worth keeping in the hand, in case you need a shortcut to Parabola.
Ministry enforcement - easy and free source of warm amber.

with a rare success that reduces corporate debt

That’s yourself and four others, just to clarify. :slightly_smiling_face:

If the workers want a share of the company, I want to get paid for the railway steel. And lunch. And I can strike too, by not making the Contrarian settle for a side whenever there’s a vote.

Now that you mention it, all my board members are male, except for the one mandated by government/the bazaar. Implications implications

Do we know when Evenlode station might be released? There are probably some people already sitting on approved plans for the station, right?

Anyway, what do all of you speculate might be found there? I suppose another statue is a given; at the moment, His Amused Lordship, Furnace and Gracious Widow don’t have an option for statue and all seem reasonable choices given the Constable (and by extension, criminal) setting at Evenlode. It would be nice if you could build your own statue again, but we’re running out of high-tier qualities. I suppose Paramount Presence could also be worthy of a statue?
As for the Favours used, I could see Constables, Criminals and Society. Interestingly enough, those three + Great Game and Docks are the ones that haven’t been represented on the previous two statues.

Other than that, I suppose you’ll be able to gain Special Dispensations here, and there may be more focus on criminality and smuggling. No idea what else we may see, though I hope some minerals (and a lot of Magisterial Lager) may be involved.

Maybe we’ll finally have another way to lower Banditry. One more efficient and less silly than just running around personally intervening in every mugging like a railway-owning Batman.