Railway is here!

[quote=]And this is what I call… railroading (dun-dun-dun!).

Basically, first you’re denied any reasonable options, and then thrown a bunch of extreme ones.

Several weeks ago I complained that there’s no direct way to reduce the debt: you’re either luring in some suckers or trading contraband junk food.
Some of our characters are wealthy. Some are notoriiously wealthy. Some are in effect heirs of a certain Master or new ones, hold a lease on the whole London or stand in for the Empress. Why should I bother with a filthy stand in a middle of nowhere, if I should be able to simply pay the whole debt immediately? In reasonable world it’s called investment, since I do get profit from the railway afterwards.

The same goes for the Union. I can understand Emancipationists perfectly, whole their position is rather simple. And little talk with Furnace only cemented my views.
It would be perfectly reasonable for me to fund something nice for them or simply pay for their project, because the best worker is the worker satisfied with their employer. I would impose conditions, it’s a deal, not a charity, but so far they’ve shown that they’re able and willing to do what I need from them. In reasonable worlds it’s called cooperation.
But the only options I have are funding Liberation, which is exactly what you should not do in this situation, and feeding them rats and shit (actually rubbery lumps are made only at Mutton Island, after all).
Argument that &quotat that time such an option would be considered preposterous&quot is not valid: I’ve staged several utterly scandalous ballets, killed a Master, deposed a Provost of the prestigious college and whatever else, whole my career as Fallen Londoner is about telling others to stuff it deep enough that something clever actually comes from the other side.

For the people not familiar with table-top role-playing games: &quotrailroading&quot is a scenario writing style where only specific sequence of events is possible, and all deviations are ignored and/or punished. While every story must have some backbone, this term is usually used when it’s done in a stupid and unjustified way, because writer wants to make a point or simply just too stupid to think of any other option not conforming to their narrow vision.
Imagine Comtessa story from Ladybones road, where in the final scene the only option existing would be to kill her.

So, Failbetter, I have a rather short question: WHAT THE ****?!

I wanted to say something about outfits, but **** it. Especially since the latest news are the feature is apparently to stay and be doubly enforced, to indeed make a point.[/quote]

Do you want to know something funny, as someone wholly familiar with railroading? When I started reading this I had been forming an opinion about how I suspected there’s more going on behind the scenes than we know (there are different factions of workers, and there’s…whatever is up with Furnace’s 3 voices). That there were established to be longstanding grievances between Devils and railway workers due to an unfortunate earlier attempt to build the rail, that the Bazaar has at least one creditor of supernatural provenance snoring away in the hinterlands, that as some people pointed out from the workers’ point s of view it’s hard for a well fed man to understand a starving one and that this protest was meant to be an indicator of further intrigues to come as much as actual protest by the workers but then I realised something. My own thoughts would hold more water with me if they were leveled at a company that didn’t already have a sterling reputation for balancing clarity and nuance in storytelling.

This is Failbetter Games. The company that furnished me with an opportunity to help the Commissioner’s nightmare with an Ambition-specific solution, and once came up with a new storylet out of the blue for a player who accidentally bought too many weasels. The company that thoughtfully included the option to give an immortality-seeking character from an ES Hesperidean Cider if you went through all the trouble to buy some. For better or worse we’ve all come to expect a certain standard of narrative flexibility from FB which brings me neatly to your next point: The fact that we apparently cannot feed these poor buggers anything, literally anything at all, but Mrs. Plenty’s worst pies. For heavens’ sake, could we at least take pains to serve them the good pies?! Many of us even know where to get the authentic Rubbery Lumps-on Mutton Island! They have a famous restaurant and everything! And there’s a whole subsystem for treating other players to DINNER that provides different options for Londoners to supply food! There was another ES that revolved around an elite restaurant! Sure, the &quotlet them eat cake&quot solution might provoke further issues down the road but well-that’s a story opportunity in itself, isn’t it?!

…amusingly after all that, the part where I actually disagree with you on is the appropriate response to the workers. Because I really wanted to get aboard my Vake and terrorise them into submission just like the good ol’ days of Mr. Veils’ reign.

I do not see any disagreement, actually: I want the option to meaningfully cooperate with them, you want to subdue them. Nowhere I saw that we oppose including each other’s proposed options. I mean, really, why not both? Especially because there’s a long story of actually having 3-4 such options in such situations in this game.

I want to disaggree about food. Well, not exactly: I do not contest your point about provisions, it’s just there’s more than simply food to them. Build infirmary or buy insurance for injured during the track laying, pay in scrip to allow them to buy such a desired land and settle, ****, simply provide them with better uniforms (from Veils’ manufactures, because why not?) and tools, whatever. Then stick a different combination of resources to each option, and voila.

Also, the whole part where we have to smuggle supplies for a fucking railway, that the Bazaar itself is investor of, from the Bone Market, trading them for skeletons each time, with occasional visit to your lab, pisses me off to no end. I can understand perfumed gunpowder, it’s borderline legal, with revolutionaries and all. But having to beg old Miriam to feed workers, because it’s faster than to **** with skeletons, or trying to impress a certain enthusiast to get some steel, when hiring him and his furnace would be cheaper, or whole that gamut with scrip, when Virginia made certain it’s distrubuted quickly and easily, is simply stupid.
I can understand it meta-sense - otherwise noone would ever need that stupid market, aside from genuine enthusisasts of build-a-akeleton. I can relate with people loving it, hey, why not, but shoving it down our throats is another matter.
edited by Aro Saren on 8/1/2020

It is we who plowed the prairies; built the cities where they trade;
Dug the mines and built the workshops, endless miles of railroad laid;

Now we stand outcast and starving midst the wonders we have made;

But the union makes us strong

I regret only that it took this long to give the workers their rightful due.

[quote=Aro Saren]I do not see any disagreement, actually: I want the option to meaningfully cooperate with them, you want to subdue them. Nowhere I saw that we oppose including each other’s proposed options. I mean, really, why not both? Especially because there’s a long story of actually having 3-4 such options in such situations in this game.

I want to disaggree about food. Well, not exactly: I do not contest your point about provisions, it’s just there’s more than simply food to them. Build infirmary or buy insurance for injured during the track laying, pay in scrip to allow them to buy such a desired land and settle, ****, simply provide them with better uniforms (from Veils’ manufactures, because why not?) and tools, whatever. Then stick a different combination of resources to each option, and voila.

Also, the whole part where we have to smuggle supplies for a fucking railway, that the Bazaar itself is investor of, from the Bone Market, trading them for skeletons each time, with occasional visit to your lab, pisses me off to no end. I can understand perfumed gunpowder, it’s borderline legal, with revolutionaries and all. But having to beg old Miriam to feed workers, because it’s faster than to **** with skeletons, or trying to impress a certain enthusiast to get some steel, when hiring him and his furnace would be cheaper, or whole that gamut with scrip, when Virginia made certain it’s distrubuted quickly and easily, is simply stupid.
I can understand it meta-sense - otherwise noone would ever need that stupid market, aside from genuine enthusisasts of build-a-akeleton. I can relate with people loving it, hey, why not, but shoving it down our throats is another matter.
edited by Aro Saren on 8/1/2020[/quote]

I do find it funny that the far more preferable option, for me at least, to get some steel is to use mirrors as portals and steal it directly from Mr. Iron’s supplies-so to get meta again in the event of anyone actually sympathising with the stuffy commissioner you would STILL technically be causing trouble for the Bazaar while ostensibly working on it’s behalf because I’m literally robbing a Master for construction supplies.

But yeah, after all the investment in honey carriages and massive explosive shell cannons mounted on the trains (how it hasn’t alarmed the Constables to put what sounds like military grade firepower into the hands of private enterprise and potentially-in order of escalating concern-a known revolutionary, a Deviless and FEDUCCI I’ll never know) it’s rather odd you can’t just find a public field hospital or some state-funded tenements or even just a barrelfull of those wonderful health tonics the Bazaar itself freely sells.

There seems to be the implication based on the Unobserved Charity card that the reason for this is the Bazaar/Board sees it as unprofitable to admit working conditions could be better for workers at all because such practices have been going back since Furnace’s accident but if it REALLY IS that socially gauche to admit &quotHey, we may need some bandages for arms broken while hammering spokes!&quot you’d think Furnace would share those details more readily-or rather, you’d think there would be an option to get close enough to Furnace to share some memoirs on this sort of thing. And I mean, the Soft-Hearted Widow isn’t exactly a pariah from society.

Edit: Actually you know what sod excuses, it just occurred to me way back there was an option to pay extra Hinterland Scrip to be the board member who secretly owns half the company you’re managing together. Odd that you can’t just show your hand early on and have everyone chin up and give the workers better conditions with how scrupulous the Bazaar itself normally is about honouring debts. What are they going to do, complain you put too much money in the railway that is now mostly your property?

&quotA pox on you good sir, for daring to make drastic and sweeping decisions about the workforce who works far more for you than for me because I have to share it with that amused tosser and a wanted criminal! I’ll have you thrown out on your ear if you DARE be this charitable to-no wait stop I was just bluffing come back stay stay STAY we literally need your precious money to legally run this enterprise won’t you please have a drink&quot
edited by Hattington on 8/1/2020

Why would I walk away? Or even bluff doing it? I’d rather kick that whiner instead - directors must be kept in line and can be terrorised just as well as workers, especially when it’s you who owns most of the company.

I ran it through the hills, and both the strike and the option to adjust charter towards workers’ demands are still there. You also have to have Ancona on the Board[/quote]

I don’t have Ancona on the board, and the strike happened, so that doesn’t seem to be a requirement.

I’m now thinking about adding them to the board, though not so that option becomes available in the agenda (I’m not changing my charter for anything). But-- rp-wise-- it seems like adding them and then paying off the workers would suffice. It’d better.
edited by Tintinnabulum on 8/1/2020

We have two of the three possible results for dealing with our current labor disagreement:

I would like to point out that according to Furnace’s own words, the Union will not settle for anything less than a significant share of the company, paying them off is only a temporary measure until this happens again.

I will make this clear: I am perfectly willing to give the Union better wages and benefits, but they will have to pry the charter from my permanently-dead hands if they wish to change the charter and take over the GHR, and I will crush any subsequent attempt at a strike with no remorse. If I could sacrifice my mental and physical well-being to Seek the Name without any hope of a reward, it is definitely possible for the Union to finish the railroad while eating sausages and biscuits.

In other words, I am a more merciful Master than Mr Eaten, but I have more grit than all of the Tracklayers’ Union combined when it comes to pursuing my goals. Don’t push your luck, Ancona.

[quote=The Curious Watcher]We have two of the three possible results for dealing with our current labor disagreement:

I would like to point out that according to Furnace’s own words, the Union will not settle for anything less than a significant share of the company, paying them off is only a temporary measure until this happens again.

I will make this clear: I am perfectly willing to give the Union better wages and benefits, but they will have to pry the charter from my permanently-dead hands if they wish to change the charter and take over the GHR, and I will crush any subsequent attempt at a strike with no remorse. If I could sacrifice my mental and physical well-being to Seek the Name without any hope of a reward, it is definitely possible for the Union to finish the railroad while eating sausages and biscuits.

In other words, I am a more merciful Master than Mr Eaten, but I have more grit than all of the Tracklayers’ Union combined when it comes to pursuing my goals. Don’t push your luck, Ancona.[/quote]

Dammit. I should’ve held on to that boardroom meeting a little longer, was counting on the secretary to churn out an extra day to meet.

Lots of people seem to have gone with the “union displeasure wasn’t very high” option but did anyone get an echo of how Furnace responds to the emancipationist support one? I was short one point.

Ah, yes, I believe that was the one I chose to get this result.

Mm. Jolly good.

I rather think I will respond with truncheons.

I am very much looking forward to turning this venture into a worker co-operative and high-fiving Furnace in the boardroom.

What a disappointing development. After tackling Red Science, Palaeontology and Discordance during the previous stretches, now we have to waste precious time handling something as mundane as a Union on strike?

AND they have the gall to say that something is more important than pursuit of knowledge???

How tedious. Guess I’ll just have keep throwing money at them and hope this Charter nonsense gives way before my patience does.

Has anyone already been able to hold the Meeting that deals with this obstacle and seen if afterwards you can continue building all the way to Evenlode?

So excited about the Second and First Cities lore in Jericho and further!

Speaking of which, do we know anything about the last two Pharaoh’s Daughters in this echo? I was able to identify only the first four…

edited by JaneAnkhVeos on 8/5/2020

Speaking of which, do we know anything about the last two Pharaoh’s Daughters in this echo? I was able to identify only the first four…

How did you get that echo? I’ve gone through the Sere Palace and convinced the Gondolier to join my railroad company and haven’t seen such a result. I’ve also looked at the wiki, and it doesn’t mention being able to pick the figurines, so it is possible that either this is specifically for people who let the Gondolier travel by himself, or some other unknown condition.

[quote=The Curious Watcher][quote=JaneAnkhVeos]
Speaking of which, do we know anything about the last two Pharaoh’s Daughters in this echo? I was able to identify only the first four…

How did you get that echo? I’ve gone through the Sere Palace and convinced the Gondolier to join my railroad company and haven’t seen such a result. I’ve also looked at the wiki, and it doesn’t mention being able to pick the figurines, so it is possible that either this is specifically for people who let the Gondolier travel by himself, or some other unknown condition.[/quote]
I believe that’s actually a failure text for dredging the river (Opportunity Card).

If you want to know more about the Pharaoh’s Daughters, the place I would look is the Exceptional Story The Attendants. I don’t remember a lot of the details, as the hints that we got were of the classic FBG &quotone answer is a half-smudged clue that leads to four more questions&quot type of thing. Still, the original forum thread probably has some good discussion.

I know about the Pharaoh’s daughters, I probably just missed it because I’ve never failed or paid attention to that card’s details.

There’s a lot of evidence of Second-City shenanigans in Jericho Locks given the imagery at the Sere Palace, and I am really looking forward to what all this entails.

I especially want to meet the Gonfalionere in person, since he keeps being mentioned but never seen. One day perhaps.

It is.

I wonder if

the one with the mirror is the Obstinate Adoratrice from that ES? Since mirrors are closely associated with Parabola…

Anyone got the result for the unionbuster route with the tracklayers yet? Also, how far along can you go after the meeting?

We do know the fates of all six, though mapping them to the figurines is much harder.

The Duchess is in London, the Mother Superior is in Abbey Rock, the Obstinate Adoratrice is in Parabola, the Roseate Queen is in Arbor, the eldest sister died in the House of the Feather, and the youngest died on the surface.

The rose is clearly the Roseate Queen; the mirror is the Adoratrice. The Duchess is presumably the cat, though she could also be the poison. The Mother Superior is likely the ankh or possibly poison. The broken figure could be either the eldest or youngest; I suspect the latter. Then the eldest is presumably the poison.

I don’t think we can be certain without knowing what, exactly, the House of the Feather is or how the eldest died. There’s also some confusion added by the Calendar Code contradicting which sister the Duchess is.

edited by Optimatum on 8/6/2020