Railway is here!

You can check the Railway Board (Guide) that me and my fellow wiki editors made.

I have done extensive Board jigging for most board members, with the exception of Furnace and April. I am not dealing with them until I fully upgrade the trains. They are a pain in the ass for train upgrade agendas.
edited by Rostygold on 7/23/2020[/quote]

I like April, and I was really happy with her at the beggining, because she was on board with everything. now she hates everything I want to do lol

I’m still keeping her though. specially because her interactions with Sinning Jenny are kinda cute.

I finally managed to Build my first station and can therefore upgrade my train.
Could someone tell me please what’s the effect of Train Defenses and Luxury?

Train defenses make the the dangerous check for moving between stations easier as it negates banditry equal to your defense level. The equation is apparently ((Banditry - Defenses) x 50) + 50. If you don’t have any banditry, it might be something you don’t need to concern yourself with unless you want your very own war-train. Train Luxuries increase the amount of moon-pearls you get from receiving dividends. At the moment it is a 50 moon-pearl increase for each level of luxury, though that might change with the number of stations.

I suspect train defences will come into play more as we move further along the tracks. The bandits around Ealing are small fry, but there is probably worse to come.

I can see Luxuries being more important when we open up Jericho Locks and/or the Magistracy of the Evenlode. Right now, it really doesn’t feel worthwhile to advance it and put myself in debt for a measly 50 Moon Pearls each. Defenses have been more important for me, since I’ve been keeping Banditry mid-level to make use of the Minor Smuggling card. Of course, I also have the Gracious Widow on my board, and I’m probably going to have to kick her out if I want to keep buffing up my train.

Also, since we get to open Jericho on Monday, it’s prediction time! I feel it’s a safe assumption that Jericho Locks will have shops of its own since it’s supposed to be a riverside settlement. It’s less safe to assume that Jericho will exclusively use Hinterland Scrip as a currency, although I doubt that it won’t be useful. What I’d like to see is more ways to gain Scrip or other currency through Bone Market items that haven’t had a sale value in the hinterlands, like Unearthly Fossils, Rubbery Pies, Unprovenanced Artifacts or maybe even Scintillack Snuff*. Maybe we’ll see items have higher or lower exchange rates in Jericho the way that Ports in the Sunless games had their own economies. I also didn’t notice a Darkness quality for Jericho Locks when I aided the Liberationists, which doesn’t mean that there aren’t ways to aid or hinder the Liberation in Jericho. It feels safer to assume that Upper River Banditry will still be important, and, as Tsar Koschei said, that the criminal elements around Jericho are going to be harder to deal with than the ones in Ealing. Finally, the safest prediction that I have is that we’re going to see another work stoppage event when we’re developing, and that it’s going to open up something new. My guess is that we’ll finally get to overcap Shapeling Arts, but it’s still a shot in the dart at this point.

Shapeling Arts are reasonable to assume to be tied to Evenlode, since it’s a Rubbery settlement.

I think Jericho Locks will offer a chance to spend for Betrayer of Measures and/or Infernal Machine, like bone duplicator in Ealing.

Because the waterways are used by Hell, there might be additional Discordance stuff here - as I understand, humans learned the Red Science from devils, after all.

Also, I’m grateful for additional board meetings - in my pending meeting I’ll max both Luxuries and Defences. Though I’ll wait until decision for planning the next stretch, obviously.
edited by Aro Saren on 7/24/2020

Since the next station connects to waterways and to Hell through them, I wonder if we’ll have the option to add cargo cars to our trains?

Huh, actually reasonable.

And of course, no such line is complete without a post service too. Probably operated by rats.

Huh, actually reasonable.

And of course, no such line is complete without a post service too. Probably operated by rats.[/quote]

It’d work. Any lost letters could use the waterways to get to Nuncio.

All lost letters eventually flow to the rivers, to the sea, to Nuncio.

I’m in need of scrip. Which is more effective?

  • make a ton of geological surveys and sell them at ealing
  • make several carthographical hoards for the same
  • make skeletons (I guess, seven necked with expensive skulls ones) and sell them for scrip or nightsoil

If you just want to spend actions, then the Cartographer’s Hoard is the most efficient.

If you want to spend resources (such as echoes) that you’ve already acquired, then use the Bone Market. Personally I’ve been using human skeletons instead of seven-necked, but it depends on your stockpile of fragments, amber, and mushrooms, as well as what deals you might have stricken with the butcher.

I always forget: when does day change in FL occur, UTC?

Jericho Locks is open! Invest in erudition and contend with the Guild of Gondoliers!

If you are asking when Failbetter does big switchovers in the game (like announcing event results, changing current exceptional story, and other scheduled things) - noon british time (which, AFAIK, is currently UTC+1, because it includes DST).

It looks like the Widow automatically votes with you on baggage upgrades if you have her on your board. Makes sense, since having her on the board opens up an option in the Mild Smuggling Card with enough Baggage.
edited by The Lonely Hunter on 7/28/2020

My understanding is that many if not most of those require an actual person to push a button to confirm that everything is ready to go. So, noon-ish is a more accurate answer.

Hey, is twelve the maximum number of board members, or does the &quotyou can’t add anymore&quot thing only show up when there are no more to add, period.
I’m asking because I have all twelve (they unlock things and also I’m clearly a lunatic) and the gondolier can become a board member too. Can I add him, or do I need to boot someone off first?
edited by Jules Asimov on 7/29/2020

Get him first, he’s a companion. Then you’ll be able to check.

[quote=Jules Asimov]Hey, is twelve the maximum number of board members, or does the &quotyou can’t add anymore&quot thing only show up when there are no more to add, period.
I’m asking because I have all twelve (they unlock things and also I’m clearly a lunatic) and the gondolier can become a board member too. Can I add him, or do I need to boot someone off first?
edited by Jules Asimov on 7/29/2020[/quote]

There is no limit to how many members you can have on your board, since we’ve already seen 12+ board members reached for those who completed Bag a Legend (having April as an additional option).

So yeah, you don’t need to kick anyone off the board to add the Gondolier there.