Railway is here!

[quote=The Curious Watcher]There is no limit to how many members you can have on your board, since we’ve already seen 12+ board members reached for those who completed Bag a Legend (having April as an additional option).

So yeah, you don’t need to kick anyone off the board to add the Gondolier there.[/quote]
Yay! Thanks!

Should you visit the Cedar-Woods and the Octogonal Tomb at the rivers of Jericho Locks, it opens upnew text when you visit the Efficient Commissioner in the Viric Jungle.

Starting from here:

It seems that during the First City Era, a Sleeping Merchant owed a massive debt to an unknown Creditor out in the Hinterlands, and effectively passed on his debt to the Bazaar.

However, the Bazaar cannot actually pay off this debt, as it involved trading the souls of everyone in the Neath to this Creditor. It seems that when the Sleeping Merchant initially took on this deal, it believed that the only people in the Neath to trade was from his own city, but as time went on…it became much more than that.

Naturally, the Bazaar would never agree to pay off this debt willingly even if it could, as it would cause an extinction-level crisis unlike anything seen before or after in the Neath’s history. Luckily, just as the Bazaar was being pressured to sell off its First City to start paying off the Creditor, it found a legal loophole to exploit. It’s implied by the Efficient Commissioner that the Bazaar only needs to fulfill its end of the bargain once the original Debtor, the Sleeping Merchant wakes up from its slumber, so it’s been keeping the Merchant asleep for thousands of years in the Octogonal Tomb so it never has to pay.

Despite these measures, a Reckoning cannot be postponed indefinitely. The GHR expands westward at a frightening pace, the bustling river-town of Jericho Locks encroaches ever so near to the original Debtor, vowing to drive it out., the Cedars stand as witness to the promise…

and the original Creditor still lives. And he does not forget.

Is the creditor a being from Hell, a judgement, or something else?

I’m not sure, but &quothe&quot is an entity that’s been around for thousands of years, located between the Bazaar and Hell (which physically borders Parabola), and was promised all of the souls in the Neath.

Given that the GHR is edging ever so closely to Hell with royalist devils being sighted at an increasing rate, it is possible that the creditor could be a forgotten devil prince, but even those creatures can’t hope to strong-arm the Bazaar into fulfilling such a ludicrous payment; at the same time, a Judgement would not be willing to wait thousands of years to enforce a payment when it could forcibly take what it wants with sheer power. Fingerkings are also a good guess, except that we have yet to see even the strongest of the Fingerkings to manifest itself in the Is with full power intact in the Neath.

A stranger possibility exists that the creditor could be the &quotmaster&quot of the Sere Palace at Jericho Locks, one that scares even the Guild of Gondoliers (for reference, whether out of ignorance or bravado, they hope to drive out the Sleeping Merchant, likely also a eldritch creature, from the Octagonal Tomb). It would make sense given that the Cedars, which are reported to be witnesses to the original agreement, are also in the area that the Creditor and Debtor would be there as well.

Lastly, we may learn more about the creditor if we try to build railway tracks across Monkprince Hills, a decision that is vehemently opposed by the Bazaar.

Whatever the creditor is, and where he is located, we know this much from the Efficient Commissioner:

&quot The Creditor still lives. Between London and Hell. It must not be reminded, the terms of its patience must not be strained. Above all, no new promises can be made.&quot

A Reckoning Cannot Be Postponed Indefinitely

Currently it’s a mystery.

I’ll suggest that anything can hope to strong-arm the Bazaar, if the Bazaar signed an agreement. A contract written in the Correspondence has the same binding authority as big-L Law.

I’ll also point out that the Discordance is becoming both more frequent, and a significant plot-point. I haven’t played enough Skies to know what that implies, but it may pertain to the nature of the Creditor.

Cannot remember much Discordance in Skies.
The most relevant part: devils were servants of stars, but at some point rebelled, breaking the Chain. I suppose, it means they invented Red Science.
There was a war, at least one devil king was defeated and imprisoned, and low-ranked fleed.
Here Discordance litters what’s described as ancient battlefield - either stars’ forces followed them into Neath, or some prior side was not happy at these refugees and tried to drive them out.

Er, is it the 31st by ET time yet? The option for planning the next route still seems to be locked off.

Seems to be, yes. I’m especially disappointed because my Time the Healer happens later today, and I was hoping to get the next stretch of track voted through before it did.

While I waited for next agenda to unlock I forgot about TtH, meaning one meeting has gone down the drain.
Well, whatever.

Seems to be, yes. I’m especially disappointed because my Time the Healer happens later today, and I was hoping to get the next stretch of track voted through before it did.[/quote]

Huh, that’s odd. I’ll take a catnap for a while and see if things come around before I have to go to bed.

I was hoping to sneak in approval before TtH as well, but it hit 25 minutes ago. I decided to duck out with about 2 minutes to spare… I’m annoyed I didn’t get to cheese my way into content sooner, but I would have been more annoyed if the content unlocked at exactly 9:57 local time.

This might have been moved back because the team needed to deal with the blowback from the outfits issue.

If I read stuff like this, I’m really happy that I decided to finish other stuff like my ambition or overcapping Dangerous and Shadowy (as far as I’ve seen it, Earling Gardens is enough for this) before I get back to the railway again. I’m behind, and I always will be behind, so there is no reason to rush myself.

[quote=PSGarak]I was hoping to sneak in approval before TtH as well, but it hit 25 minutes ago. I decided to duck out with about 2 minutes to spare… I’m annoyed I didn’t get to cheese my way into content sooner, but I would have been more annoyed if the content unlocked at exactly 9:57 local time.

This might have been moved back because the team needed to deal with the blowback from the outfits issue.[/quote]

Huh. Guess I’ll keep that meeting in reserve and check again tomorrow.

If I read stuff like this, I’m really happy that I decided to finish other stuff like my ambition or overcapping Dangerous and Shadowy (as far as I’ve seen it, Earling Gardens is enough for this) before I get back to the railway again. I’m behind, and I always will be behind, so there is no reason to rush myself.[/quote]

I’ve noticed i’ve almost finished overcapping Dangerous as a result of all the Railway travel, frequent hunts in Parabola for Thorned Ribcages, frequent bear hunts, taking advantage of my gym and possibly also using my Ambition: Bag a Legend’s…brutally unique solution to fixing the Commissioner’s nightmares and having Feducci on my board. I suspect raising Shadowy will take somewhat longer because I’ll have to go out of my way to embark on heists and such instead of the game just throwing opportunities to live Dangerously at me.

I’ve noticed i’ve almost finished overcapping Dangerous as a result of all the Railway travel, frequent hunts in Parabola for Thorned Ribcages, frequent bear hunts, taking advantage of my gym and possibly also using my Ambition: Bag a Legend’s…brutally unique solution to fixing the Commissioner’s nightmares and having Feducci on my board. I suspect raising Shadowy will take somewhat longer because I’ll have to go out of my way to embark on heists and such instead of the game just throwing opportunities to live Dangerously at me.[/quote]

What about spending some favours for Shadowy training in stead of other rewards? It may cost some echos (missed rewards) but speeds up the process action-wise.

The bear hunt is somewhat interesting, I just don’t like it that much because I can’t go to parabola, do sereval hunts at once and then go out and cash them in. but on the other hand… if that would be possible, the rewards would probably be lower.

Well I won’t be going anywhere since the servers have decided to be idiots.

Well now the unlock condition for planning the next route says:

[quote=]Unlocked when the date is
July 31
Second week of August
August 4[/quote]

It looks someone forgot to remove the previous date.

Well, that’s… fun. Guess I need to wait another week for the next meeting.

I guess it goes without saying that if they hadn’t screwed this up I would have waited until Tuesday.

Edit: wait, now it’s open again. Thank frick I didn’t leave the meeting yet or I’d be bloody seething right now. Better vote on it before they pull another fast one.
edited by Tsar Koschei on 7/31/2020