Railway is here!

This great and all, but I really wish they wouldn’t make it so B____y difficult to get Bessemer Steel Ingots.

As it is I can’t lay any tracks at all, on account of not being able to make an Antiquated Skeleton.

The Tentacled Entrepreneur REALLY doesn’t want dining cars. Two doses of obfuscation and he’s still at 68%.

[quote=Deathjack999]This great and all, but I really wish they wouldn’t make it so B____y difficult to get Bessemer Steel Ingots.

As it is I can’t lay any tracks at all, on account of not being able to make an Antiquated Skeleton.[/quote]

Any ribcage combined with two Jurassic femurs. To get these take unidentified thigh bones (ask Grandmother, she’ll give them for free) and research them in your lab. Alternatively - make Mammoth ribcage by enlarging the human one, also in lab, though you’ll need Betrayer of Measures.

Depending on value of other parts you’ll fund full track in 1-2 skeletons.

&quotAn endorsement is much less entertaining than a vigorous speech entirely undermining each candidate in turn,&quot says the Jovial Contrarian. &quotBut in this circumstance, let me proclaim whole-heartedly: OTHATAROOTH!&quot

This guy.

[quote=Deathjack999]This great and all, but I really wish they wouldn’t make it so B____y difficult to get Bessemer Steel Ingots.
As it is I can’t lay any tracks at all, on account of not being able to make an Antiquated Skeleton.[/quote]

Besides Aro Saren’s advice, there is also another road you could go, but this means some preperation:
Step one: Build any skeleton (preferable with a brass skull which gurantees 6000-6500 shards) and sell it for bone shards
Step two: Exchange your bone shards in parabola for Parabolan Orange-apple and then at the scupltres for Ivory Humerus. (they &quotcost&quot 1100 bone shards, but offer 3000, for the price of 2 actions per Humerus and the one time costs per batch you want to exchange for entering and leaving parabola).
Step three: Build a skeleton that you can sell for hinterland scrips
Step four: with these scrips, buy Sabre-toothed Skull from the Entusiast
Step five: build apes with a Sabre-toothed Skull and 4 Ivory Humerus and sell them for Bessemer Steel.


  • If necessary in order to collect enough bone shards, repeat step one and two once. This should result in Shards for at least 12 Ivory Humerus, enough for the carousel to keep running.

  • If you’ve got a Iron-Toothed Terror Bird, step three would be a good moment to hunt for some Thorned Ribcage’s. This distributes the one time costs for parabola to more parts and makes you completly independend of your Opportunity Deck.

  • If you’re using Thorned Ripcage’s you could also add a Jet Black Stinger if you got one and declare it a monkey. This gives you 1 more steel and (the more important part) 1 Basket of Rubbery Pies.

There might be more efficient ways, but you only need your deck if you’re missing a Iron-Toothed Terror Bird and even then you can grind everything except torso’s without it.

With access to Earling Gardens there might be also other (better) options to get hands on the parts, but I have to finish the first part of tracks myself. To much different stuff to do these days. ^^&quot
edited by Judaspriester on 7/23/2020

[quote=Aro Saren][quote=Deathjack999]This great and all, but I really wish they wouldn’t make it so B____y difficult to get Bessemer Steel Ingots.

As it is I can’t lay any tracks at all, on account of not being able to make an Antiquated Skeleton.[/quote]

Any ribcage combined with two Jurassic femurs. To get these take unidentified thigh bones (ask Grandmother, she’ll give them for free) and research them in your lab. Alternatively - make Mammoth ribcage by enlarging the human one, also in lab, though you’ll need Betrayer of Measures.

Depending on value of other parts you’ll fund full track in 1-2 skeletons.[/quote]
try to purchase Thigh Bones from the Grandma
Realize you didn’t get your Dreaded Low Enough and need to make a Warbler.
[Muffled Internal Screaming]
edited by Deathjack999 on 7/21/2020

Um, you’re way overcomplicating getting Bessemer Steel. It’s the base payout. You don’t need more than a point of Antique. The total Antique is only used to determine Unprovenanced Artifacts.

Slap a Sabertooth Skull on a headless corpse. Sell. Enjoy your hundreds of Bessemer Steels.

Alternatively put ONE Jurassic thigh on a regular skeleton and use a Brass Skull.
edited by Toran on 7/22/2020

I never put more than one point of Antiquity on a skeleton to sell to him, at least at first. The extra 2.5 echos you get for giving it another point aren’t worth it if it means you have to go out of your way to get another old bone for the next skeleton.

[quote=Toran]Um, you’re way overcomplicating getting Bessemer Steel. It’s the base payout. You don’t need more than a point of Antique. The total Antique is only used to determine Unprovenanced Artifacts.

Slap a Sabertooth Skull on a headless corpse. Sell. Enjoy your hundreds of Bessemer Steels.

Alternatively put ONE Jurassic thigh on a regular skeleton and use a Brass Skull.
edited by Toran on 7/22/2020[/quote]

A ape with sabertooth skull and 4 Ivory Humerus also results in exactly one Antiquity.

Besides that, yes the stuff I wrote might be a little over complicated, but I tried to offer a version to get the steel while reducing the dependency on cards.

Jurassic High are an alternative to the Sabertooth Skull, but I don’t like the university road to get them.

This is what I’m talking about. Why bother getting the Ivory Humeruses? Or even making an ape rather than a chimera? If the goal is to get bessemer steel, these aren’t necessary steps. You’re spending far more actions doing that kind of thing than just translating echoes into bessemer steel with either a sabertooth skull (brass skull corpse sold for either straight hinterland scrip, buy skull or for nightsoil, sell nightsoil in Ealing, buy skull) or a single jurassic thigh.

The terror of selling chimera is very strange to me. The consequences of failure are marginal and the percentages mean you’re likely only going to spend maybe 2 actions making the sale. This is much more advantageous than spending a large number of actions ensuring the skeleton is a ‘real’ animal.

Then use the saved actions to produce echoes in the most efficient/enjoyable manner possible.
edited by Toran on 7/22/2020

You’re right that a Chimera is not such a big penalty. It used to be a bigger deal when sales were card-based and you lost the card. With the re-work of the Bone Market, it’s just an action and some Suspicion.

The Ivory Humerus is worthwhile, though. It costs 11 echoes of Bone Fragments, and adds 30 echoes of Skeleton Value. At certain volumes, you get more efficiency to convert echoes to steel via skull -> fragment -> humerus -> steel rather than directly skull -> steel.

I’ve also been exploring Fossilised Forelimbs. They cost 25 echoes of Scrip and add 27.5 echoes of Skeleton Value. Critically, obtaining them costs 0 actions. This isn’t universally the best option, but there are situations where the action cost makes it desirable.

I hate the b____r who keep bringing their snake in the train!
Cue Samuel L. Jackson reference.

And here I was repeatedly making bird skeletons, researching wings out of albatroses.

You can check the Railway Board (Guide) that me and my fellow wiki editors made.

I have done extensive Board jigging for most board members, with the exception of Furnace and April. I am not dealing with them until I fully upgrade the trains. They are a pain in the ass for train upgrade agendas.
edited by Rostygold on 7/23/2020


A ape with sabertooth skull and 4 Ivory Humerus also results in exactly one Antiquity.

This is what I’m talking about. Why bother getting the Ivory Humeruses? Or even making an ape rather than a chimera? If the goal is to get bessemer steel, these aren’t necessary steps. You’re spending far more actions doing that kind of thing than just translating echoes into bessemer steel with either a sabertooth skull (brass skull corpse sold for either straight hinterland scrip, buy skull or for nightsoil, sell nightsoil in Ealing, buy skull) or a single jurassic thigh.

The terror of selling chimera is very strange to me. The consequences of failure are marginal and the percentages mean you’re likely only going to spend maybe 2 actions making the sale. This is much more advantageous than spending a large number of actions ensuring the skeleton is a ‘real’ animal.

Then use the saved actions to produce echoes in the most efficient/enjoyable manner possible.
edited by Toran on 7/22/2020[/quote]

Lets take a look at this. First of all, you’ll need 40 tracks until you can build the first station. Assuming we’re using the infernal machine (this route costs a little more steel but lesser coins per track), we’ll need 1035 steel, with 5 tracks overproduction (can be used later on).
An Skeleton with Human or Thorned Ribcage and 4 Ivory Humerus results in 265 Steel, so we would require 4 of them, and therefore 16 Humerus (the object in question).

Getting these requires 17600 Bone Fragments and 100 Prisoners Honey. In order to keep this calculation easy, we assume that we buy them from the bazzar and use a 2 echo grind for the necessary money (there are way more efficient options like trading favours: Bohemians for 210 honey at the shutted palace). 100 x 0,04E = 4E, which means 2 Actions.
For the Bone Fragments, there are various possible skeleton combinations. In order to keep this simple I’ll assume here that we have already got them (to be honest, I’m to lazy right now to calculate different paths in order to offer one afterwards ^^&quot).
Now for the action cost:
2 Actions getting the honey
1 Action for entering parabola
2 Actions per fruit = 32 Actions total

1 Action for leaving parabola
20 Actions for exchanging the fruits for Ivory humerus (assuming 75% success chance)

This means 56 actions in total to get the humerus. This converts 1100 Bone Shards in 3000 Bone Shards or 11E in 30E if added to a Skeleton, so it nets out at 1900 Shards or 19E.
Now we can calculate the worth of the trade:
19E x 16 = 304E
304E / 56 Actions = 5.43 EpA

Sure, the effective Epa will be lower since you actually have to get heads and torsos and afterwards build the skeletons, but with reasonable Batches of Shards (in order to minimize the fixed costs) it’s an interesting way for adding value to skeletons.

[quote=Rostygold]You can check the Railway Board (Guide) that me and my fellow wiki editors made.

I have done extensive Board jigging for most board members, with the exception of Furnace and April. I am not dealing with them until I fully upgrade the trains. They are a pain in the ass for train upgrade agendas.[/quote]Hmm… it seems as though the thing to do here is bring in, say, St Fiacre’s, finish upgrading train defences, then swap him for Feducci so as to be able to influence the whole board with respectability alone.

Hey, do people still get the extra meeting? I want to build up my wealth/ defences with one, then take the other to actually build the station.

I believe you have the ‘Help from the Board Secretary’ option until you build the station at Jericho Locks, so you might be able to use the first one as a freebie and then build with the second.
edited by Mulligan on 7/23/2020

I received a second free board meeting last week after Time the Healer visited. The current theory is that the free board meeting is gated by a hidden quality (named “Bureaucratic Advantage”), which is reset by TtH.

[quote=PSGarak]I received a second free board meeting last week after Time the Healer visited. The current theory is that the free board meeting is gated by a hidden quality (named &quotBureaucratic Advantage&quot), which is reset by TtH.[/quote]It’s not even all that hidden, it’s mentioned in the weekly message. The cutoff for using it, for now at least, is building the station at Jericho Locks, but since that won’t be possible until after the election, it’s currently available to everyone with a railroad.