Questions about random questlines

I’m afraid i haven’t the ffaintest idea what you mean, although you’re not the only person to ask such cryptic questions about my name in the past week

I’m sorry, I was not questioning your name. My reference was about a play called “Waiting for Godot”, by Samuel Beckett. And I was being a little obtuse. More clearly speaking, I was questioning your need to know so much specific information about so many things, and not just letting the game unfold before you. My earlier post was a little rude. I apologize.

I usually do the same as Nanako, just with extended searches on the wiki and Reddit.
For people who can still enjoy the game without finding out everything little detail themselves, this is a quite sensible approach.
After all, this game will lock you out of content, not always with much warning, or sometimes behave in ways that are new and exciting when you first encounter them, and get mildly annoying when you find out there is no way of getting rid of them (Three-card lodgings, anybody? Or the struggling artist?).

aren’t all low level lodgings 3 cards? i’m not sure what you’re getting at here

I think he’s talking about the cards that keep showing up. There’s no way to stop them.

aren’t all low level lodgings 3 cards? i’m not sure what you’re getting at here[/quote]
Some of them are generally useless, and only add a new, worthless-in-late-game, card to your deck. (1 scrap per card? yeah, nope.) Most have their perks, but not quite enough to want to draw their card, generally. (exceptions: if you aren’t going to lose repentant forger, rooftop shack which offers a connection check for 3 echoes in wines. if you get an annoyance to jack-of-smiles, smoky flophouse dormitory is tolerable, and 1 more source of criminal favors. ) Notably useless is the bookshop lodging (not even a MW option! Really? Really), notably useful is the handsome townshouse.

what’s with this case:

i don’t recall ever doing it

It’s for Ambition: Nemesis.

I think i may be a little misunderstood.
I specifically ask not to have lore and story spoilers, because i do very much enjoy that part. The point of this thread is more to help me find those interesting stories, rather than wasting my time on levelling up Touched By Fingerwork or some other wierd quality that doesn’t really lead anywhere

And as i’m sure you’re aware, material wealth, and the gathering of crafting components, is a core part of gameplay. I would typically rather be doing an interesting story, than grinding my way through writing a million letters at the palace to make one more Personal Recommendation. In this case, knowledge of the rewards i might get allows me to figure out which interesting new stories to do without sacrificing my general economic progress towards other goals

Whereas I would advise against that - certainly while you’re still exploring the game. It’s easier to maintain an interest in the game when you’re only holding down one character’s worth of progress, and doing one character’s worth of actions. (Not to mention, easier to remember where you are in the game when there’s only one of you.)

It also means that when you do get around to creating another character, you’ll have a much better framework of understanding for the things being mentioned in the stories - and you’ll be able to pick up on details you would have otherwise missed.

When you’ve hit end-game? Sure, make as many alts as you can stand to play! But until then, just be one person.

(That’s how I see it, anyway.)

[li]SoTC 10 is Mandatory for Correspondents. Besides that, you already heard about using it with a Monocle on a pail of So-Called Snow automatically successful at 10, else it’s 10% per SoTC level. There is no other reason beyond bragging rights to have SoTC beyond that unless you are writing a Monograph as said Correspondent.[/li]

That’s not quite true; the MW option on the Cottage lodgings requires a fairly difficult SotC check to exchange a Searing Enigma for a lot of MW.

OP updated,


[ul][li]What’s Seeing Through The Eyes of Icarus all about?[/li][li]Also Touched By Fingerwork[/li][li]and Walking the Fallen Cities[/li][li]What’s the Fighting a War Of Assasins about too?
edited by Nanako on 1/24/2016[/quote]
Eyes of icarus, as far as i can tell, is tied in with a lot of things. one particularly common one is the playing with broken dolls storylet, and it’s also awarded by an event at the feast involving &quotjoy, from the hill.&quot I’d guess it involves destruction through creation, as well as rising up to plummet (into the sea, to use the old myth. the one about joy.) It’s also tied into anything associated with heights, including the correspondence. [If you knew what it was, you’d know why.] (i__n p t ou_ the t_r_s- r a e_s s_e_k h_i l_n_u_g)

Touched by fingerwork is mostly about mirrors- and what they do down here-, but i believe it also is tied into the clay men and, therefore, polythreme. There’s probably other connections, though. the ultimate use for it, if such a thing occurs, will be to explore [the graph of x^(2*k), so to speak], which requires a ludicrous value, but is currently locked, unlikely to be unlocked soon, and quite possibly will have different requirements when you do unlock it.

Walking the fallen cities is mostly awarded for knowledge about past cities, future cities, or the seven cities as a whole. knowledge of present london rarely awards it, iff i recall correctly. it’s been a while since i played a lot of these, though, for all of the above, so in some ways, you know better than me.

fighting a war of assasins is… exactly what it sounds like. it’s a carousel (loop where you progress, reach the end, and repeat) that awards 1 point dramatic tension per loop. at LV. 2 dramatic tension, you can claim rewards from your defeated rival, or your master/peer in spycraft. Nearly every option involves trying to avoid being killed, or trying to kill them. for instance, i generally spend my loops taking shelter in the flit and hiring assasins to take out my enemy, while convincing the raggedy men to help launch the final assault, but you could also try to kill them personally, or just survive what they throw at you, before proposing a truce until they admit defeat. assuming all stats equal, all routes are roughly equally effective. It’s a good source of collections of curiosities, which outclasses most of the other options, and, if you need them, it’s also a great source of collated reasearch, which- isn’t as lucrative, 40 echoes worth as opposed to the collection of curiosities (which can be traded in for 62.5- don’t sell any from expeditions otherwise!), but is the best source if you’ve been kicked from the university. Unless you want to see all the endings, or need uses of villians, you should probably just stick to the collection of curiosities payout. [lising the payouts is no spoiler at all- the game explicitly states what they are, so the only]

A lot of the first three are multi-purpose, really, so don’t be surprised if you see other storys that reward them. Sometimes it’s an oblique reference, sometimes it’s just an oddball use of the context. There are many sources, but very few uses. once you finish the eyes-of-icarus storyline (playing with broken dolls) you have no more uses for them, IIRC. if still curious and i missed something, mention it here!

I’m certain that, as of this posting, there are virtually no uses for them above… lv. 10, maybe? probably not even that. they’re not useful, generally. I have lv. 57 walking the fallen cities, and i don’t really seek it out. in the unlikely event that you wish to raise them… they all have an associated card, and a lot of other sources. it’s not exactly hard.
edited by Grenem on 1/24/2016

Eyes of icarus,
Touched by fingerwork is mostly about mirrors-
Walking the fallen cities [/quote]

Please do remember i’m asking about functional applications here, not lore <3

I have what i think are fairly high values in the above three things

I still see their cards coming up, and they generally say something along the lines of &quotRaising your ________ quality will unlock new storylets on this card&quot
Yet i’ve not seen any new storylets on them for ages. Playing with broken toys has this option which requires being a posi

and one other about contacting an albino rat. Neither of them lead anywhere.
I think i vaguely recall that becoming POSI wiped out most of the options on these cards, and i’m not sure i was done exploring them :(

hmm, you have to finish it twice for a payout? would you say its worthwhile doing?
I suppose i’ll do it once or twice anyway, the story interests me


hmm, you have to finish it twice for a payout? would you say its worthwhile doing?
I suppose i’ll do it once or twice anyway, the story interests me[/quote]
three times for a payout, but the payout is similarly vast. (a carosel is 11 actions so three loops is 33 actions, assuming no failure.) The final reward is, potentially, based on a choice that can be changed at any time, an item that can be traded in for 62.5 echoes, (if you have tomb colonist connections and draw their card. it doesn’t cost any CP, either) and all the options (currently, at least) are worth enough to be over 1 epa if you have a use for their reward.

There’s also another carosel with different rewards, and they’re cross compatible. given how one has to do with spies and the other has to do with assasinations. the other one is in wilmot’s end, has the same # of actions to complete, and has rewards that require finishing the carosel, reset it, and give otherwise rare items. (whirring contraptions and strong backed labor).

Neither of the wilmot’s end payouts have amazing epa, since they require 44 actions to complete a loop, but if you need it desperately enough, you might find it to be better than grinding out the components manually, and it’s unquestionably better than buying the supplies needed to make them for whirring contraptions. (I would guess that the strong-backed labour is just a waste of energy through and through, though.)

[quote=Nanako]Eyes of icarus,
Touched by fingerwork
Walking the fallen cities[/quote]
These qualities (and also &quotApproaching the Gates of the Garden&quot) track how far along you are in finding out some of the mysteries of the Fallen London universe. These are very old qualities. To the best of my knowledge, they don’t yet play any major role in any significant storyline. (thought the seem to be intended for such use in the future). Think of them as hints of storylines to come.

Each cycle through this carousel (11 actions) increases Dramatic Tension by 1 CP. Doing the carousel 3 times (i.e. 33 actions) will give you Dramatic Tension level of two (1 CP to level one, 2 CPs to level two). You can then use the Dramatic Tension (resets it to 0) to get one of several items (you need to choose the items before starting the carousel!). For these particular items (e.g. Collection of Curiosities), the War of Assassins carousel (total of 34 actions) is usually the most efficient way to go.

Each cycle through this carousel (11 actions) increases Dramatic Tension by 1 CP. Doing the carousel 3 times (i.e. 33 actions) will give you Dramatic Tension level of two (1 CP to level one, 2 CPs to level two). You can then use the Dramatic Tension (resets it to 0) to get one of several items (you need to choose the items before starting the carousel!). For these particular items (e.g. Collection of Curiosities), the War of Assassins carousel (total of 34 actions) is usually the most efficient way to go.[/quote]

A good explanation. A small correction, it is possible today to change the prize even in the middle of the carousel.

Each cycle through this carousel (11 actions) increases Dramatic Tension by 1 CP. Doing the carousel 3 times (i.e. 33 actions) will give you Dramatic Tension level of two (1 CP to level one, 2 CPs to level two). You can then use the Dramatic Tension (resets it to 0) to get one of several items (you need to choose the items before starting the carousel!). For these particular items (e.g. Collection of Curiosities), the War of Assassins carousel (total of 34 actions) is usually the most efficient way to go.[/quote]
A good explanation. A small correction, it is possible today to change the prize even in the middle of the carousel.[/quote]
that’s reset the carousel though so do it before starting it (it resets fighting a war of assassins, i don’t think it resets dramatic tension)


that’s reset the carousel though so do it before starting it (it resets fighting a war of assassins, i don’t think it resets dramatic tension)[/quote]

Well, I may be mistaken here. Not the first time.
I remember choosing the prize AFTER building my dramatic tension to level 2. Was changing my mind about the prize. I Was doing the Wilmot’s and claimed the prize of the assassins (same actions, different location).
Does it resets the progress bar? Perhaps it doesn’t reset the dramatic tension, as you stated.
Well, until I try it again, disregard my remark.
edited by Gonen on 1/24/2016


that’s reset the carousel though so do it before starting it (it resets fighting a war of assassins, i don’t think it resets dramatic tension)[/quote]

Well, I may be mistaken here. Not the first time.
I remember choosing the prize AFTER building my dramatic tension to level 2. Was changing my mind about the prize. I Was doing the Wilmot’s and claimed the prize of the assassins (same actions, different location).
Does it resets the progress bar? Perhaps it doesn’t reset the dramatic tension, as you stated.
Well, until I try it again, disregard my remark.
edited by Gonen on 1/24/2016[/quote]
Claiming the prize from an extant option doesn’t reset non-Dramatic-Tension progress, IIRC, but swapping the payouts does.

You can also claim the prize from wilmot’s end, and that doesn’t reset the war of assassins progression, nor vice versa, but changing what the assassin’s payout is does reset fighting a war of assassins, though not Dramatic Tension.

Don’t stockpile Dramatic Tension, it’ll all be lost when you cash in, or when you go to zee.