If a chicken and a half can lay an egg and a half in a day in a half, how many eggs will 6 chickens lay in 6 days?
Current unaugmented stats:
Watchful 63
Shadowy 33
Dangerous 46
Persuasive 52
Need an Invisible Eminence, I reckon, to get Shadowy in line with the others.
Query: is it possible to have more than one mentor simultaneously, to work on other areas?
Interests: Intellectual history, particularly natural jurisprudence. OTOH, all work and no play makes Mal a dull boy.
Update: well, as it happens, Lady Sapho L. Byron has taken me on to train my mind, which Lord knows needs it.
Seeking a mentor. Seeking the aid of an Invisible Eminence to bring my more… Clandestine pursuits in line with my other ventures.
Just a simple zailor that dabbles in a bit of the occult, fixes that which need be fixing (if the payout is right). Working on building my own crew and gaining a vessel. In hear rumbling that their be men and women who venture the deep fathoms.
Pyla8: An aspiring writer in need of a shattering force and an extraordinary mind. You know, for self defense and uh, research.
Watchful 74
Shadowy 49
Dangerous 62
Persuasive 98
aprilhare: Needs all the help she can get as a sketchy character often in the company of devil. Especially interested in a shattering force and invisible eminence, but would also like help from a legendary charisma and extraordinary mind.
Aiding a man of the cloth never goes unrewarded. Need a kind soul of to guide me in converting the masses (persuasive) or discerning divine secrets (watchful); I am uninterested in a life of sin so those with poor moral standing can remain in The Flit.
Desmond Jordan, Private Investigator, as ethical as one can be in this business, is looking for a patron, preferably of Legendary Charisma or Shattering Force. Please visit me in my humble room above a bookshop.
Watchful 84
Shadowy 44
Dangerous 61
Persuasive 74
UPDATE: Desmond Jordan is now the very lucky and eager protégés of the breathtaking, sagacious Lady La Fauve, editor of the Proper Perspective, the one and only newspaper for those seeking the real truth beNeath the shadowy machinations on the shores of the Unterzee. edited by DerGreif on 10/28/2015 edited by DerGreif on 10/28/2015
My name is Elswyth and I have been navigating the Neath for several months now, quietly observing the day to day flow and learning of the culture from my rooftop shack. However, there comes a certain point when a woman desires a little more of her station.
I am seeking the patronage of A Lengendary Charisma or An Invisible Eminence. I once made the mistake of casting my lot with a charming devil, who then took my soul and discarded me. Thankfully, I have since recovered it and will not make the same mistake again. I believe in loyalty, and any who will have me will assuredly have an ally for life.
As for your riddle: If you have me, you may want to share me. But if you share me, you haven’t got me. What am I?
UPDATE: I am no longer in need of assistance. edited by Elswyth on 2/12/2016
As for your riddle: If you have me, you may want to share me. But if you share me, you haven’t got me. What am I? edited by Elswyth on 10/30/2015[/quote]
Inferiority. Monopoly.
IGN: Batibot323
Hey! I’ve been playing for less than a month. I’m not sure if I can already have a patron guiding me. But anyway, here are my stats
Watchful - 31
Shadowy - 29
Dangerous - 72
Persuasive - 42
I’m seeking patronage from a Shattering Force (Dangerous)
What walks with four legs in the morning, runs with two in the noon and stand on three by the evening? edited by Batibot323 on 11/1/2015
I started playing again after a while of being sporadic and find myself tasked with grinding my stats again, so this time I’m looking for a patron for persuasive and dangerous (persuasive being the more important one).
My fellow inhabitants of this fine and darkly interesting city, I find myself in a position in which finding a patron (or 2, or 3) would be most helpful. I would most appreciate a patron in Shattering Force (dangerous) or A Legendary Charisma (persuasive), but really I would be most grateful for a patron in any skill.
I am happy to say that I have successfully gained a patron in Charisma (the beautiful Mrs Sestina Valdis), a patron in Intellect (the amazing Hobnail) and I am in discussions with the intimidating Kamin the Son about Forcefulness. Many thanks to everyone!
Watchful - 75
Shadowy - 35
Dangerous - 46
Persuasive - 48
What lies in bed, then stands in bed, first white then red, the plumper it gets, the more the old woman likes it? edited by Shaphron on 11/2/2015 edited by Shaphron on 11/11/2015
Ah hello! I am seeking a patron in either Shadowy or Dangerous (although I probably should focus more on Shadowy…)
My current stats are as follows:
Watchful: 73 (+6)
Shadowy: 50 (+5)
Dangerous: 52 (+2)
Persuasive: 96 (+7)
I am currently writing a novel (and in sore need of more Connected: Revolutionaries). I have dabbled in the Great Game, and I am at Connected 21 (Enmeshed! What a fun word to say.) I quite enjoyed the Great Game storyline. I wish I could do more. Also, I am at Connected: Hell 17. Which is fun.
I have been to the Empress’s Court through the Shuttered Palace. I have opened access to the Forgotten Quarter and Wolfstack Docks. I have yet to enter the Flit. edited by Merida Evelyn on 11/3/2015
As for your riddle: If you have me, you may want to share me. But if you share me, you haven’t got me. What am I? edited by Elswyth on 10/30/2015[/quote]
Inferiority. Monopoly.[/quote]
Edit: Invisible Eminence #4 has graciously agreed to serve as a tutor in the ways of stealth.
Author and scholar Rowena Quigley is looking to move on to bigger and more exciting things after a few months in the Neath. Unfortunately, she’s only recently learned to be stealthier than a particularly noisy Rattus Faber. The patronage of an Invisible Eminence would be sincerely appreciated, though a Shattering Force would also be welcomed.
Watchful 115
Shadowy 70
Dangerous 85
Persuasive 127 edited by Rowena Quigley on 11/17/2015
Update: I have fallen under the influence of the glorious Hobnail a most Extraordinary Mind and the Legendary Charismatic Azurite has agreed to be my very own Professor Higgins. Thank-you most kindly to you both.
I’m seeking any kind benefactor (or malevolent taskmaster) who might be interested in taking me on.
In a vain attempt not to reveal myself a faceless husk of possibly human origin:- I first got addicted to neathy delights through Sunless Sea and so Charlotte is the recalcitrant land-lubing scion of a large extended family of adventurous albeit horrifically ill-fated zee-fairers. Her exploits in London so far have been driven by a recklessly insatiable curiosity and a badly fractured moral compass. Occupation Trickster. Closest to Bohemians. Toasts the Widow. Prevaricating badly over choice of ambitions. Developing a keen interest in candle-lit silverware trading. I try to put my limited RP skills to use where I can.
As for the riddle, I know a salacious one about onions, but to play things safe-
The beginning of eternity
The end of time and space
The beginning of every end,
And the end of every place.
Thanks for your time. edited by Charlotte_de_Witte on 11/16/2015 edited by Charlotte_de_Witte on 11/16/2015 edited by Charlotte_de_Witte on 11/29/2015 edited by Charlotte_de_Witte on 11/29/2015
As for your riddle: If you have me, you may want to share me. But if you share me, you haven’t got me. What am I? edited by Elswyth on 10/30/2015[/quote]
Inferiority. Monopoly.[/quote]
It’s clearly a secret ;-)[/quote]
Yes. no amount of googling will reveal a plausible answer. the secret one makes no sense. two can keep a secret, if three would wish to know. There is a point where sharing a secret makes you lose it, but it’s broad and general state of sharedness. If four people know out of three hundred who would want to, it’s still a secret, even if you shared it with the other three.
Clearly, there is a right answer, but "that, is a secret!"
I fear I may have gotten a little carried away with myself upon becoming a Person of Some Importance. Not too important to be banged up in New Newgate, it turns out.
I’d appreciate it if any Invisible Eminences lurking in the shadows would be so kind as to take me under their wing. After all, it would be mutually beneficial.
Watchful 95
Shadowy 82
Dangerous 93
Persuasive 83
I’ve been a bit of a jack of all trades so far: after finding my feet with the Urchins of Spite I shared a few sensuous honey-dreams with some colourful characters in Veilgarden before falling in with the Cheery Man and his lot. I’m currently a newcomer at court and have been invited to the university but my attentions have been otherwise occupied duelling and stealing, which accounts for my current… unfortunate… situation. edited by Blitherington Smythe on 11/15/2015