Protégés Seeking Patrons (Only protégés need post)

Greetings to all of you, beautiful people of Fallen London. I’m looking for someone that is fearsome and knows how to hit a good fist in other people’s faces. Please, I will love to meet someone that it’s a shattering force and with ho I can drink a cup of coffee or a glass of mushroom whine in the meantime.

My stats are:
Watchful: 75
Shadowy: 33
Dangerous: 20
Persuasive: 102

Please, contact me; I will love to have some help to improve my fighting skills and to meet someone new. I will say here, and to my patron, when I reach the goal of 100 in dangerous. Bye bye.

(and please, forgive my lack of good writhing, my native language is not inglish)

UPDATE: Patron found! Thanks so much, everybody.

Good evening, delicious friends. I find myself in need of a mentor in the art and science of detection. Perhaps you are the very Extraordinary Mind I seek!

My current stats:
Watchful: 68
Shadowy: 75
Dangerous: 66
Persuasive: 83

In Fallen London, I am the very boldest. Outside of Fallen London, I am a very shy lady. I wish to read every book and pet every cat (here and there.) Any assistance you may give will be greatly appreciated, and paid forward once I am eligible to mentor.

I’m not much for riddles, but my favorite joke is &quotTwo guys walk into a bar. The third one ducks.&quot

edited by lesleymac on 9/10/2015


  • Watchful: 70[/li][li]Shadowy: 59[/li][li]Dangerous: 65[/li][li]Persuasive: 90

I seek Patrons strictly of the [color=#ffffff]Shadowy[/color] sort.

A little bit about:

[ul][li]I’d rather keep my nature and goals to myself, if that’s alright. I doubt you’re interested in that, anyway.[/li][li]I do however like Devils and Rubbery Men. [/li][li]I have an unhealthy, deep fascination with the Eater-of-Chains.[/li][li]I love cats. Any type of cat.

[/li][/ul][Insert Clever Riddle Here]
edited by Haneul on 9/10/2015

Hm. Well, I’d be interested in tutelage of really any nature. I’ve no preference when it comes to skillset; indeed, I try to be well-rounded. Which, of course, means I fail to impress in every regard. Oh well.

Currently, I stand at
Watchful: 62
Shadowy: 47
Dangerous: 55
Persuasive: 53

I’d really like the help of an Invisible Eminence, please contact me somehow.
My stats:
Watchful: 89
Shadowy: 22
Dangerous: 74
Persuasive: 83

The name by which you may call me is Esmé. I’m afraid I cannot offer anything better.

I seek an introduction to the art of fighting and intimidation from a Shattering Force. A voice in my dream told me to include these numbers in my note - a cipher of sorts, I assume.

Watchful: 73
Shadowy: 86
Dangerous: 48
Persuasive: 83

Our city is, I believe, enough of a riddle.

EDIT: I have come across a Shattering Force interested in becoming my patron.
edited by Esmé Crainte on 9/23/2015

My name is Mechathena and I am seeking a patron. I like sunsets, long walks on the beach, and risking my soul to further my connection with Devils. I spend most of my time making choices and instantly regretting them, or pretending to be more suave and intentional than I really am. I’m a poet, which is a nice way of saying unemployed, but I moonlight as a detective, a thief, and a bounty hunter. Finally, and most importantly, I ALWAYS protect cats.

My stats:
Watchful: 43
Shadowy: 29
Dangerous: 24
Persuasive: 60

I’m looking for a lesson in Shadowy or Dangerous, whichever strikes your fancy. Here’s my profile. Thanks!

I’m not a big riddle person, but I do love a good logic puzzle, so enjoy this:

A windowless room contains three identical light fixtures, each containing an identical light bulb or light globe. Each light is connected to one of three switches outside of the room. Each bulb is switched off at present. You are outside the room, and the door is closed. You have one , and only one, opportunity to flip any of the external switches. After this, you can go into the room and look at the lights, but you may not touch the switches again. How can you tell which switch goes to which light?
edited by Mechathena on 9/13/2015

Ah, yes. This is my particular set of skills.

Watchful: 75
Shadowy: 45
Dangerous: 107
Persuasive: 113

I am a quite fascinating gentleman, I know. Apparently, though, I lack the…subtleness needed to go on about my job.
While undoubtedly insightful, however, I also might need help to become more observant of the world around me.
So, I’m looking for an Invisibile Eminence (they are quite hard to find, I’m to believe. But alas, they wouldn’t be invisible otherwise, would they?) or someone with an Extraordinary Mind to teach me their ways.

I enjoy everything enjoyable and am quite skilled at killing people. I usually am the enemy in stories. Yes indeed.
In the past I hunted rats. I thought I was to become a Monster Hunter in the long run. But, ah, I got so bored with just catching rats. I wanted to hunt…a more complex creature.
Anyhow, if there is a patron interested in taking me under their wing, well…we can have dinner together. Talk about it. I do so yearn for your lovely sweet secrets.

Oh, yes, almost forgot. For more reference, you can find my name in Slowcake’s Exeptionals. Double-starred entry. Yes, indeed.

I’m not skilled with riddles at all. I usually prefer to lie my way through a solution. Or use violence. But have found this quite enjoyable for my simple mind:

[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)]Take away my first letter, and I still sound the same. Take away my last letter, I still sound the same. Even take away my letter in the middle, I will still sound the same. I am a five letter word. What am I?[/color]

Well, have a wonderful day.

EDIT: I’m in contact with two delightful people, an Extraordinary Mind and an Invisible Eminence, who are intrested in making me their protegè. Thank you very much, my dear gentlemen and gentlewomen.
edited by Maximilian Datterpie on 9/16/2015


A shattering force or an invisible eminence.
Or any other kind you have around here.

[font=facitweb-1, facitweb-2, ‘Lucida Sans Unicode’, ‘Lucida Grande’, sans-serif]It makes no matter.

Trust me, I will make your experience worthwhile.[/font]

Random Book Recommendation: Nexus by Ramez Naam. Give it a read.

Hi all, I’m Licantus!
I’m relatively new in Fallen London, but I’m trying to enjoy its atmosphere the best.

Watchful: 55
Shadowy: 49
Dangerous: 25
Persuasive: 35

From today I’m a Trickster and, although I’m happy to have abandoned the training professions, now I need help to raise my stats. I’d like any type of Patron, except the one for Dangerous because I still need to do the initial storylines and I don’t want to miss or rush them.

This is my profile:
Thanks to all Ladies, Gentlemen or Whatever, who will assist me!
edited by Licantus on 9/16/2015

Watchtful: 110
Shadowy: 43
Dangerous: 48
Persuasive: 103

Hello to you all, you may treat me as Doxl, of course not my actual name. What kind of parents would call their child &quotDoxl&quot? But this is of little consequence. For my own, personal reasons, I think I may be in need of some much needed training. This has led me to search for someone titled to be a &quotShattering Force&quot. If anyone wouldn’t mind to lend a hand in learning the ways and at the same time ignore the I’d like to keep my reasons to myself, your help would be much welcome!

In mention of the riddle, I’m not one for riddles myself, so I’ll refrain from making a fool out of myself in attempting to create one.

Edit: Currently have found a patron.
edited by Doxl on 9/25/2015

Good afternoon fellow citizens,I am a lady who enjoys shadows and intrigues. However, I am a fairly new arrival in this subterranean metropolis and am looking for a shattering force or a legendary charisma in preference.

Watchful: 65
Shadowy: 73
Dangerous: 46
Persuasive: 59

Thank you most kindly beings.

EDIT: Thank you, I have now been taken under the wing of a delightful gentle being.
edited by Miss Nix on 9/22/2015

Greetings Delicious Friends,

I am a dangerous individual, one that is fairly new to FL and is seeking a mentor to help improve my opposite side. I am looking for anyone to help me with my less then delightful stats in the non-dangerous category

Watchful: 29
Shadowy: 23
Dangerous: 63
Persuasive: 28

My humble thanks to all

Hello, greetings, salutations, shenanigans and well met,

First, riddle me this:

&quotA man is trapped in a room with no doors or windows. The room was built around him. In the room with him is a table and a mirror. How does he escape?&quot

Okay, now that that’s out there, I like:

Dr Who
Music (genre is irrelevant)
Stories set in WW2

I don’t like:



Watchful: 64
Shadowy: 33
Dangerous: 55
Persuasive: 44

I’m looking for one to aid in Persuasive, since it’s the one that tends to hold me back.

EDIT: I have a protege (and I’m not adding that little line above the e’s :P
edited by Animefan666 on 9/28/2015
edited by Animefan666 on 9/30/2015

Hi everyone,
I’ve played for a week or so

watchful 18
shadowy 23
dangerous 12
persuasive 35

I decided to make a charming character as most other games out there don’t allow you to focus on that stat alone and still succeed. I like slurpees and most other slurpee like drinks. I also slurp a lot when I drink >_<

I prefer cats to rats. (who doesn’t) and like most things that are soft and fluffy.

I’m looking for training in any other stat aside from persuasive.

Hello All!

I’ve been playing for a couple months now

Watchful 67
Shadowy 72
Dangerous 59
Persuasive 68

I am an individual motivated by the hope of a good life, sparing no effort in crawling upwards.
I find the halfway-respectable inhabitants of London are more trusting of someone who appears to be acting within their own special time-steps and sweetheart-walks.
Thus it is more pleasing to be in company of less false faces, the Urchins.

In search of a patron for Watchful: the art of seeing without being seen to be seeing that there is something unseeing to be seen.

Hi everyone!

I started playing a few months ago.

Watchful 68
Shadowy 34
Dangerous 36
Persuasive 70

I enjoy dancing, alternative rock/indie, and sci-fi. I’m hoping for a Patron to help me with Shadowy and Dangerous. Thanks!

I’m looking for a mentor. Someone of a more stealthy nature (42), though I’m also interested in becoming a bit sharper with my fists (56) or tongue (40). If all else fails, I wouldn’t mind shadowing a more experienced detective (51).
edited by Vicarious Phantom on 10/8/2015
edited by Vicarious Phantom on 10/8/2015

I am looking for an Invisible Eminence (Shadowy). My stats are:
Watchful 14
Shadowy 35
Dangerous 11
Persuasive 37

I have only been playing this game for about a week, but currently I love it. I enjoy text-based RP games, but have trouble finding ones I really like (I’m picky, and my real-life friends don’t play them).

Argoloth seeking an Invisible Eminence or a Legendary Charisma

Watchful: 85
Shadowy: 26
Persuasive: 38
Dangerous: 68