Ah, yes. This is my particular set of skills.
Watchful: 75
Shadowy: 45
Dangerous: 107
Persuasive: 113
I am a quite fascinating gentleman, I know. Apparently, though, I lack the…subtleness needed to go on about my job.
While undoubtedly insightful, however, I also might need help to become more observant of the world around me.
So, I’m looking for an Invisibile Eminence (they are quite hard to find, I’m to believe. But alas, they wouldn’t be invisible otherwise, would they?) or someone with an Extraordinary Mind to teach me their ways.
I enjoy everything enjoyable and am quite skilled at killing people. I usually am the enemy in stories. Yes indeed.
In the past I hunted rats. I thought I was to become a Monster Hunter in the long run. But, ah, I got so bored with just catching rats. I wanted to hunt…a more complex creature.
Anyhow, if there is a patron interested in taking me under their wing, well…we can have dinner together. Talk about it. I do so yearn for your lovely sweet secrets.
Oh, yes, almost forgot. For more reference, you can find my name in Slowcake’s Exeptionals. Double-starred entry. Yes, indeed.
I’m not skilled with riddles at all. I usually prefer to lie my way through a solution. Or use violence. But have found this quite enjoyable for my simple mind:
[color=rgb(102, 102, 102)]Take away my first letter, and I still sound the same. Take away my last letter, I still sound the same. Even take away my letter in the middle, I will still sound the same. I am a five letter word. What am I?[/color]
Well, have a wonderful day.
EDIT: I’m in contact with two delightful people, an Extraordinary Mind and an Invisible Eminence, who are intrested in making me their protegè. Thank you very much, my dear gentlemen and gentlewomen.
edited by Maximilian Datterpie on 9/16/2015