Protégés Seeking Patrons (Only protégés need post)


My name is Arcsbane. I am a person of small consequence, but I wish to remedy that. I seek a patron for my Watchful.

Watchful: 80
Shadowy: 74
Dangerous: 79
Persuasive: 75

It can hold you, But you cannot hold it. And the more you remove, The bigger it will get


I am known as Aoditor, a Respectable Person of Enigmatic and Possibly Variable Gender and Disposition. Do excuse Mystra and Shar perched on either side of my shoulders. They don’t conspire together. Much.

I have only recently returned from an expedition into a certain violet-hued secluded cavern, and must shamefully admit to a certain amount of trepidation in remaining anywhere half-close to the place, much less deal with those who seek its secret.

That little escapade, coupled with my boyish desire to test my newly constructed Zubmarine, meant that I intend to, as the French says, Bon Voyage moi petit derriere as far away from London as possible. A small snag with that plan, however, was a correspondence from a dear- late- captain friend of mine that emphasized that I must make certain to have a panache, a little daring flair to myself. Though he used the Zailor’s term Iron, I have since deduced that he meant Dangerous.

My stats, vulgarly expressed in numbers are as follow:
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Watchful: 100[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Shadowy: 89[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Dangerous: 74[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]Persuasive: 100[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]I seek a patron of the Shattering Force persuasion to mentor me in the art of breaking heads, in other words. I’d be suitably grateful to any assistance.[/color]
[color=rgb(194, 194, 194)]
[color=#c2c2c2]Do feel free to comes calling, delicious friends. You will find me in a Guestroom at the Brass Embassy, though rest assured that my open mindedness extended to all factions dwelling in this ventral domain.[/color]
[color=#c2c2c2]Before I go, Mystra have a riddle for you: [/color][color=rgb(36, 132, 198)]How Is a Raven Like a Writing Desk?[/color]
edited by Aoditor on 10/5/2014
edited by Aoditor on 10/5/2014

Hey all,

My stats:
Watchful 47
Shadowy 28
Dangerous 20
Persuasive 37

I am seeking a patron for Shadowy or Dangerous.

My name is Daykeeper.
edited by Daykeeper on 10/10/2014

Good evening, Delicious Friends,

Through the Nadir and my own neglect, my Dangerous has now fallen to 68. This is a sad state of affairs for me, as I am myself an Invisible Eminence - yet if there actually were a fight I could not evade by skulking in the shadows, I would be at a sorry loss.

I’m not sure that I can still accept an offer of patronage (I’m pretty sure I cannot extend a request for one in-game), but if there are any Shattering Forces out there who will try, I would be much obliged, and happy to send you gifts of jewels whenever the opportunity arises.

I normally am a quiet soul, and prefer to sneak my way out of trouble, but some of my adventures of late have convinced me that even being as stealthy as the shadows themselves is no guarantee of safety in a city as strange as Fallen London…

Please find me at - I shall remember not to hide from you.

Edit: To those who are seeking a Shadowy Patron in turn, I am sorry, but you shall have to wait until one of my current Proteges graduates.
edited by Dalencienn on 10/12/2014

Greetings, Delicious Friends,

I’m mainly looking for a Shattering Force to teach me in the ways of those feared and strong. I am at Dangerous 46, and I regularly find myself wanting of at least a regular correspondence with those zailors residing at Wolfstack Docks.

Working as an archeologist, although rewarding, can become quite tiresome. One can easily want for events and people more exciting than workmen and simple students.

On the other hand, a patron of any kind would be much appreciated. I recently discovered myself in Fallen London, and may need guidance in my exploration of this delightful new realm.

I can be found at
Assistance of any kind would be much, much appreciated.
edited by Selcaer on 10/9/2014

[quote=Selcaer]Greetings, Delicious Friends,

I’m mainly looking for a Shattering Force to teach me in the ways of those feared and strong. I am at Dangerous 46, and I regularly find myself wanting of at least a regular correspondence with those zailors residing at Wolfstack Docks.

Working as an archeologist, although rewarding, can become quite tiresome. One can easily want for events and people more exciting than workmen and simple students.

On the other hand, a patron of any kind would be much appreciated. I recently discovered myself in Fallen London, and may need guidance in my exploration of this delightful new realm.

I can be found at
Assistance of any kind would be much, much appreciated.
edited by Selcaer on 10/9/2014[/quote]

Something is wrong with your account - whenever I click your profile your information does not rightly appear. And when I try to extend and invitation to teach you I cannot find you on my friend’s list no matter how many times I add you.

At any rate, if Selcaer already has a patron I am prepared to offer lessons on Danger if anyone needs them.

edited by Owen Wulf on 10/9/2014

I’d been seeking a Patron for two months now, and Dangerous is the final quality that I find may accept tutorage. If you are willing to accept a student as old as I, I am willing to learn.

Why hello there!

I’m looking for a patron of high dangerous, but I’ll take whatever kindness of patrons I’ll get(except Watchful, I’m good on that). In case anyone wants to know my stats(without items) they are:

Watchful- 120
Shadowy- 31
Dangerous- 58
Persuasive- 56

If you feel I’d be a good Protégé to teach then please do PM me.

[quote=Owen Wulf]Something is wrong with your account - whenever I click your profile your information does not rightly appear. And when I try to extend and invitation to teach you I cannot find you on my friend’s list no matter how many times I add you.[/quote]Mystery solved! You need to remove the &quots&quot in the &quothttps&quot or your browser will think it’s a secure page when it’s not. This address works:

My browser alerted me to the ‘wrong certificate names’ and allowed me to reject them, which ended up not showing me the thumbnails. Despite this I could still add Selcaer to my contacts, though this individual also appears to be &quotsomewhere else&quot at the moment, which might explain why you can’t find Selcaer in your friends list. Unless you mean the list you see when you click on EDIT YOUR ACCOUNT. Selcaer should definitely appear in that list.

I keep trying to send invitations for Protege status to Selcaer, Caninicus and Beadboy yet their names don’t come up despite them being on my friends list. Do I have to be on their Friends list too?

I am not sure why you were unable to send Protege invitations, unless perhaps your influence is too high?

In any case, not five minutes ago, I accepted patronage from another Londoner, but I do thank you for your offer.

As I said, I think you would have needed to befriend me before I could send the offer. And no, my influence is certainly not that high.

Maybe you need to send a calling card to the person you wish to take on? Or maybe the other way around?

Yeah I think you’re right. And both ways should work, as long as the receiving end accepts the calling card.

Morning. I’d like to be a protégé of an Extraordinary Mind, if possible, and my stats are:

Watchful 35
Shadowy 9
Dangerous 15
Persuasive 13

(I’d like to note that this is my second account playing Fallen London; I’ve made my mark as an Extraordinary Mind already and have decided to start anew. Yes, it was a bad decision. At least I got to choose a new ambition.) I’m- apparently- an observant and menacing lady for now. As I’ve established on another forum post, I am a nitpicking computer science geek with an affinity for Marvel comics/movies and baked goods.

A riddle for the gentlefolk to chew on as they boredly click through another state of some confusion: It’s hard to give up. Remove part of it and you still have a bit. Remove another part, but some bit is still there. Remove another and it remains. What is it?

Hey I’ve gotten several Gracious Patrons willing to apprentice me, and I was wondering, could a protégé have multiple patrons or can they only have one at a time?

Good Evening delicious friends.I’ve just started playing FL and am relatively unspoiled.
I have no ambition at the moment, and am seeking a patron of any stripe. I wander delightedly through the neathy fog of Londons’ streets, unaware of any grand designs, epic circumstances, or ignominious defeats.

How quickly time passes here in the Neath. What a difference not-quite-two-weeks makes. A mere baker’s fortnight ago, I came here untutored and sun-blind. Now here I stand, eyes adjusted, if not quite important yet.

W - 49
S - 31
D - 31
P - 41

At the moment I have a lovely patron who is keeping an eye out for me and teaching me to do the same, but the day will come when the other disciplines will also call to me.
edited by CulturalGeek on 10/28/2014

Another newbie! With two characers looking for patrons. It would be a major plus if I could also have in-game roleplaying/in-character post flavoring with the patron! (Just a note: I’m very new here and also a non-native English speaker, so I’m not 100% knowledgeable about the lore, and I’m not terribly good in fancy Victorian English.)

Here come my babies!

Lorelei Hale:


A sultry literature person who likes not only bodily pleasures but also shiny things. Since she likes shiny things that much and that she doesn’t like that getting shiny things is so troublesome, so she looks for training to get the shiny things easily (Shadowy).

W: 13
S: 17
D: 12
P: 37

Herlinda (her full name is Herlinda Smith but her character name is just Herlinda):

A peppery sleuth with snarky, pessimistic personality. There is still some good-will and even heroism in her. She looks for training in beating up ruffians (Dangerous):

W: 46
S: 20
D: 32
P: 28
edited by Nuti on 10/18/2014
edited by Nuti on 10/18/2014
edited by Nuti on 10/18/2014

I have been a citizen of Fallen London for quite some time, although I dare not call myself an expert in anything, quite the contrary. I am eager to have a patron to teach me their ways. My name is BlazingIce26, if you were to measure my talents in numbers, you would find I am quite the Shadowy individual, with an unaugmented stat of 77, a fairly Watchful character, with an unaugmented stat of 35, a decently Persuasive person, with an unaugmented stat of 33, and finally, I am not the Dangerous sort, with a base stat of 16.
My preferred teacher would be one who could learn me in the ways of language, teach me the powers of the tongue, in other words, a master of persuasion. Although I wouldn’t say no to someone who could assist me in the ways of watchfullness. I await your response.
~Yours truly, Blaze