Protégés Seeking Patrons (Only protégés need post)

What? Why would anyone choose such a name of nonsense, you say? Don’t you know we are in an age of progress? People are riding on iron horses with no legs! Steam monsters are taking us across unterzee! What’s in a name? Names have all the power. In such exciting times, would you still use the same old boring names? Would you still limit yourself to the old imaginations?

Oh, sorry. I forgot myself. I do get excited in my philosophy.

Yes, as you can see, maybe I am too eager to debate with others, yet they are not as eager as me. They often use some… let’s say, SHADOWY, or even worse, DANGEROUS ways to avoid debates. Which would be unsporting, surely. Therefore, I would like to seek a great mentor to help me in these areas, purely for the sake of science and knowledge and progress.

Oh, and if anyone ever see ProfessorNym or Ground0 around, say hello for me. I owe a lot to them for my philosophy.

Watchful: 115

A riddle? Why do you want a riddle? Fine. It’s a simple one.

“Who is Godot?”

And I am planning to answer it. Sooner or later. You shall see.

Greetings, Gentlefolk,

Caninicus is my name, a bastardized Latin from a father who idealized the good qualities of dogs. As Aristotle said, &quotThe unexamined life is not worth living,&quot and I find that several areas of my life have fallen short. I seek a Patron to help me remedy this, if it’s not already too late.

Watchful 115
Shadowy 101
Dangerous 85
Persuasive 100

I see myself primarily as a scholar of the unscholarly, a path that has led me at times to liberate certain items from the Brass Embassy and restore them to their original owners, compose symphonies for the Empress on instruments of glass, and wrestle a tiger at Mrs. Plenty’s Carnival.

For a riddle, I submit something I hope is more practical than what I usually read:

Why do people bother wasting time with social niceties?

I am now only eligible for a patron of shattering force, it seems. I suppose that I posted too late to attract one or perhaps warded them off with my riddle? No matter. Now, however, I will post on behalf of my significant other and relay a few words on her behalf.

Watchful: 37
Shadowy: 34
Dangerous: 26
Persuasive: 25

[quote]Hello, My name is Scarlette, and I’m new here. I’m not well-schooled, and I’d be ever so grateful if someone would take the trouble to help me not be so rough around the edges. I ended up down fleeing from madmen and seeking rumors of a giant gemstone. I’ve had to make ends meet by picking pockets, but I don’t like that sort of work and would rather support myself doing something creative. I won’t take up any more of your time. Thank you! Oh! The riddle!

'A thousand colored folds stretch toward the sky, atop a tender strand, rising from the land, ‘Til killed by maiden’s hand, Perhaps a token of love, perhaps to say goodbye.’[/quote]
edited by Caninicus on 9/23/2014


I don’t have much to say about myself. I play actively and I’m pretty good about responding to requests. I’m working slowly and tediously towards the ever elusive stormy eyes…

Stats as of now:
Watchful 74
Shadow 90
Dangerous 66
Persuasive 71

Any mentorship welcome, but if I had to choose I would say Watchful then Dangerous.

Greetings, delicious friends. I am Fazuskian, a stranger arrived in Fallen London with a lot of interests and let’s say… strange and various connections. spacing from the high places of society to the pursuers of the Great Game, but with a strong preference for devils and, of course, deviless. I’m still trying to find my place in our decadent city, and so I hope to find a Patron able to help me and lead me to becoming not a forgettable person.
My current stats are:
Watchful 77
Shadowy 47
Dangerous 52
Persuasive 85
I would appreciate any help, but I would prefer a Shattering Force or an Invisible Eminence, as those areas are extranous to my nature, and I keep struggling with them.
About the riddle: “What we caught, we threw away; what we didn’t catch, we kept. What did we keep?”. If you don’t get the answer, don’t worry: it killed a mind surely better than you and me.

Hello ladies, gentlmen and err… whatever.

Hojalata is looking for wise and guideful patronage! Let’s say my priorities are Dangerous > Shadowy > Persuasive, but any of them will be most welcomed!

Watchful 93
Shadowy 58
Dangerous 67
Persuasive 78

Hojalata is as versatile in his companies and skills as he is uncanny and somewhat dantesc in his tastes. Already a diligent researcher on Correspondence, he saw himself dragged as far as the Tomb-Colonies to further investigate certain spider concilium and its relation with that Post-mortem Sanitarium and a lost daughter. Friend of shadows and intrigue, but steadfast in his word.

Salutations, wise and gentle Fallen Londoners!

I, the rather unpoetically-monikered hh849, hereby proclaim my interest in securing a patron possessed of an Extraordinary Mind to guide me in my fateful and fruitful adventures forthcoming.

Watchful: 58
Shadowy: 20
Dangerous: 12
Persuasive: 25

I refuse to say anything more about myself.

Let us say… I am something of a riddle.

Hello dear readers and delicious friends. I come here newly humbled with a request.

I, Dom_Delouise, a new person of some importance (or so they tell me), am in dire need or a patron, patroness, or an err, individual of significant import if undefinable gender.

I am active in Fallen London, and would love someone to guide my path in these much more complicated waters in which I find myself. I care not as to how you have come into your excellence, although I one day hope to become a shattering force.



I am Jorin a person who has turned his back on the surface to find his fortune in the neath. I am a dabbler in the great game although that it is equally likely I am a pawn as much as king. When this fact begins to bother me too much I find distraction in the seduction of a young heiress or the heist of minor baubles from the houses of those who won’t miss them.

Watchful: 62
Shadowy: 74
Dangerous: 60
Persuasive: 74

I am looking for someone to help me navigate the waters in the neath, hopefully with a strong watchful quality.

Ragabrash, the Ragged Arcanist–&quotRag&quot to his friends!–is, generously, disreputable. It comes of hosting a pack of rats and several exotic ravens in your lodgings, and disguising oneself as a Tomb-Colonist on a daily basis, no matter how well one brushes clean one’s ratskin suit.

He(? Surely, a gentleman under the rags…?) was a ruthless lackey of Hell until his soul was taken. He later found it in a bundle of rubbish, and now his pocketwatch is marked with a shepherd’s crook.

Rag is a jack-of-trades; academic, lurker, marksman, socialite. But he passed through Spite and Veilgarden to become a Person of Some Importance on the strength of some specialized tools and a passionate mood. He’s seeking a Legendary Charisma or Invisible Eminence patron.

edited by Ragabrash on 11/9/2014

Update: I am no longer seeking a Patron.
Good evening, delicious friends. My name is Intransigent, and I admire art, beauty, and a good story. I am working to build an unnamed department at the University, to seek the Cave of the Nadir, and to make a name for myself at Court. I wish to better myself with the help of a Patron, preferably an An Invisible Eminence or A Shattering Force. That said, I would be most appreciative of any tutelage whatsoever, even if it was just over dinner. I’m sure we’d get along famously.

Watchful: 79
Shadowy: 71
Dangerous: 73
Persuasive: 112

This is my favorite riddle.

Four men sat down to play
They played all night till break of day.
They played for gold and not for fun,
With separate scores for everyone.
When they came to square accounts
They all made quite fair amounts.
Can you this paradox explain?
If no one lost, how could all gain?
edited by Intransigent on 11/6/2014


I am Yanamel, a poetess recently in residence in the Neath. I find myself called to the higher causes of Truth, Beauty, and Revolution, but for the life of me cannot help but be distracted by the Echoes or ankles of a pretty or monied individual. Sigh. Amusement must be found while we prepare the Conflagration, eh?

I seek a patron, preferably a legendary charisma or shattering force, but any will do. I am always in favor of self-improvement.

Watchful 32
Shadowy 18
Dangerous 13
Persuasive 68

Poke your fingers in my eyes and I will open wide my jaws. Linen cloth, quills, or paper, my greedy lust devours them all.

edited by Yanamel on 9/24/2014
edited by Yanamel on 9/24/2014

Greetings to all fellow dwellers of the Neath,

I’ve been dubbed a crafty and fascinating lady. While the first two may be true, the third is most assuredly not (being a woman does not necessarely imply being a lady, least of all in my line of work).
Some mysterious entities have decided to quantify my humble abilities as follows: Watchful, 40; Shadowy, 60; Dangerous, 38; Persuasive, 53. Should you click on this enticingly white text, you may find out more about me.
I currently find myself in search of a Patron offering lessons in danger, although I would not be opposed to a watchful person or just a friend either.
(Please note that being a friend will not offer authomatic protection against backstabbing by yours truly, although I do promise to be honest about it.)
I’ve also been asked to provide a riddle, which I will gladly do, if you’ll excuse my use of a minor, almost unknown dialect. The original rhyme is simply too delicious to resist. I promise to translate it beneath, though.

Un pastor vio en su cabaña
lo que un rey no vio en España,
ni un pontífice en su silla,
ni Dios, con ser Dios,
vio lo que vio el pastor;
¿qué vio?

A shepherd saw in his hut
what a king didn’t see in Spain,
nor did a pope see in his chair,
nor did God, being God,
see what the shepherd saw;
what’s that he saw?

Fare well and steer clear of rats,
edited by Siembra on 9/26/2014

sigh, It appears that to make ones way in this place, one must get ones hands dirty.

Would a Shattering Force be splendid enough to guide me in the art of clubbing things to death, and it’s advantages over the more subtle art of persuasion?

My eternal gratitude.

Lysteria Entwhistle.

hello folks,

im looking for one of them patrons in either the field of watching or talking. im looking forward to anyone that might be willing to adopt me.

my stats are w70 s50 d50 p75 and im going for a hell/bohemian/archeologist/steadfast/ilovekittykats/goodperson build

ive been playing for a month now and would like to take the next step towards becoming important down here. so help me if you can and like. thanks

edit: snape was so kind and will help me. thanks
edited by sathanas on 9/27/2014

Greetings Patrons and fellows would be Proteges,[li]

First my attributes, right? So let’s maintain the order!!

Watchful: 47
Shadowy: 30
Dangerous: 10
Persuasive: 72

Giving up this information wasn’t simple task, as one does not simply share valuable information this easily. But sharing with this so called &quotcommunity&quot that I recently got to know has proved to be mostly profitable in my current wish to deeper explore the nature and the society of the neath.
Since my arrival from the surface I’ve been putting my intectual and philosofical work a little in second plan, there is no shame in that, my writings can wait! There is much to do and see here in London, specialy in veilgarden, one of my favorite places! So let’s put our minds to rest for a while, just a little while, and have something for our souls!!

I’m looking for a local patron, or someone better acquainted with the locals, someone that knows people and places, and how to be part on London’s society. I want to learn more about the persuasive skills!!

P.S.: don’t mind my dangerous, I see any kind of act of violence as uncivilized and unworthy, I know I might need some skills in this field in the future but I prefer not to bother with it right away. Any kind of violent act is a shortcut used by lesser minds.

Greetings fellow Gentle people,

Watchful: 44
Shadowy: 33
Dangerous: 39
Persuasive: 51

I am a fascinating and shrewd individual of a mysterious and indistinct gender who Mingles with all groups of the Neath. I came from the surface where I left a suitor due to being framed by a villainous deviant, the rest of my memories before the Neath elude me…

Ideally I’d like to be taught all aspects and abilities equally Though I am aware this would be either especially awkward or downright impossible I would most like to harness my Persuasive, Watchful, Shadowy and Dangerous in that order, any patron(s? Perhaps?) whom can offer me lessons in such ways would be greatly appreciated, yet a friend and guide to this place would be a beautiful addition to one’s address book!

I await contact with bated breath, though in this area one’s breath is always baited (especially with that look the Constables and zeemen keep sending one’s way).

If I share what I have, I have it no more. If I keep it to myself, I take it to my grave- what is it?

Yours in grace and confidence,
Demi Gee

Hello various ladies, gentlemen, and unknowable horrors,

Watchful: 65
Shadowy: 31
Dangerous: 36
Persuasive: 32

I’m a detective who is also breaking out into strong arm work. Playing the Great Game and closest to it’s players, but also involved in the intrigues of Hell. Beginning explorations into the Forgotten Quarter.

Ideally, I’m hoping to find a Patron for Watchful, after that I’d go for Dangerous. That being said, any kind of patron would be excellent.

EDIT: Pardon me, but I seem to have forgotten the most important part, that being my address. My apologies, the combinations of devastating nightmares, a collection of bullet holes, rat bites, and rat bullet holes, and the simply awful things some people have been saying about me do take their toll.
edited by Acliabides on 9/30/2014

Good afternoon.

I find myself in a little pickle. After spending evenings at the Singing Mandrake, writing poetry and sipping wine, I have fallen in with the Neddy Men. Unfortunately, my stature does not provide me with the brute force my new companions expect, and therefore I seek a patron in the arts of the Dangerous men and women.

I am
Watchful: 66
Shadowy: 51
Dangerous: 60
Persuasive: 93

You will find me at my rooms above the bookshop at

Hello Ladies, Gentlemen, and those who do not feel the need to qualify …

I am Xerlia, a sagacious and compelling individual of mysterious and indistinct gender. My unmodified stats are:

Watchful: 92
Shadowy: 74
Dangerous: 63
Persuasive: 70

You will find my profile at

I am looking for a Patron who can help me improve my Dangerous quality.

Riddle: What travels around the world, but never leaves the corner?
edited by xerlia on 10/1/2014

The sound of bells. Yuletide has gone. But when IS dinnertime?

I sweep from dancing into new places on a curious whim, to patiently soaking up the whispers and pearls at the Palace or Mahogany. Lately, it’s more steeping and soaking but these things come and go I suppose. I have enjoyed a few thrilling Veilgarden affairs, published a good few pieces of art, and begun to explore the University - but I am in no hurry there…

Update: I presently have a patron for Shadowy, with thanks to the thread. I am moving along quite swifty on Watchful on my own. I suppose I could still use one for Dangerous, if anyone is interested. Personally I will be working more on Shadowy before Dangerous (if that makes any different to patrons one way or the other, I don’t know). Unless perhaps this business with the Cheesemonger gets completely out of hand…

W 89 - S 52 - D 34 - P 159

edited by Lavessa on 10/17/2014