Proposal for New Players: The Young Turks Club

My goodness, seems I deleted my post with a horrible re-edit + cancel misclick. :p

So using this wiki: Here is how to lose scandal in the court (without a memento of passion): Go to ‘Attend to matters of romance’ in the court, build up Fascinating to 4 using any option (some will give higher fascinating, but are a harder challenge, see this for more details). Then go the ‘Disporting with the servantry’ storylet and use the branch ‘Catch the eye of a butler’ to lower scandal upon success. Failure will lower Hedonist. Alternatively, use or buy the item Nikolas & Sons Instant Ablution Absolution and lower scandal and suspicion.

You can re-enter the Court anytime with one action point through the Shuttered Palace. Leaving is free and is done through the map. Since you are using the court, you should have the Shuttered Palace unlocked on the Map. I hope this helps. :)

Huh. I read elsewhere that it was hard getting back in.
I was expecting an entrance fee, like the 2x Inkling of Identity fee to get back into the Clay Quarter.

It used to be. That was one of the more welcome changes from the Making Your Name updates.

With Christmas on the horizon, I’d like to propose members of the club reserving a few cards for each other, possibly for exchanging.

And to the people on the top of the food chain peering down: please spare a few cards for the new citizens if you can ^_^

Thank you! This is a very good idea.

[quote=Lisbella Peridot]With Christmas on the horizon, I’d like to propose members of the club reserving a few cards for each other, possibly for exchanging.

And to the people on the top of the food chain peering down: please spare a few cards for the new citizens if you can ^_^[/quote]
I’m not familiar with Christmas in Fallen London… What cards?

I’m not familiar with Christmas in Fallen London… What cards?[/quote]

My memory’s a little rusty from a recent hiatus, but you can send cards to other people that raise stats depending on which one you send, among other things. Which card you can send is random, though. I kept getting Persuasive. ;_;

Ooooh I had forgotten about Christmas Cards in Fallen London. Those things are so buff, they are like free patron lessons in a single stat plus free menace reduction. You can control which card you send by keeping an eye on your Airs of London quality. Every ~25 levels of airs (from 1 to 100) unlocks a different card for a different stat. So what you do is you put the Airs of London on your profile mantlepiece so you can see its value, then you use either the honey dens of Veilgarden (anyone), or any Unfinished Business option (if PoSI) to cycle your airs of london. If you have your profile open in a separate window or tab you can just refresh it to see your current value of Airs, and save yourself a trip back to your lodgings to see which “random” card you have unlocked.

All this talk of cards, it really makes me want to organize people into groups of 8 who send the 7 cards time the healer brings to each member of their group, mindful to cycle airs when appropriate (so they can send the right stat to the right player). You’d gain 7 levels every week that christmas cards are open, which is like 4 to 8 weeks (28 to 56 levels of stats). You could power level so fast this way, it’d be really nice.

So, what we do is organize the Club into &quotsquads&quot with an experienced POSI at the head and six newish players in it to exchange the cards.:) That’s presuming the devs don’t cotton on to the idea and change the Christmas (Sackmas?) routine in FL beforehand. The rest of the time, we can go around carolling or having lacre fights.
Now, will the holiday have some function that can be performed by Keave and Mal’s Excellent Room-Where-Food-Is-Prepared, that’s what I’d like to know.

– Mal
edited by malthaussen on 11/12/2015

I would like to join. Even though I feel like I got a grip on everything.

I am finding that my first method of gaining acquaintances has led to a rash of non-playing acquaintances. Not very profitable.

I am too dangerous for my own good. Or is that for your own good? Either way, I would enjoy some delicious acquaintance!

Still pretty clueless… but my stats seem to be doing well… less than 2 weeks playing FL… ANY advice is appreciated…

I am not a new player - but this seems like an excellent plan, and I would be delighted to help in any way that I may assist.

Ooh, power levelling :D Any way I can make this Watchful/Persuasive cap grind easier, I’ll take. Count me in.

This club is a great idea and I’m certainly new to the social side of things. Anyhow, I’d be very glad to help out in whatever way I can.

I would love to join in with other people, I’ve no acquaintances as of yet, but would love to play with others though. Although nothing too risky I would hope, I’m up to my eyeballs in scandal at the moment. Not that I’m doing anything really bad.

Note that, once contact has been established with an acquaintance (normally by one of you sending a calling card to the other), it is best that all subsequent communications come in the form of social actions like chess or coffee, as these give benefits to both players, whereas a letter gives none. And keep in mind that all invitations have room to write role-playing or other messages.

– Mal
edited by malthaussen on 11/13/2015
edited by malthaussen on 11/13/2015

I would love Persuasive boosts. It is currently my strongest skill, but I want it high enough that I can 100% the Empress Court checks. I plan on getting one of every work before leaving, because it will be gone forever once I am kicked out.[li]
edited by th8827 on 11/13/2015

[quote=malthaussen]So, what we do is organize the Club into &quotsquads&quot with an experienced POSI at the head and six newish players in it to exchange the cards.:) That’s presuming the devs don’t cotton on to the idea and change the Christmas (Sackmas?) routine in FL beforehand. The rest of the time, we can go around carolling or having lacre fights.
Now, will the holiday have some function that can be performed by Keave and Mal’s Excellent Room-Where-Food-Is-Prepared, that’s what I’d like to know.

– Mal
edited by malthaussen on 11/12/2015[/quote]
Ah! I was just going to have everyone pair up at random based on when their time the healer arrives, but squad leaders is an inspired idea. Now I really want to do this. Even now, the threads of fate weave tighter around this plan. I’ve started recruiting potential squad leaders in the IRC and have 2 volunteer community event coordinators so far. I’ll start writing up a roles and responsibilities document, as well as some educational tracts about the various mechanics involved in organized card sending and Airs shuffling soon. That should really get recruitment kicked off to a good start. It will be great and I am sure much fun will be had.

And don’t worry, I am sure we can find a way to work in Keave and Mal’s Excellent Room-Where-Food-Is-Prepared from an event/story basis if not on a strictly mechanical one, haha.

You’re a jewel, NiteBrite! Just the Club alone has about 3 or 4 squads of novices who would benefit from firm direction during the holidays. And I am sure there are a lot of POSIs who, experiencing their first Christmas, could use guidance as well (I might even be a POSI myself by then). With a little organization, I think we exceeded FBG’s expectations for Hallowmas, so I’m sure we can cause an earthquake for Christmas.:)

– Mal

Alright, first time really reading this topic. As everyone says - wonderful and exciting idea.
Would like to help with social actions to young colleagues in the 'Neath (regardless of Christmas).
Can we build a Google doc with a link and post the names and profiles of veterans/POSI and the recent/NON-POSI?
Will make things more organized so we won’t omit anyone who seeks help or offer one.

So I am offering my assistance, but alas, I am at zee at the moment, having a peaceful travel after the hectic holiday, and would not be available for social actions for a week or so (plenty to do there).
Private messages on forum is always available, though.