Pronouncement from the Empress

Just got this, and now I don’t know what to do. Is the world quality going to change itself to 3, or do I need to do something to get it there?

, I don’t think we can do anything yet, just read the announcement. I suspect it’s a New Year’s Eve countdown.

It does tell you the time that it will be ready in the announcement.

Well, that was anticlimactic. I wonder if we’ll finally enter the 20th century next year.

I laughed and clapped when I first read the announcement, the sheer audacity of the Empress really is something.

But then after the text about how upset His Amused Lordship was and thinking back on how much the playerbase contributed to the world quality…can’t help but feel disappointed. For now. We’ll see what the New Year card brings.

Well then, welcome all of us to a 1899 rev 2.

Is this royal cancel culture, cancelling the new century?

I have to admit, I can’t help but be disappointed by this. We’ll see what happens but this was, perhaps, not what I would have wanted myself.

[quote=El Mar]Well then, welcome all of us to a 1899 rev 2.

Is this royal cancel culture, cancelling the new century?[/quote]

/Empress voice/ I’m about to do what’s called a pro-gamer move

That’s very funny. It also reflects the RL discussion that was had in 1999/2000, when people pointed out that 2001 was actually the beginning of the new millennium.
On the other hand, maybe the old bag has gone too far this time, and Netheans will rise up. Revolution!

Imperial decree puts the New Year celebration at risk. What comes next, Christmas? We shall rise against it! Join &quotThe Liberation of ‘Silent Night, Holy Night’&quot!
edited by Wojciech on 12/31/2021

Well, right now, just having played it, I definitely feel like switching some of my characters to &quotClosest to Revolutionaries&quot in response! :D
edited by phryne on 12/31/2021

I couldn’t be more delighted! God Save the Queen! Long Live Her Enduring Majesty! Rule Britannia!

As a loyal and devoted subject of the crown, I wholeheartedly support the continuation of the glorious 19th century (even though it would actually have continued for another year anyway).

I admit that I feel sympathy and sorrow for my friend, His Amused Lordship (not so dashed amused now, but knowing him, he’ll cheer up soon enough). I’ll send him a few bottles of Instant Ablution Absolution, Tincture of Vigour ,and Superior Laudanum (to take care of any hangover) and he’ll be as right as rain. Er, Neath Snow.

As for you Revolutionary types: you might be better served by directing your murderous impulses toward the Monsters - er, Masters - of the Bazaar. After all, they are the REAL authors of our situation, not Her Majesty. I managed to dispatch one of those d_____d bats in 1899-1, and would love to decrease their numbers further in 1899-2!

Here’s hoping FBG finds some post-Ambition way to let us bag the whole set before H.E.M. guides us to our glorious destiny in the Heavens!

A Trophy Room with a full set of Masters’ Heads on plaques? Now THERE’S a Home Comfort!
edited by Vorwoda Hawksby on 12/31/2021

A predict we’ll soon see popping up around London &quotSpeakeasies, but for New Years Celebrating&quot. All that darn Revelry has to go somewhere

I’m curious what the Calendar Council has to say about this development.

Hahahahaha this is HILARIOUS. I love it.

From a meta reason, of course, this lets FBG keep the aesthetics of the game the same and not have to update it to the 20th century; Fallen London will always be set in the “late 19th century”. So it’ll stay 1899 year after year. But now we have an in-world reason.

But the poor unamused lordship… they army of unemployed magicians… oh my God

[quote=amalgamate]Hahahahaha this is HILARIOUS. I love it.

From a meta reason, of course, this lets FBG keep the aesthetics of the game the same and not have to update it to the 20th century; Fallen London will always be set in the “late 19th century”. So it’ll stay 1899 year after year. But now we have an in-world reason.

But the poor unamused lordship… they army of unemployed magicians… oh my God[/quote]

Except narratively speaking it solves nothing on that issue, which is WHY I hate it.

Time is still going forwards. The surface, and the neath, will still happen as though it did. If World War 1 was to happen in thus universe it still will happen here. It just will be labeled as The Great War of 1899 number 14 to 1899 number 18. Same if someone invents the car. Or if we get laptops in 1899 number 99.

I can declare that it’s Christmas every day. It won’t stay the 25th December every day.

My thought upon reading the Queen’s speech was “Ha! Take THAT Covid!” :P

I really hope all those contributed cellars of wines are worth the outcome.

Also I have too many Favours in High Places now.

Indeed. I suspect we may have a great deal to say. One might say that this entire unfortunate business is quite counter to our interests, us being named the ‘Calendar’ Council and all that.
I for one shall endeavour to keep His Lordship adequately amused, and to circulate as many true calendars as I can get my paws on…

Denying us even the simple peace of continuing forward in step with the year of our Lord is the final straw to break my character’s faith in the monarchy. I will join anyone in counting the true date in secret defiance of this outrage.