Progressing the Haunted Doctor storyline

Has anyone managed to progress the Haunted Doctor storyline beyond the initial supper?

Not that I know of. I’ve had dinner with him but there is nothing to suggest what to do next :(

Dinner, wine, eventually a trip to Khan’s Shadow, where he swapped up to a different name and a hearts bonus.

There didn’t seem to be a lot to his story, in terms of tasks, if I recall right.

[quote=Dumont]Dinner, wine, eventually a trip to Khan’s Shadow, where he swapped up to a different name and a hearts bonus.

There didn’t seem to be a lot to his story, in terms of tasks, if I recall right.[/quote]

Interesting, I never got it past dinner and wine…

After talking to him once, the options disappeared. I can’t talk to him a second time, and he never mentioned khan’s shadow. Bug?

Sounds buggy. Which option did you choose the first time?

Had the same bug. It happened after I picked dine with him, followed by picking one of the &quotTalk about …&quot options.

I picked: Chat about Science

I just did a normal dinner, IIRC, because I thought I’d better suss out the dude before choosing a topic that might end up hot-button. Since you don’t mention him getting mad or whatever, I assume that wasn’t the actual problem, but maybe the Chat about (topic) options are bugged, while the normal dining option isn’t.

You seem to only get two chances to talk to him, and neither time can be the &quotChat over…&quot options, or you get locked out. And I also only got to do his quest once, and just to confirm - there was nothing else after making him determined at Khan’s Shadow, right?[li]

Yeah. I saw nothing further after him becoming The Determined Doctor.

There’s a random event that continues the story, after zailing around a bit. It involves a difficult Veils check, so it might take a few tries.

Do you mean after he becomes Determined, or before?

After; at least, there was when I was last at that point in the story. It might have changed in a more recent patch - if anyone sees it, they can confirm!

As of this morning’s update: after a glass of wine and further chat, the indication is that more will happen at Khan’s Shadow

Do you go there once, or twice? I might just be patient and wait for that event to show. (although I’m liking this little peccadillo of our captains - they eat sorbet all the time; I’d like to have sorbet all the time.)[li]

(Oh ok I see. (ahaha) Now how would I raise hearts or pages to 175 >:[
I only barely managed to get irons to 150 once.)
edited by fortluna on 1/27/2015

Are you talking about the one where you discover there’s a spy on board your ship and

you lose a move in the great game or strategic information if you fail?
edited by nameless on 1/28/2015

So, this has progressed for me. Past the point nameless mentions (although I succeeded, so don’t know failure details); assuming that you choose to retain the Dr., you then get a selection of options to redirect his energy. It looks to me as though the best one is going to be available after a few more tidbits to the Admiral, though, so I have not yet chosen…

i don’t think it’s possible for a stat to be raised above 175. It took everything I had to eat my crew and that required 150

edited by nameless on 1/28/2015

Is it possible to get that random event if you have no Moves in the Great Game or Strategic Information?