Pleased to Make Your Acquaintance

I would love to become more acquainted with the ladies, gentlemen and individuals of Fallen London. Any and all calling cards are welcome.[li]
edited by Asfodella on 12/4/2013

I would also accept a few (dozen) more cards.

When my actions are restored and if my outstanding invitations are accepted I will be at 77. Thanks for all the invitations.

Send one to me if you don’t mind!

… I’m at 79. Has the cap been raised?

Edit: Oh ho. I can’t send any more - but if people keep accepting the ones I sent before reaching the cap, I seem to be able to go up … :-S
edited by babelfishwars on 12/4/2013

No, I can’t send any more, but if you have outstanding card offers after you hit the cap at least some of your new acquaintances can accept them.

I’m afraid my research has taken me rather far afield of late, and I’m just now getting back into the swing of… well, society in general.

To that end, dear neighbors, please find me ready to make your acquaintance and to lend assistance should you ever be in need.

Yours in solidarity,

For those still wishing to become acquainted, I have not yet filled my social circle, and will gladly accept new cards.

(Currently have 17 spots left before the cap, though with a handful of outstanding invitations, so hard to say how long until it’s full)

Still greatfully accepting acquaintances

I’m in the early forties, so absolutely! Send away.

Feel free to grace me, and have me grace you, in mutual social circles.

The great, the good, the bad, and the downright devious are all welcome

I’m happy to accept any and all invites to become an acquaintance.

I would be delighted to make the acquaintance of other delicious friends. My profile:

I’m happy to receive any acquaintances as well![li]
edited by OScarletO on 12/5/2013

I always welcome the opportunity to make a new acquaintance.

I would be most pleased to acquaint myself with any and all of you fine gentlefolk.

Please call on me!

Pleased to meet you, I hope you guessed my name… (or read it signature, of course…)

I’d love to become acquainted with you all!

Thaddeus Wren would be honored to accept the calling cards of other London residents.

Those with more…um… colorful pedigrees are kindly requested to apply at the side door in the alleyway.