Please put 40pt urchins reward inside Storm's Mind

It would fit with the pattern of the final connected reward being in a hard-to-reach area, and would totally fit with the Urchins theme!
edited by Televangelist on 12/14/2016

Please don’t.

The Mind of a Long-Dead God doesn’t come close to being similar to where the other the other 40-Renown items are (Flute Street, the Broad Unterzee, New-Newgate prison, Tomb-Colonies). All of these are advanced areas, but easily accessible to any advanced player (though Flute Street costs Fate), or in the case of menace areas - to any player, anytime.

Even for the most advanced player, unless they are already on the path to this, it will take many many months to get to Storm’s Mind.

The best analogue, which fits the Urchins, is the Cave of the Nadir.

You can grind storm’s mind from Mutton Island.
edited by maleclypse on 12/14/2016
edited by maleclypse on 12/14/2016

Yes, assuming your relevant dream quality is high enough to get Stormy Eyed. This is very much card dependent and can take many months.

As I said, this is not really comparable to going out to Zee (requires just having a ship), going to prison (just raise suspicion or fail to rob the embassy), or getting exiled (just raise scandal).

But if the goal was that renown 40 would be a roughly six month to a year process which I thought I read somewhere it was then it seems like it’s a reasonable thing. I get where you are coming from I’m just thinking we may have a different understanding of what they were trying to accomplish?

I’ve been playing since it was just Echo Bazaar. I have never once been to Storm’s Mind.

Leeet’s not do this.

First, I don’t recall ever seeing such a goal expressed. Certainly not by FBG. Possibly, some player posted about how long they personally felt it would take.

Second: if anything, expecting things to take months make sense regarding actually increasing Renown to 40. If you start with little to no Renown, this is indeed a long term goal. However, actually accessing the area where the item exists is easy.

Had the feeling that the God’s Mind wasn’t that hard to unlock. I started 1-2 days before March and I know I had unlocked the Stormy-Eyed some time before Fruits of the Zee festival; this puts me to less than 5 months, but I was able to flip cards almost non-stop.
I didn’t go there just because I think the Urchin item will be there, but I guess you’re all correct. It does take a lot of time and some RNG blessings to unlock it.
Now, any other guesses? Let’s make this a productive thread!

Maybe not the level 40 reward, but it would be a great place for a super special urchin reward.

I thought that the super special reward is the 40 Renown item. Did you have something else in mind?

It seems more fair than putting it in a fate-locked location.

Incidentally, I’m assuming the 40-renown item for Hell is going to be on the Slow Boat.

[quote=aegisaglow]Incidentally, I’m assuming the 40-renown item for Hell is going to be on the Slow Boat.[/quote]I think that the Iron Republic is more likely.

The other 40-renown items are in locations where you start from London, and be in & out in a day regardless of starting conditions or RNG. Mind of a Long-Dead God takes months to achieve. We can quibble about how many months, but regardless it’s still several orders-of-magnitude beyond current precedent.

If you want to attach the Urchin reward to Storm, then put the reward on Mutton Island, at the end of the carousel. That’s slightly less accessible than other rewards but not overly so–certainly doable in a day, especially if you pay maps.

Alternatively, put the reward in the Mind of a Long-Dead God but provide a shortcut to enter, which is tied to Urchin renown.

I meant getting to renown 40 from 0. I know that I’ve been working to get mine from renown 10 since the conversions on the third of may and I just hit 40 this week. So I’m probably conflating other people’s guesses at timeline and my own experience with design goals on FBG’s part.

First, I don’t recall ever seeing such a goal expressed. Certainly not by FBG. Possibly, some player posted about how long they personally felt it would take.

Second: if anything, expecting things to take months make sense regarding actually increasing Renown to 40. If you start with little to no Renown, this is indeed a long term goal. However, actually accessing the area where the item exists is easy.[/quote]

Mind of a Long-Dead God does not take months to achieve, assuming you’ve unlocked Stormy-Eyed. You can grind it easily on Mutton Island. And you should have Stormy-eyed unlocked around the time you hit PoSI at the latest, it’s very easy to get there just by turning cards.

I’m not sure how fast you’re doing it, but I delayed becoming a PoSI to the point where I basically started with 20 BDR, and grabbed the classic short story soon after that. Its been a few months since then and I still haven’t achieved stormy eyed. (And yes I am actually trying to get it)
edited by suinicide on 12/14/2016

I’m not an exceptional friend, so I don’t think I get as many cards as those that are. I’ve been playing for a year, going through my 6 card deck ~5 times a day, and I just passed WtTS 17 a few days ago. The first point of stormy eyed comes from getting to 18 (if I understand the wiki correctly).
To put that into perspective, I reached PoSI-dom in about March or April.
Granted, the RNG may just hate me, as I see maybe 2 WtTS cards a week.

Grinding levels of Stormy-Eyed is not the gatekeeper. The gatekeeper is building What the Thunder Said back to 15, which is 100% RNG-dependent.

Additionally, I have been to the Mind of a Long-Dead God recently. That means that I have to start completely from scratch in order to visit, despite being an advanced character. The location of all the other rewards can be accessed with no pre-existing progress within a day. Mind of a Long-Dead God requires months of progress, all of which is lost if the visit is mis-timed (which is also easier than normal, because the action is auto-fire if you open the storylet).

I think the problem with putting it in the Mind of a Long-Dead God is that it’s unlikely a player that isn’t an avid forum user/wiki reader will ever stumble upon it. The Mind is really out of the way. You have to wait till you get Stormy-Eyed. Then you have to spend a bunch of time cranking it up at Mutton Island to a level well beyond what you’ll ever achieve by playing the dream cards. I was playing the game for a couple years before I even knew the mind existed and went out of my way to visit it. Then, once you get there, you’ll discover that there was an item that you could get if you had Renown: Urchins 40. Then you have to get to Renown: Urchins 40. Then you have to get all the way back there.

The other items are in places that an average player could conceivably visit during regular exploring and can fairly easily return to once you’ve reached the requirement. The Mind is extremely well hidden if you aren’t told that it exists by another player, you won’t know that you need that requirement before you visit unless, once again, another player tells you, and the process of reaching it is non-trivial and time consuming.

[quote=Televangelist]Mind of a Long-Dead God does not take months to achieve, assuming you’ve unlocked Stormy-Eyed. You can grind it easily on Mutton Island. And you should have Stormy-eyed unlocked around the time you hit PoSI at the latest, it’s very easy to get there just by turning cards.[/quote]For a slight change of perspective: One of my chars (the youngest, actually) just got the ‘Who is the Third…’ card about two days ago. For the first time ever. Meaning she got stormy-eyed, of course. Since this girl also had quite some other things to achieve and I myself am generally not logged in 24/7 and playing on my (non-existant) iPhone on the way to the grocery, the number of cards she flipped each day was, in plain technical terms… quite suboptimal. Now, if I’m not too bad at counting…

…that means it took her, like three years to get that cloudy gaze. While becoming POSi was something like, three or four months.

As fitting as that place might seem, I would decidedly recommend another.

Also, everything An Individual and PSGarak already said.