Pets just got boosted (Spoilers?)

@Zeedee - But I have this lovely recipe for candied eyeballs that has passed down in my family …

If you were to serve these at a social gathering, I would not be so discourteous as to reject them.

I warrant a small plate of candied eyeballs would find their way in front of me, and soon enough inside of me.

Sans plate.

Actually, if we’re begging things from Alexis now, let me beg for a fate-locked story branch at Hunter’s Keep that reveals a bit more of all of that island’s mysteries. Oh, yes, and perhaps some boots with eyes and teeth to match my gloves and hat! And Candy!

Oh, honey, I know I said you had the sweetest eyes, but this is ridiculous!

Delighted by nearly all of the boosts! The only thing that makes me sad is that the Rattus Faber Bandit-Chief is more dangerous than the Bengal Tigress. I know he’s a mighty warrior and all that but…really? More dangerous than a tiger? And of course this means there’s no longer any purpose to equipping my tigress, since all of her stats are eclipsed by some other companion. Not that I’d ever abandon my tigress completely, of course, but I’m sad that there will be little reason to have her prowl the streets anymore.

I don’t mind so much. The Bandit-Chief is an experienced paramilitary leader - I don’t doubt that, if necessary, he could organise an ambush, a heist, even some demolition work. The Tigress is an apex predator, sure, but she’s just one lady. The difference between them is minor - if you want something as a permanent equip with no drawbacks, go the Tigress. If you want the most Dangerous you can squeeze out of your equipment, go the Rat.