Penstock's Wicket

You, sir, are a Gentleman and a Scholar.

I also find it vaguely amusing that the only 5-card suite which was actually available to me before (even if I was working towards the Notability requirement) is also the only one I can’t get now. D*nged soul!

I’ve coveted the Shell House since I first saw the art snapshot on Facebook. Now I can winter in my Eyrie at the Royal Bethlehem, and take my holidays at Shell Beach*.

I was rather hoping that the notability wouldn’t be consumed, but ah well. At least I have one of the 5-card lodgings now!

I’m a humble nonPOSI and new player, so I have a quick question. I completed my obligation to the Duchess and bought two of the three lesser lodgings, erasing my PtPT quality. I have but a single pail of Lacre left and would love to be able to get the third lodging if possible. I’m well before getting the semiotic monacle, so of the other options (feeding a pet, dipping a soul, and so on,) which would give me the greatest PtPT gain? The wiki gives no CP scores.

I knew I should’ve focused more on getting Tastes of lacre… How do we get it up to the 9 required for the 5-card lodgings?

Still need another point of Notability, but my Making Waves is at 14 so I guess I can force draw a card from my lodgings soon. HinterDemGlas said something about Semiotic Monocles, but where do we find that storylet? o_o

Bit off-topic but something that bothers me : What’s the “Memory” mentioned when acquiring Old Newgate Cellar ? I had too much irrigo or that’s something new ?

I hope the new, three card lodgings will become available through some other means. Alas, I wasn’t careful and let my Ptpt drop to zero, without a spare bucket on hand, and as such, I am now unable to raise the quality again. Disappointing, considering that the Zee-Znail Retreat is now out of my reach.

[quote=HinterDemGlas]Spend Taste until you have six or less, then look at Pails with a semiotic Monocle until you’ve more than six.[/quote]If the &quotup to 6&quot means the same thing as it does for all the various quirks that don’t increase &quotbecause it is higher than 5&quot, then you won’t want to waste a pail by examining with a Semiotic Monocle if you’ve already got Taste of Lacre 6, because that’s higher than 5. Not that I have tried it myself, so I wouldn’t mind if someone verified it for me. The boar feeding is a bit nicer: It simply locks at 15, so you can get 16, with no risk of wasting a pail in case there’s a cap at 16.

Just tried it. It will raise your Taste of Lacre quality beyond 6.


Loogan searched the shore, got lucky, and got a primaeval hint. Can’t complain.
Also, I’m so happy that these strange lodgings finally became available! Krawald has the Shell and the Temple, Loogan the Cellar. And I still have a few buckets lying around…

Does feeding it to the boar use-up your Dreadful Surmise? (Not to mention my Dangerous is going to need a grand raise).

No, at least not on a regular success or failure(and you can, as always, use Hard-earned Lessons and &quotPerhaps not&quot to avoid failing and loosing your Pail without Taste gain).
edited by HinterDemGlas on 1/6/2014

No it does not.

Why does nobody remember that you can get INFINITY tastes of Lacre by heating a certain substance? got myself all the low lodgings and 1 high lodging that way, maybe i’ll sell my soul and get a third one too. It’s a steal, really.

(On that note getting a top lodging costs 3 notablitiy, so plan accordingly)
edited by Dmitri Zhiriakov on 1/6/2014

Not really infinity since you have a chance to lose the Tears of the Bazaar.

Note - the Noman has a card.

[quote=paperwinter]Just tried it. It will raise your Taste of Lacre quality beyond 6.[/quote]Yes, I know. I raised mine to 7 with my Semiotic Monocle. But can it raise Taste of Lacre if you do it when it’s already 6?

No if you have 6 it won’t increase it any higher. But if you are at 5 it will take you to 8

Yowza. I really needed more Taste of Lacre. But at least I got the Spire Emporium out of it.

I am no expert on the matter of lacre, but I strongly suspect that feeding it to the Talkative Rattus Faber will give out the most points, since I somehow managed to get the quality on one of my alts up to 12. The only thing that differs the alt and my main is that he has been feeding the Rattus Faber like crazy. I’ve heard that dipping a soul in it is the safest option, though.

Does the supper option increase PtPT for the receiver? If so, I would like to invite you for supper, since I have some pails of lacre to spare.

Maybe I’m missing something. I had 5 lacre, looked at it with my Semiotic Monocle, and ended up with 4 lacre.

Or, wait: I’ve confused the Pails of Snow and the Taste of Lacre. I looked at one of my five Pails of Snow with my Semiotic Monocle and ended up with four Pails of Snow. My Taste of Lacre is at 6. (I don’t know where it was before I started looking at Pails of Snow. I’m afraid to look at another to find out.)

edited by Tea Biscuit on 1/6/2014

starts swearing up a storm Since I had enough to get the Spire (which was going to be the hardest for me) I went for that, planning on huffing tears to get my Lacre up. Only one problem: I no longer had the last point that I needed. And I’m out of snow. So much for getting another small lodging -_-