Patch Notes

PSA: The new Heist that was originally part of the Bag a Legend! update is now universally available.

There are quality tie-ins with the Lab and whatnot, but if other options have become universal I can’t find them yet.

The new Heist isn’t visible for me at all, so it may be hidden without the proper qualities.


Not any “Planning a Hiest”
5 Docks Favors
Not any “University Laboratory.”

Visibility is probably tied to that last one.

Interesting! It didn’t have a lock condition before.

I couldn’t find (or understand) the answer, so I will repeat the question:

Is there a way for people without the Bag a Legend ambition to access the University Lab content? If yes, can someone give the less perceptive of us a pointer? And if not, do we have any idea when/how or even if this will be implemented?

I would hate to miss out on this content, as it is the perfect fit for me both in character and in real life (sine qua non, basically), but I would also prefer not to be railroaded into what for me personally is the least appealing Ambition just to be able to perform scientific research…

The lab and Parabolan Base-Camp are currently Bag a Legend exclusive, but will be available for everyone in future.

I can see the new Heist, even though I don’t have all the qualities (i.e., I don’t have 5 Docks Favours at the moment).

The Heist seems to be a regular Triple-Bolted one. I haven’t come across any special cards. The player will be using the coins to gain access to the University Laboratory; Correspondents won’t need the coins.

By the way, you can check the wiki for the results of the Heist. I have made the pages for it.
edited by Rostygold on 3/12/2020

I did the Heist; there was no new card, but there was a neat piece of writing.
Five Docks favors seems too much, so i am guessing this will be used mostly by non-Correspondents to get the Lab.

[color=#0033ff]It’s now possible to find a second source of Bats with Attitude somewhere in London[/color]
edited by James StAnthony on 3/25/2020

[color=#0066ff]Bumping as there’s plenty in today’s update![/color]

(Regarding the May 15th update, and many previous)

Thank you for keeping up the great work. At least in the Neath, 1898 has been nothing but a swell year so far, and all the great new stuff has provided much welcome joy and respite.

And I can’t stress enough how much I appreciate the minute but wonderful quality of life improvements. The newly introduced inventory categories make a lot of sense and give me as a collector a lot of pleasure; with the subtle rebranding of some items into obviously matching categories, the whole Possessions tab now makes a lot of sense and is eye-pleasingly tidy and elegant.

And I’m incredibly pleased that you can now both equip and use the Starveling Cat (and the Ridiculous Hat, did this also happen just now or have I missed it in an earlier update?)

While the Cat may be a terrifying menace few people might want to equip for a prolonged period, the functionality is very cool and might allow for some great opportunities down the line.

So anyway (and tl;dr): thank you very, very much for all your delightful work. Stay safe and healthy, and continue helping us share the Neathy refuge!
edited by Aardvark on 5/17/2020

I also just wanted to drop by to say thank you for reshaping the possessions section! A &quotbook&quot category that really helps with all the curiosity items, the Starveling Cat being a companion now, and the possibility to wear a ridiculous hat: From timt to time, it really are the little things that make me happy.

The Starveling Cat! The Starveling Cat! Now we can drag it with us! And it really hates that!

Has the option for &quotConfronting the Lighthearted Polymath&quot been removed from the Shapeling research card? Or is there a hidden quality change that only allows you to do it once?

I believe that option is for the Red Science focus, not the shapeling focus.

[quote=Aardvark](Regarding the May 15th update, and many previous)

And I’m incredibly pleased that you can now both equip and use the Starveling Cat (and the Ridiculous Hat, did this also happen just now or have I missed it in an earlier update?)[/quote]

I think the hat’s been equippable for some time.

It has not. The cat and the hat became equippable at the same time as part of other things moving out of Curiosities

Ah, there is it! thanks so much! :3

Every time I see this, it makes me smile. :)