Patch Notes

Year of the Boar was a quest item in My Kingdom for a Pig.

I had just assumed the lack of wound-clearing was intentional. There’s no reason to clear wounds and give Taste of the Garden. It’s basically a menace quality if you don’t need healing.

[color=#0099ff]- One of the possible outcomes from a Hellworm interaction now correctly clears Wounds.[/color]

I had just assumed the lack of wound-clearing was intentional. There’s no reason to clear wounds and give Taste of the Garden. It’s basically a menace quality if you don’t need healing.[/quote]
Well, to be fair, Cider itself works the same so this is consistent with the precedent. But yes, Cider dreams are quite a lot less useful then they used to be back in the day…

Any idea what the change to the description of the Year of the Boar is? For reference, according to my notes, the original description was as follows:

“It is obscene how much people will pay for a bottle, although less obscene than what’s in the bottle.”

I kind of thought of it as a large sip. A sip of Cider doesn’t heal you much; it just gives you one dream.

As a Cider owner I’ve only actually drank the stuff a few times within the first week of owning it. It’s much better to just let your wounds reach 8 and wave to the boatman as he paddles away in terror

[quote=StuartFBG][color=#0099ff]27 August[/color]
[/color][color=#0099ff]- Time the Healer’s next scheduled visit is shown in the Profile section of the Account page…[/color]
[color=#0099ff] – …as is the date on which your character was created.[/color]
&quotA Fallen Londoner since Wednesday, 29 December 2010&quot

That is a really nice touch. I will mark this day in my calendar and celebrate it from now on. Just too bad I already missed my 10 year anniversary as a Fallen Londoner…

[quote][color=#0099ff]- Guidance to the next location to progress the story added to descriptions of all main ambition qualities.[/color]

Brilliant change. I noticed that yesterday – thank you! Haring around searching after leaving a big gap (which I tend to do) was tedious.

[color=#0099ff]03 September[/color]
[color=#0099ff]- Added another option to the zailing card ‘A Ship of Zealots’[/color]
[color=#0099ff]- Duplicated Skulls of the Vake now give decreasing amounts of skeleton value and Menace after the first one. After the third, they will also generate Implausibility.[/color]
[color=#0099ff]- Docking at Mutton Island now clears Troubled Waters.[/color]
[color=#0099ff]- February Knows should no longer appear in your inventory.[/color]
[color=#0099ff]- A Public Lecture now uses the Carpenter’s Granddaughter icon.[/color]

[quote=StuartFBG][color=#0099ff]- A Public Lecture now uses the Carpenter’s Granddaughter icon.[/color][/quote] I love this and I love her; thank you. I haven’t quite lost my Pavlonian excitement at seeing pictures of bones, but the new art is much more evocative.

[quote=Rupho Schartenhauer][quote=StuartFBG][color=#0099ff]27 August[/color]
[/color][color=#0099ff]- Time the Healer’s next scheduled visit is shown in the Profile section of the Account page…[/color]
[color=#0099ff] – …as is the date on which your character was created.[/color]
&quotA Fallen Londoner since Wednesday, 29 December 2010&quot

That is a really nice touch. I will mark this day in my calendar and celebrate it from now on. Just too bad I already missed my 10 year anniversary as a Fallen Londoner…[/quote]

This is great! Because I no longer have a clear idea myself of the date, or even the year, when I first signed up for Echo Bazaar (as it was called then!). I’m going to check that out right now! Thanks!

Methinks there’s more to this change on the back end, since I see that the expected date of my next TtH has drifted not one second since this feature was introduced

[color=#0099ff]10 September[/color]
[color=#0099ff]- Fixed an issue where the ES ‘Where You and I Must Go’ still had its old hook up to the old zailing system.[/color]
[color=#0099ff]- Laboratory: Adjusted most experts to give the same amount of Research when consulted about a project outside their expertise.[/color]
[color=#0099ff] – This is in preparation for other, future changes and is not meant to address the relative low utility of experts by itself.[/color]
[color=#0099ff] – The exceptions are Lettice, which for now retains her current formula, and the Silk-Clad Expert, which still gives a mix of Parabolan and regular research.[/color]
[color=#0099ff]- Moulin institute: You can begin a monograph about Gaider’s Mourn if you have completed ‘My Kingdom for a Pig’, as the requirement tooltip implies, regardless of what specific path you took through that story.[/color]
[color=#0099ff]- Bone Market:[/color]
[color=#0099ff] – The Investment-Minded Ambassador now gives 4/5ths the amount of Tailfeathers Brilliant as Flame (rounded to the nearest integer). Her exhaustion formula has been adjusted to match.[/color]
[color=#0099ff] – The Teller of Terrors and Tentacled Entrepreneur now give 4x the amount of Royal-Blue Feathers and Final Breaths. Their exhaustion formulae have been adjusted to match.[/color]
[color=#0099ff] – The Teller of Terrors now gives 25 extra Bottles of Morelways 1872 (rather than 5), matching the additional Memories of Light and Memories of Distant Shores given by the other buyers.[/color]
[color=#0099ff] – In other words, those three buyers are now equivalent in terms of exhaustion and overall value.[/color]

Dear Stuart, please advise - have you also made any adjustments to the Hole in Your Head? Usually, I was able to get the card on the first draw in the Nadir, but not this week.

Did you remember to get a new Law at the Hurlers? I didn’t draw Hole In Your Head one time, turns out I forgot and didn’t get a new law the week before. (Which come to think of it, that’s also a description of what I do on most weeks. Or what I don’t do. You don’t get my meaning.)

Yes, I checked: I had a Law prior to entering the Nadir and have drawn several Ripples since then.

I drew it first thing in my trip to the Nadir today fwiw.

I drew it first thing in my trip to the Nadir today fwiw.[/quote]

Same here.

Hi - no, that card is still just as frequent.

[color=#0099ff]17th September[/color]
[color=#0099ff]- Building your first statue on the Railway should no longer refer to you already having constructed other statues.[/color]

[quote=StuartFBG][color=#0099ff]10 September[/color]
[color=#0099ff]-- The Teller of Terrors and Tentacled Entrepreneur now give 4x the amount of Royal-Blue Feathers and Final Breaths. Their exhaustion formulae have been adjusted to match.[/color][/quote]

Wow. Uh, I didn’t realize how much impact this was going to have. I just got 13 Exhaustion from a formula that used to give me 3.