Paramount Presence

Oh wow, yeah, this will make the Nadir a breeze by overcapping without using any MW (202 should be plenty to cover the loss, even if you get thrown out at irrigo 10, and it achievable without gaining any MW with BDR 23).
As long as the amanuensis shows up at least once a week, of course.

You can easily maintain stats overcapped to the low 200’s. If you want to keep 215, though, you still have a serious Notability grind or careful avoidance of any stat loss.

[quote=Dudebro Pyro]Oh wow, yeah, this will make the Nadir a breeze by overcapping without using any MW (202 should be plenty to cover the loss, even if you get thrown out at irrigo 10, and it achievable without gaining any MW with BDR 23).
As long as the amanuensis shows up at least once a week, of course.[/quote]You still need to grind up to Notability 15 if you want to overcap your stats to 215. Which requires a whole lot of MW. Not quite sure what you’re talking about…

I’m talking about negating the stat loss without maintaining an overcap. Especially useful if you’re busy with a grind that only uses one stat - with this, you will neither have to pause that and grind the other stats up, nor watch them steadily decay over the course of weeks.

  1. Paramount Presences can Flirt with Amanuensis now.
  2. Could anyone kindly remind me of other such options, if any?

[quote=Kharsirr Lynx]1. Paramount Presences can Flirt with Amanuensis now.
2. Could anyone kindly remind me of other such options, if any?[/quote]

When talking with Lilac at the Panopticon.

So just to be 100% clear: If anything drops below 215, my specialization no longer matters. The card to overcap will take anything back to 215 if I have 15 notability once I’m a PP. Correct?

[quote=dov][quote=Kharsirr Lynx]1. Paramount Presences can Flirt with Amanuensis now.
2. Could anyone kindly remind me of other such options, if any?[/quote]

When talking with Lilac at the Panopticon.[/quote]
Confirmed that the new PP option to flirt with the Amanuensis is identical to the Legendary Charisma one (same text, same rewards for both success or failure).

I would like to do this if the &quotLondon’s Something&quot titles actually do something gameplay-wise - like permanently increasing the maximum cap from 200 to 215.
edited by Rostygold on 1/20/2018

[quote=Rostygold]I would like to do this if the &quotLondon’s Something&quot titles actually do something gameplay-wise - like permanently increasing the maximum cap from 200 to 215.
edited by Rostygold on 1/20/2018[/quote]
Not everything has to give an ingame bonus! :D People should be more than pleased with the first released option for PP. Let’s say some/many/all PP wish to boost their renown to maximum possible. Now, a new best in slot item won’t make PP put on a poker face! Got that extra 1 level of a stat with offers you the possibility to increase renown; just over-cap again!

I am sorry to ask, but can someone explain clearly what the change is?
YIf y are a PP, and lose your stats to Nadir etc: Can you build them back up simply by playing? Or do you have to do the Notability thing again?

You have to build notability up to 15 again, but you only have to do it once to set all stats to 215.

Wait. All?

That’s a pretty good gameplay benefit from getting Paramount Presence, actually.

P.S. I still prefer a permanent cap raise though.
edited by Rostygold on 1/25/2018

Wait. All?

That’s a pretty good gameplay benefit from getting Paramount Presence, actually.

P.S. I still prefer a permanent cap raise though.
edited by Rostygold on 1/25/2018[/quote]
Is it always your desire to get better/permanent bonuses/EPA? :D Plus, you can make it permanent.

How do you make the cap permanent? If you lose a bit of your stats (say through the Nadir) you have to spend notability AGAIN to go back to 215. Correct? Or can you also go back to the 215 you achieved the normal way, by playing several challenges, with Notability providing an instant fix in case you do not want to grind?

I am not sure what other game locks you out of so much content for no reason at all.
edited by Jolanda Swan on 1/26/2018

Oh, that’s what I get for not being near forums for a week. I can finally hit that PP button now, and go back to Nadir! It’s not that I really need stats at 215, but I like having the option - I’m not done with the renown on my favorite factions yet.

I’m so happy about this. Thank you, FBG!

[quote=Jolanda Swan]How do you make the cap permanent? If you lose a bit of your stats (say through the Nadir) you have to spend notability AGAIN to go back to 215. Correct? Or can you also go back to the 215 you achieved the normal way, by playing several challenges, with Notability providing an instant fix in case you do not want to grind?

I am not sure what other game locks you out of so much content for no reason at all.
edited by Jolanda Swan on 1/26/2018[/quote]
There’s no way to change the cap. All the new option does is overcap all four stats at once; you still have to grind just the same.

I want to clarify that I would have preferred that Paramount Presence’s reward is a permanent cap raise to 215. But… the CP levelling follows the default scaling, e.g. to get to 201, you need 201 CPs - or maybe an even steeper scale, just to balance it against the effort of the Notability grind.

I am going to send some feedback to Failbetter.
edited by Rostygold on 1/26/2018

I suspect changing the cap to be different for different characters would require pretty significant changes to code, and is thus unlikely. But yes, a more accessible benefit for PP would be nice!

I am rather dissapointed to be honest. To play this branch (which offers no mechanical benefit though this is the least of my concern) you have to forego content like the Nadir and a few other cards, and the only fix is a really tiring grind which is inserted into way too many stories by now. Why not a card available to PP only which costs a lot echo-wise but takes you back to 215? Or a storylet?