Paramount Presence

May I request you to kindly add my name to the list… :grinning::grinning:

Response from Space: “We’re considering doing something with the specialisation-locked branches for Paramount Presence in future; there’s no straightforward way to just make them playable right now.”

So I have a question folks, gaining PP has been a goal of mine since I heard of it so I never specialized just in case it might prevent it. However now that it is out, how would you achieve 215 in all 4 stats (even without having them all at the same time) ever? Last I checked you could not swap from 1 Specialization to another, and the Unsigned Message options are rather notably locked off without the correct specialization.
edited by ShroudedInLight on 9/14/2017

You can change you POSI specialization at your lodgings (under Attend to Matters of Society) for 12 Notability or Fate.

Hmm, quite the grind. I’ve been sitting at 11 Notability forever and I’d need to achieve 15 4x and 12 notability 3x?

Brutal. Guess I’ll go for it once I’m done with my fluke core and some other farming.

The Paramount Presence multiple overcap is now live on An Unsigned Message! But be aware - while it currently says in the italicised note that &quotIt will not decrease any stat that is already higher than 200 plus your Notability&quot, it does not in fact work that way. Right now it just sets all stats to 200+N regardless.

EDIT: This appears to only be true on the app. On the website version it all works as advertised. Thanks to Olivia for the swift reply!
edited by Barse on 1/17/2018

[quote=Barse]The Paramount Presence multiple overcap is now live on An Unsigned Message! But be aware - while it currently says in the italicised note that &quotIt will not decrease any stat that is already higher than 200 plus your Notability&quot, it does not in fact work that way. Right now it just sets all stats to 200+N regardless.

EDIT: This appears to only be true on the app. On the website version it all works as advertised. Thanks to Olivia for the swift reply!
edited by Barse on 1/17/2018[/quote]

Has anyone tested this yet with stats above 215? I would hate to fix one stat only to screw up another.

As long as you’re using the web game, it doesn’t mess up any stats above 200/215/whatever. It works exactly as advertised - any stats above 200 + [current N] remain unaffected.
edited by Barse on 1/17/2018

It would be a nice PP perk if there were a less crushing grind to keep stats at 215. You’ve done the great Notability grind. You’ve earned it! I say this as someone who isn’t anywhere near becoming paramount anytime soon.

This new change actually makes me happy to grind up to 15 once more, as i lost a chunk of watchful on a zee festival misclick. i’ll have to hit the nadir a bit first though…

I hate to always be the player who posts to say “I don’t understand…” but here I go again.

Does this mean that once we earn PP, if we accidentally get one down to 214, we have any option to bring it up again? I’m not clear on why folks are worried it affects something else–

I’m currently grinding to 15 Notability for the Legendary Dangerous, which will be my third of four. But since my Shadowy is only at 145, PP is still aways off for me.

You mean like being able to top up all four at once, rather than having to do them individually like non-PP peons?

[quote=Tay1or]I hate to always be the player who posts to say &quotI don’t understand…&quot but here I go again.

Does this mean that once we earn PP, if we accidentally get one down to 214, we have any option to bring it up again? I’m not clear on why folks are worried it affects something else–

I’m currently grinding to 15 Notability for the Legendary Dangerous, which will be my third of four. But since my Shadowy is only at 145, PP is still aways off for me.[/quote]

Imagine you have three stats at 215 and, say, Watchful at 200. You need a boost to Watchful, say for Renown, but are not so bothered about it being a full 15 level boost. Say, Watchful 206 is enough for you. So you spend 6 Notability. On the mobile all 4 of your states will be set to 206. So your 215 Dangerous, Shadowy and Persuasive will be lost and you’ll need to grind back to 15 notability for them. On the browser that is not the case and only your Watchful will be set to 206, keeping the other stats safe
edited by genesis on 1/18/2018

Ah, thanks! That makes sense–

You mean like being able to top up all four at once, rather than having to do them individually like non-PP peons?[/quote]
I would applaud a storylet that topped off one or all stats without requiring Notability. I don’t like how being one of London’s greatest luminaries makes a bunch of actions and the Cave of the Nadir scary and not worthwhile. It’s an extra burden, not a sigh of relief at having achieved greatness.

It’s true–PP cuts you off from things instead of enlarging what you can do. What’s the point of that exactly?

It doesn’t cut you off from thing, anymore than any of the regular POSI specializations do.

Your are cut off from things if you want to preserve your overcap stats (which is natural, since they were hard to gain) not by being PP.

[quote=dov]It doesn’t cut you off from thing, anymore than any of the regular POSI specializations do.

Your are cut off from things if you want to preserve your overcap stats (which is natural, since they were hard to gain) not by being PP.[/quote]
True. But the original comment does raise a question.

If, after becoming a Paramount Presence, you visit the Nadir and suffer a stat loss, presumably you can re-build your stats. But how do you do that? Do you have to set a new &quotspecialization&quot for one stat, build up your Notability in that stat to the level of your old stat (e.g., Notability of 15 if you want to raise a stat to 215) and then repeat that for each of the four major stats?

As of Barse’s news, a Paramount Presence can raise all four stats at once.

As of Barse’s news, a Paramount Presence can raise all four stats at once.[/quote]

Sorry, I missed the relevant post by Barse. So being a Paramount Presence makes the Nadir a bit less punishing, in a way. Thanks.