Paramount Presence


I suggest filing a bug report for that as well.

An update to the requirements to get London’s Sinew:

You no longer need Social Influence 100. The new requirement is 90.

(the other options’ requirements are the same)

That’s excellent news! 90 is far less fiddly to get to.

I am 1/4 the way there… Honestly, grinding the notability is going to be the hardest part; most of the individual requirements I already have save for the 215 stats.

A new PP option that did not work properly -
(Invite a patron to a private hansom ride.
You know the city better than anyone. Pass on your knowledge; help them reach new heights, so they may help.)
Is now working. (Fixed after bug submission: thank you for a rapid reply, tech team!).

It raises for the sender MW (somewhere, perhaps, between 6-10 cp? Raised from 5 MW to 6 MW and another action raised it to 7 MW).

Koenig, would love to hear what you got! Treasure? only MW? Is it better than Invite to a Private Dinner? (which now costs items and several actions…).
edited by Gonen on 8/23/2017

[quote=Gonen]A new PP option that did not work properly -
(Invite a patron to a private hansom ride.
You know the city better than anyone. Pass on your knowledge; help them reach new heights, so they may help.)
Is now working. (Fixed after bug submission: thank you for a rapid reply, tech team!).

It raises for the sender MW (somewhere, perhaps, between 6-10 cp? Raised from 5 MW to 6 MW and another action raised it to 7 MW).

Koenig, would love to hear what you got! Treasure? only MW? Is it better than Invite to a Private Dinner? (which now costs items and several actions…).
edited by Gonen on 8/23/2017[/quote]

I see I was not the only one who submitted a bug report over that action, although I was on the receiving end of it. (It redirected me to the option to send the invite, even though I could not do so). Good to see the rats are working diligently on all our behalf.

It changed one of my qualities (I think one that limits my patronage?) and gave me about 1-2 levels of MW at level 21 (I have been grinding its level though, so it may have been close already). No treasure though, and sadly I did not screen capture the action so I am not sure how it compares to the private dinner. However I did echo it here for those interested in its flavor text:
edited by Koenig on 8/23/2017

The tour through London gave me more than 10 CP of MW, probably closer to 15 CP.

I am in the Paramounts club too, thanks to Mary Redfox, my Crooked Cross friend.

Thanks for the input!
… I wonder if that’s worth it.

Great news!

Thanks for the input!
… I wonder if that’s worth it.[/quote]

It’s a decent amount of MW CP for a single action. Plus, it’s possible that my experience was on the low side. Koenig said their MW went up 1-2 levels when at MW 21; two levels would certainly be far more CP than I received.

And congrats, Kharsirr Lynx!

I’ve also done a thing. Thanks to James Sinclair for getting me the final MW to put me over the top.

Now, to see what’s changed…
edited by idyl on 8/30/2017

Not much, to be honest :))

Now, to see what’s changed…

Not much, to be honest :))
Indeed, congratulations! To my recollection, you’re the fifth to (publicly) achieved this!

Gonen, did you receive a reply to your bug report about PP not having access to other POSI specialization-specific options (such as stat overcapping)?


Gonen, did you receive a reply to your bug report about PP not having access to other POSI specialization-specific options (such as stat overcapping)?[/quote]

Not yet. I still hold the Amanuensis card to check for any changes. Used to hold the Unsigned Message for same purpose, but had to let that go.
No reply or change for the time being. Probably the following days.
(Though I admit to not technically submitting about Unsigned Message and the ability to increase all stats using Notability, only asked about flirting w/ Amanuensis. Figured this issue is combined and implied. I should, though)

What about proteges? Can PP still give masterclasses to their existing proteges? How about getting new ones? I’m only about a quarter of the way in, still grinding Notability…

Might as well start a list of Paramount Londoners.
Here are the first ten:

Kharsirr Lynx
Estelle Knoht
Jithin Prakash
edited by idyl on 9/22/2017

lethargiclogician has announced on Reddit a few days ago.

PP can give a class to any patron - a new feature which uses A Night Out and gives the receiver (a POSI who is a patron) MW.
PP can be a patron (though I have not tried it yet). And PP can use A Night Out to increase Watchful+ Persuasive OR Shadowy + Dangerous for anyone.

The inconventionally capitalized xKiv am now one of us too.