Paramount Presence and losing stats

So, I not too long ago rushed and made my way to Paramount Presence. And I just pretty much accidentally lost a point of persuasive for pretty much no reason.

So. Stuck without any recourse. I don’t suppose I can ask nicely for some option to resolve this?

Where exactly does this leave you? Did you set your Persuasive to 115, then lose the point before meeting with the Ambitious Barrister?

Oh, to clarify, was at 215 in everything, and actually got Paramount Presence a few weeks ago.

Now of course Persuasive is at 214, with no way to boost it back as far as I can tell. I know this is in the territory of “world’s smallest violin” but, well, it really really bugged me after two misclicks in a row (no one’s fault but mine, I know).

You can still boost it if you go to notability 15 again, i(ETA: if Persuasive is your specialization). The card comes back around–I accidentally lost some watchful, not realizing I could lose it after setting it over 200. But I was able to get it back.
edited by Tay1or on 11/20/2017

It does seem incongruous that the ultimate POSI level actually removes the perks of the previous one. Forever. And you can’t even go back.

I really, really hope FBG fixes it. But I think someone said in the other PP topic that they weren’t really going to, because it’s techinically complicated (I don’t know enough about StoryNexus to have my own opinion) and not worth the bother for the few people who get that far.

Are you a Paramount Presence?

Nope. I just know I got the overcap card again when I had the watchful specialization. I don’t know this will work–I just think it will. I’m sure some folks a lot more knowledgable than me will come along and weigh in…

ETA: OK–just checked the unsigned message card, and indeed, you can only do it for your POSI specialization. It seems likes others have indicated that you can’t change your specialization once you hit PP, so you might indeed be out of luck unless FB changes it so far. If you don’t have Persuasive as your specialization–the card won’t work. Sorry for the mis-information earlier.
edited by Tay1or on 11/20/2017
edited by Tay1or on 11/20/2017

[quote=Tay1or]Nope. I just know I got the overcap card again when I had the watchful specialization. I don’t know this will work–I just think it will. I’m sure some folks a lot more knowledgable than me will come along and weigh in…
edited by Tay1or on 11/20/2017[/quote]

Precisely. It works for the specializations but not for PP, unfortunately.

Once you’re a Paramount Presence, you can not raise your stats again using the Unsigned Message card. You can only head back down toward 200.

I’m sure FB has it on their list of things to fix/adjust, but as it only affects a handful of people, it probably isn’t top priority.

Pretty much this. They don’t want this to be the case, but there’s no easy technical solution and they’re pretty busy right now.

Yeah, I’m aware of the realities of development and the constraints it puts on what you prioritize. Sad to hear that it’s too technically difficult, that’s always a bummer.

Edit: Just realized the drop offs just enough to mess up my ability to bump Rubbery Renown. Off to wait on a mood card…
edited by kwogger on 11/21/2017

As I understand it, the issue isn’t even that there’s no easy solution. The problem is the code can’t require (in this case) Legendary Charisma or Paramount Presence while excluding the other specialties. The easy solution would be to make duplicate options for all four stats requiring PP instead of the relevant specialty, or to just make one option that overstatted all four stats at once. My guess is that they haven’t done this because they want to solve it with a different mechanical design rather than just technical workarounds.

For the time being, it makes the grind undesirable for me. I do not want to lose the Nadir, or smash the computer whenever I misclick.

And that is why I’m sitting on four London Organism items since before Hallowmas and not going through with PP. I was slow enough grinding Notability that I found about this before I got to the end. I still want to do it, but I just can’t bear to give up Nadir. And misclicks will happen, that’s life.

If I was doing that in my SN world, I’d clone &quotAn unsigned message&quot with all branches, give the original version a requirement &quotPerson of Some Importance < 10&quot, give the cloned version a requirement &quotPerson of Some Importance = 10&quot and remove all POSI requirements from stat-increasing options on the cloned version. That still leaves the issue of creating a duplicate branch for &quotAwait an Unsigned Message&quot in &quotWrite Letters&quot, but adding one is easier and less error-prone than adding four.

A potential fix would be for Paramount Presence’s to gain as a benefit the ability to not lose stats (except perhaps for Flint or Seeking). That would give a nice bonus for those that achieved PP status and solve the issue.

(Also missing the Nadir)

[quote=karsus]A potential fix would be for Paramount Presence’s to gain as a benefit the ability to not lose stats (except perhaps for Flint or Seeking). That would give a nice bonus for those that achieved PP status and solve the issue.

(Also missing the Nadir)[/quote]

Unsigned message: Oh, how notable it is to meet someone as delicious as you. Let me count the ways: there are fifteen.
That night, all the Gates of Bazaar visit you as you sleep. When you wake up, you are exactly what you remember being.

If I was doing that in my SN world, I’d clone &quotAn unsigned message&quot with all branches, give the original version a requirement &quotPerson of Some Importance < 10&quot, give the cloned version a requirement &quotPerson of Some Importance = 10&quot and remove all POSI requirements from stat-increasing options on the cloned version. That still leaves the issue of creating a duplicate branch for &quotAwait an Unsigned Message&quot in &quotWrite Letters&quot, but adding one is easier and less error-prone than adding four.[/quote]
Quite frankly, that solution makes no sense whatsoever. &quotAn unsigned message&quot has four PoSI specialization options to eighteen non-specialization options. Making an entirely new card and duplicating the relevant actions is far more complicated than duplicating four branches on one card and tweaking the unlock requirements.

In my experience, that’s often the case with Storynexus. ;)

Unfortunately, the more branches a storylet has, the more likely it is to cause slowdowns and/or browser errors. As you’ve noted yourself, &quotAn unsigned message&quot already has a lot of options, putting it into the high-risk territory. This is why I suggested going via the cloning route - having two mutually exclusive 22-branch cards is a more stable solution than having a single 26-branch one.

Huh, I hadn’t heard of that issue before. In that case, I’d probably put both new and existing overcapping options in a separate storylet accessed via a redirect on the main card, like “More rarefied and elaborate roles?” may eventually be.