Paramount Presence and losing stats

Alternatively, why not add a new option to the unfinished business or “attend to matters of (e.g. suspicion)” storylets which simply set the stat value to 215 as long as your current value is greater than 200 but no more than 215 and which are unlocked by the PP PoSI value.

It’s not as though mitigating the notability grind and the card draw would be drastically overpowered given the sheer notability grinding which went into it in the first place. A reward for that kind of dedication hardly seems out of the question.

There could be some brief, flavorful text about drawing strength from London itself, the living web, etc…

Yeah, I feel the reasoning that it would be hard to update the card’s existing options to work with PP to be unconvincing.

Just adding a new option on that card for PP to bump all stats in one go or adding a new option elsewhere to do it one at a time seems simple enough.

Until this is addressed, I am just going to sit with the 4 qualities required for PP without crossing over.

Another alternate option would be to create a lodgings storylet(s) unlocked by having a London Organism quality that allows you to recap the related stat without having to have the PoSI specialization. Maybe even at an easier cost than the 15 Notability required through specialization in acknowledgement of your previous achievement.

And it finally happened. Day 5 of Mr. Sacks, clicked the Celestials option without researching and got hit with a Persuasive drop. ::sigh:: at least now I have no reason not to finally do the Flint storyline and trash my Persuasive even more.

::sings:: "All I want to for Christmas is a way to raise my stats, raise my stats, raise my stats… "

[quote=karsus]And it finally happened. Day 5 of Mr. Sacks, clicked the Celestials option without researching and got hit with a Persuasive drop. ::sigh:: at least now I have no reason not to finally do the Flint storyline and trash my Persuasive even more.

::sings:: &quotAll I want to for Christmas is a way to raise my stats, raise my stats, raise my stats… &quot[/quote]

Same issue for me. i really payed Attention not to do Actions that could lose you stats but i guess you cant avoid all of them.

the positive side is that i have now 7€ to spare each month for a product with a working customer service