Panther Kitten Adoption Agency

Thank you so much for the Parabolan Kitten!

Hello! Iā€™m pretty new to the game, but am already a total fanatic. I love everything Parabola, and I love kittens, so would be very grateful to be sent one! <3

Check your doorstep.

Thank you so much!! It will be very adored. Would you like any letters or social actions?

Thanks for offering, but no need. Itā€™s delightful being able to spread the love of kittens.


If any person of astonishing generosity will share a spare lively kitten with ethereal spaceman, he would gladly adopt such a pleasure burden.

Iā€™m happy to provide! I have to do something to get rid of my rapidly building store of murderous fuzzballs :3

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Hey Iā€™d like a kitten Profile - MarzBarz - The Failbetter Games Forums

I donā€™t appear to be able to send you one, is MarzBarz your fallen London character name?

I just started playing FL and Sunless Sea recently and I would love a kitten! Iā€™m Chimeragutz

I also got my lovely wife :heart: into FL too, they might also appreciate one :3

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I sent a couple out! I split the message somewhat between both of you but theyā€™re perfectly understandable alone. (Also sorry if the message reads a bit weird, I like writing social actions in character)

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Down to 3 fuzzballs in need of good homes.

Please send in game message.

A kitten would be greatly appreciated
Edit: thanks Kaminski


I have five ā€¦ yes FIVE of the mirrorā€™s most adorable little munchkins available to a good home ā€¦

Well I suppose a reasonably good home would suffice, the little buggers are something of a handful ā€¦ thereā€™s really nothing to be afraid of ahaha ā€¦

Send me a message or a calling card ā€¦ quickly now ā€¦

EDIT - All gone, thank you for taking the critters off my hands.

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Hello there, a certain hunter has gotten rather overzealous with her panther companion and has ended up with somewhat of a surplus. I have fifteen of the little buggers that Iā€™d like to give away, theyā€™re positively massacring my furniture! If youā€™d like to get your hands on a fluffy ball of destruction for yourself just send me a postcard requesting one, with your name and current place of residence, and Iā€™ll have one sent over as soon as I can!

I currently reside in room 383 of the Royal Bethlehem hotel, please leave any postcards with the front desk and they will be forwarded to me.

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Well-while I, THE GREAT JACK WALKER , already have a panther kitten, another one couldnā€™t hurt! So yes, Iā€™d like one, thank you, and will send one shortly.

Please oh stone please take them. I have 20 of the little b______!!! please let me get rid of them, I donā€™t care what you do with them just take them little d___ed things. leave your postcard with the front desk, Iā€™ll get them to you.


My fellow citizens,

I am but a humble newly minted captain, who sorely lacks some company in his old but trusty steamer that may or may not be leaking as I write these words. Nothing in this cruel Neath could make me happier than having a kitten to accompany me, well, I suppose a newer ship could not hurt as wellā€¦ I shall work on getting that latter part covered myself, through sweat and blood, but I am always up for adopting a kitten, so please feel free to reach out to me, you will make my day!

Yours truly,

Citizen Seruman

Link to my profile.

Well, @VioletHayes apperantly has a bunch of kittens to give-you should ask her.

I sent a letter to her yesterday my kind sir/madam, but I am yet to hear back from her. I am afraid she may be out of kittens to give by this point. I am certainly happy for her since all these kittens destroying her expensive furniture must have been a bore, but I just wanted to increase my chances of getting a kitten in a timely manner by finding a benefactor post haste!

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