On regaining one's sold soul

Well, with the wondrous deal on the Sanctum at the Wicket right now coupled with the prospect of having those two Devils permanently removed from my opportunity deck, the idea of selling my soul has never been more tempting. I’ve checked the forums, but I cannot find any even somewhat recent topics regarding how one would go about finding their lost soul.

Could anyone here give me the avenues through which I could regain my soul, should I decide to sell it? I’ve heard rumors it can be regained through bundles of oddities, through use of Fate, and by something relating to the Carnival. Any insight on the recent state of things with regards to soul reclamation? Merry Sacksmas, all!

If you unwrap a Bundle of Oddities, the reward for rolling a value of exactly 200 is your soul back (and a devilbone die). Bundles of Oddities that are capable of going that high are a bit of work to get but not too bad. The two most common avenues being the One’s Public opportunity card, and piracy while at Zee. Old information may point you towards the Fisher Kings, but those bundles are no longer valuable enough to contain your soul.

Not having a soul adds a card to your opportunity deck. One of the options spends fate to try and get your soul back. I have no idea what the full process entails.

I’m not sure about the Carnival.

Having sold and regained my soul 3 times, I can vouch for the bundle of oddities option. All 3 times have been through the one’s public card, though I also exchanged many surprise packages using the square of lofty words card. Aside from piracy at zee, I’m also trying wolfstack in the fog for the crying owns wares option.

I first sold my soul in Dec 2015, regained it twice in Jan 2016, and the third time in Jan 2017. Each time I resold my sold immediately through the city vices card for a high price.

Your mileage may vary. Some people never get their soul back in this manner and end up paying fate. I always felt that the intimate devils cards were too annoying and being soulless was a neat fix to it.

I can confirm that the urchins and the university bundles of oddities have not led to anything fruitful. Any info telling you otherwise is probably old. Also, I don’t know anything about retrieving it in the carnival.

The Carnival lies on the Path Of Fate with this, that’s all about that.

So the university bundles are not viable anymore? Well at least they usually give 2 echoes of documents… not completely wasted my time. Sigh.

I’ve sold and regained my soul twice, and sold it again without regaining it (yet).

Once I got it back through a bundle of oddities (I think it was at zee), and once I paid fate.

The fate option takes a surprisingly long time, but you’ll get there in the end. Just know it’s not an instantaneous thing. You have to wait on cards for several different steps, IIRC. Though it was a long time ago, so I may be remembering wrong.

[quote=Myrto]I’ve sold and regained my soul twice, and sold it again without regaining it (yet).

Once I got it back through a bundle of oddities (I think it was at zee), and once I paid fate.

The fate option takes a surprisingly long time, but you’ll get there in the end. Just know it’s not an instantaneous thing. You have to wait on cards for several different steps, IIRC. Though it was a long time ago, so I may be remembering wrong.[/quote]

No, you’re right, Myrto. It happened, when I paid Fate to buy my main’s soul back (twice!) that I got the necessary cards quickly (within a few deck refills of when I bought it), but if you have to deal with the RNG for any reason mileage varies greatly.

Getting Bundles of Oddities is the only way to get it back without paying Fate for it. Since it only works on an exact value, it’s a pretty low probability of getting it on any particular bundle, even if it’s one that could theoretically go high enough. So getting it back without paying fate is very RNG-dependent and could be an extremely long grind. But it is possible.

On this topic, what happens if you’re not soulless and you draw a 200?

I think you just get a devilbone die.

Notably, you’ll only ever rid yourself of the two devils if you sell your soul to one of them. Other soul selling options will NOT make them go away once you regain your soul.

I think there’s an option locked without your own infernal contract that gives the same text, but rewards a dice and a normal soul. Waste of good luck, what.

Notably, you’ll only ever rid yourself of the two devils if you sell your soul to one of them. Other soul selling options will NOT make them go away once you regain your soul.[/quote]

I know those cards are annoying, but are there any advantages to keeping them? Any useful items or quirk adjustments you can grind with them?

Also, may I ask how much fate it costs to regain your soul?

And does the game add a quality to people who have sold and regained their soul? Do any stories treat you differently if you used to be soulless?

[quote=Harlocke]I know those cards are annoying, but are there any advantages to keeping them? Any useful items or quirk adjustments you can grind with them?[/quote]Nothing overwhelming, as I remember it. A couple points and small stuff here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary.

[quote=Harlocke]Also, may I ask how much fate it costs to regain your soul?[/quote]Fifteen.

[quote=Harlocke]And does the game add a quality to people who have sold and regained their soul? Do any stories treat you differently if you used to be soulless?[/quote]Known for Metaphysical Caprice got introduced Hallowmas '15, if I recall correctly. And I’m quite sure that was basically to stop people from Soul-farming (Just selling, recovering and then selling it again all over in spades. I know I was guilty of that. :) )

Just have to add that I totally adore that phrasing.
edited by Reshemin on 1/8/2017

Actually, the Fate cost increases each time you pay Fate to retrieve your soul.

Getting your soul back this way raises a quality called &quotKnown For Metaphysical Caprice&quot (you don’t get this quality by finding your soul in a bundle of oddities!). I can’t find a reference to the exact formula of the Fate cost increase, but on the wiki, someone has noted that the third attempt to regain a soul with Fate cost 50 Fate instead of the original 15.

edited by dov on 1/8/2017

The cards themselves are not particularly useful. But you might want the Intimate with Devils quality itself for some things (e.g. getting certain infernal companion or two).

I was locked out for a long time out of getting those companions, since my stained soul means the devils want nothing to do with me (usually a good thing!). I had to use a very specific rare success only available during the Feast of the Rose to increase my Intimate of Devils enough (I’ve reduced it to 0 after getting those companions, to get rid of the cards).

I know those cards are annoying, but are there any advantages to keeping them? Any useful items or quirk adjustments you can grind with them?[/quote]

With An intimate if devils 8-10 you can get a card that gives you an Ostentatious Diamond and increases your Hedonist up to 10. But that’s about it with the use of these cards (quite useful for building bejewelled lenses though!)

I spent a year regularly flipping cards and going to zea, and ended up spending fate to get my soul back.

The odds are very much lower now and the bundles harder to get…

I figure the card from a lost soul is far less bother than the intimate of devils one, and the opportunity cost from choosing a less profitable (on average) option on one’s public isn’t very high, so even if I never regain my soul it was probably worth it to sell it to them.

Yes, this is exactly my thinking too. When I regained my soul, I was so annoyed by the intimate devils that I promoted sold it when the City Vices card came round.