On London’s reconstruction

As we head towards the end of progress on the The Aftermath of the Great Sink of 1899 card, I was just wondering: How seriously is everyone grinding Exigent Notes with Bessemer Steel Ingots? And for that matter, what does everyone think the Notes can be traded for, if anything, once the event is finally over once and for all?

Personally I’m going out of my way to hoard them whenever the card pops up, on basic principle that each is basically a miniature version of the Vast Network of Connections the Bazaar owes you in a certain Bag a Legend ending. My stock might tally up to 0.0003744% of the 4 million echo Veils took out on himself, but it’s a start.

How far have we progressed, if I may ask? I spent half my time going trough end game content overzees and along the Upper River, and the other half of the time RNG doesn’t do me any favors.

I got 2 Notes, and won’t grind anymore, genuinely believing I may not draw the card anymore.
edited by Μαρσ on 8/27/2021

We’ve reached 890,695 out of 1,000,000 at the moment.

[quote=Μαρσ ]I spent half my time going trough end game content overzees and along the Upper River, and the other half of the time RNG doesn’t do me any favors.

I got 2 Notes, and won’t grind anymore, genuinely believing I may not draw the card anymore.[/quote]

If you’re not spending much time flipping cards in London, then of course you’re not going to see any given card very often. Personally I’ve drawn the &quotAftermath&quot card roughly twenty times on each of my accounts.
edited by hwoosh on 8/27/2021

I haven’t been grinding steel, this card has been letting me make use of the excess steel that I don’t have a great use for anymore. I still have 700 on hand.

I expect that after we clear a million reconstruction, we’ll get new stuff on the card. I’m excited to find out what. My only real hope for Exigent Notes is something to do with them that will eventually turn into something that can sell for scrip… I am currently judging all content primarily through the lens of “progress towards hellworm.”

[quote=Captain Blood Storm]How seriously is everyone grinding Exigent Notes with Bessemer Steel Ingots?[/quote]Not at all.

Should I?

[quote=PSGarak]I haven’t been grinding steel, this card has been letting me make use of the excess steel that I don’t have a great use for anymore. I still have 700 on hand.

I expect that after we clear a million reconstruction, we’ll get new stuff on the card. I’m excited to find out what. My only real hope for Exigent Notes is something to do with them that will eventually turn into something that can sell for scrip… I am currently judging all content primarily through the lens of &quotprogress towards hellworm.&quot[/quote]

Indeed, the Great Hellworm Race has commenced.

I also hope for new stuff on the card once we reach 1,000,000 - the card itself is unlocked by time, only the options are locked by repair progress. Exciting times!

Edit: as for the steel, I got 21 notes and now am out of Bessemer. When the card pops up, I throw together a Sabre-Toothed Hominid with a Headless corps to be able to afford another Exigent, solely for the reason that there’s no other source of them at the moment. Though I expect that will change in time.
edited by Sir Reginald Monteroy on 8/27/2021

Now that the other option is more profitable I’m going to be using that, but I’ve only drawn the card once since then. That means I’m stuck with 3000 Bessemer again, but that’s ok. One day when I have the Worm, I won’t mind having to draw all my cards in Marigold hoping to offload railway steel onto devils.

[quote=hwoosh]If you’re not spending much time flipping cards in London, then of course you’re not going to see any given card very often.[/quote] Admittedly, missing out on cards was a predictable outcome of my own choices. I do not regret it, nor do I feel salty about it. Never dismiss the quirkiness of RNG though; in the same time span when I had difficulties drawing the Aftermath, I’ve been a strangely popular guest for parties, receiving many Polite Invitations.

[quote=hwoosh]Personally I’ve drawn the &quotAftermath&quot card roughly twenty times on each of my accounts.[/quote] [quote=Sir Reginald Monteroy]I got 21 notes[/quote]Thank you, this satisfies my curiosity a little as to what could have been.

[quote=Diptych]We’ve reached 890,695.[/quote] So 3 days left, give or take?

[quote=Captain Blood Storm]As we head towards the end of progress on the The Aftermath of the Great Sink of 1899 card, I was just wondering: How seriously is everyone grinding Exigent Notes with Bessemer Steel Ingots? And for that matter, what does everyone think the Notes can be traded for, if anything, once the event is finally over once and for all?[/quote] I stopped at 7. Judging by Mountain Sherds (previously tricky to get, also evaluated at 62.5), I don’t expect anything will ever ask after more than 1 at a time, and rarely/very optionally at that. My bet is that they won’t be acquirable again until whatever next year’s Summer Event is (some sort of… roof hole?). Possibly also in the Advent Calendar; strange and rare stuff often shows up there.

Currently I have 12 Notes, but my main focus is Shai-Hulud, i don’t want to waste too many actions on ingots

Just casually grinding on my main, a bit more seriously on my alts just to dump actions.
I think (hope) that they could be exchanged for different combinations of useful crafting materials, maybe something slightly better than the current 62.50 echoes (a 62.50 item plus a few 2.5 or a 12.5 one? Who knows).

[quote=Captain Blood Storm]As we head towards the end of progress on the The Aftermath of the Great Sink of 1899 card, I was just wondering: How seriously is everyone grinding Exigent Notes with Bessemer Steel Ingots? And for that matter, what does everyone think the Notes can be traded for, if anything, once the event is finally over once and for all?

Personally I’m going out of my way to hoard them whenever the card pops up, on basic principle that each is basically a miniature version of the Vast Network of Connections the Bazaar owes you in a certain Bag a Legend ending. My stock might tally up to 0.0003744% of the 4 million echo Veils took out on himself, but it’s a start.[/quote]

I am happy to grind them, but so far I’ve seen the card only twice! And I have no confidence that I’ll see it again before the quality tops out and the final development in the Great Sink saga happens.
edited by Catherine Raymond on 8/29/2021
edited by Catherine Raymond on 8/29/2021

The unlock requirement on that card looks like a 48-week countdown. The currently visible options will all lock soon, but I’m sure FBG has more goodies planned to replace the Mayor of London card.

The “Wander…” action was becoming more and more profitable with each stage of reconstruction. The current one has a EPA of 1.5, if I’m not mistaken; I guess the final stage should have a 2-2.5 EPA, and this is what we’ll have in decks until next major event.

The “Wander…” action was becoming more and more profitable with each stage of reconstruction. The current one has a EPA of 1.5, if I’m not mistaken; I guess the final stage should have a 2-2.5 EPA, and this is what we’ll have in decks until next major event.

Current version gives +4 SoC + 2e per card. 4 draws + 1a to convert SoC to bone framents. 22e + 4*2e = 30e. 30e / 5a = 6 EpA.
edited by Waterpls on 8/29/2021

I’ve currently got 16 Exigent Notes, hoping to get to 20 before the payments are locked. I suspect we’ll get to trade the for SOMETHING, but if they’re just worth 62.5 echoes long term - sure, fine. I don’t have a cider or hellworm yet and 1200+ echoes is necessary.

That EPA drops to 4 if you take the Visions of the Surface option instead of bone fragments, and even lower if you have to take one of the non-POSI options. And you can consider it higher if you were already playing cards that would get you the extra 2CP of SiC, so you don’t have those extra 2 “wasted”.

Over 96% right now