On London’s reconstruction

I have a feeling that the card is coming up more frequently now. Just pulled it thrice over 12 draws. Can anyone confirm?

I’ve been drawing cards in London for a few hours without seeing it.

Can’t say I’ve seen it come up all day, and I’ve been drawing cards since I woke up.

OK, perhaps I just got lucky for a change.

Progress just ticked past 99%. Whatever Phase II is, we’ll likely find out later today.

Twice in six. But nobody else seems to agree.

You should be able to check if the frequency has been changed by clicking the i button at the top (wiki says it used to have standard frequency, so if its higher than that it has been changed.

Just did the card now. Quality is at 996840.

999960 for my 28th exigent note.
Let’s see what happens in the next minutes ;)

Aaand it’s finished.

It seems I was wrong again — the new Wander the Streets option doesn’t seem to be more profitable than the previous one.

Ah, darn - I only got to 19. Was really hoping for a round 20. Oh well!

[quote=Wojciech]Aaand it’s finished.

It seems I was wrong again — the new Wander the Streets option doesn’t seem to be more profitable than the previous one.[/quote]
Now it cures Nightmares a bit on top of everything else.

Discord seemed to think it was giving 5 CP instead of 4, but also someone might have just forgotten how many CP they started with

So, we are back to a world where Bessemer Steel is dead weight in the inventory? I really hope we get a decent way to liquidate Bessemer because today’s Bone Market Fluctuations are actually pretty good for the Enthusiast of the Ancient world (annoyingly enough)

I have 3 characters who can’t seem to draw the card any more. Oh well.