Notability and Making Waves

[quote=Sackville]If 33 cp/action is the most efficient society grind, 100 levels (~5000 cp!) of society should be worth something like 300 cp of Making Waves, using private suppers as a benchmark. So yeah, it’s a horrible deal if 90 cp is close to the average result.[/quote]The drop seems to be exactly 4000CP, or 80 levels about Connected 50. That’s still equivalent to around 240CP from Suppers, and this option consumes two items which are hard to acquire, as well. I also got around 90CP of Making Waves from this option. So it’s a highly inefficient use of actions. Its one benefit is that it only requires one action once the prerequisites are prepared – so if you need a lot of Notability and are being harassed by Time, the Healer, you can use it (and the other lodgings options) to condense the benefit of many actions into a small amount of real time. The efficiency penalty of ~75% is a rather galling price, though; I’m going to avoid it from now on.

aaaaaaaand Notability 12. Well I can stop caring about MW for a while anyways.

And here I thought you were aiming to pump up your Notability as high as possible before turning it all into bonus levels in Dangerous. But I suppose that those bonus levels would fall prey to weekly irrigo? And if that’s the case, then there doesn’t seem to be much point to that option. I mean, the levels themselves seem mostly inconsequential, so the main point would be bragging rights. And what’s the fun with bragging rights that deteriorate over time? That’s not what set records are supposed to do. They’re supposed to be beaten by someone else!

(I have no idea if that’s actually how those bonus levels work, but I don’t see why they wouldn’t be affected by irrigo. Though I suppose if one was an Invisible Eminence one could get out with low irrigo every week to maintain any bonus levels to Shadowy.)

Yow. I am impressed. You must have plowed a bunch of resources and social actions into that effort.

Yeah Gillsing, at the moment at least upping your highway stats beyond the cap seems largely pointless, unless you plan on signing off on never going to the Nadir again, or any other actions which lower stats.
And actually it wasn’t that much really Catherine Raymond. My character was an Author before the T4 professions were released, so had a large stock of nights on the town to be using, making the tower of sparrows pretty much painless. (If you have the resources the Sparrows option is easily the best for raising MW, on account of being repeatable.) Beyond that BDR gear helps fairly obviously, that and every time you get MW to 15 or above force draw amanuensis from matters of society and scandal, and try it, no matter how low the % chance is.[li]

EDIT: I will add that whilst dinners are quite good at raising MW, they really don’t compare to tower of Eyes and Sparrows. Cards really are the way to go it seems. I did also make use of the fatelocked decommissioned steamer option twice, more for the connected:Masters increase and the text than MW but that helped some as well. Used far more deck refreshes than I should because I got impatient, which was really a terrible idea on account of my opp deck being bloated as all heck, but eh, it got the job done.
edited by deadcrystal on 12/21/2013

It seems raising your Notability from the Amanuensis now requires you to have more MW each level. It told me I needed 23 to go from Notability 6 to 7.

Huh. I wonder how much it takes to go from 9 to 10.

Minimum of 43 required to go from 11 to 12. So much for the shotgun approach. A pity too, as it made an annoying slow grind much more manageable.

  • You need Making Waves 21 (you have 17)

Oh, well I sure am glad you bloody let me summon you for absolutely nothing, Mr. Amanuensis!

As annoying as this change is, I am vastly more annoyed that it let me burn some of my MW to summon him for something I CAN’T EVEN DO. Thanks for wasting my time, Amanuensis.

EDIT: I guess I’ll just take the opportunity to give him some random souls I had lying around to make this useful for something- still stuck in the card with nothing to do of use RRRRRRRR
edited by MidnightVoyager on 12/22/2013

Is trying Amanuensis as soon as you get to MW 15 a good strategy as deadcrystal said? With such a low chance I don’t really see the merit to this. Am I missing something?
edited by Sarsmos on 12/22/2013

Because MW gets harder to raise as it increases, it does kind of end up working out better in the long run.
Except you can’t do that at the minute, because there’s a minimum level of MW required to even try to raise Notability now, which is probably going to be higher than 15 for high levels of Notability. So it’s a moot point anyway.

Because of the way pyramidal qualities work building MW to a higher level takes much longer than rebuilding it does from a failed attempt! Making trying as soon as you are able to statistically a better use of actions. Of course the MW 15 plan is pretty scuppered right now what with the changing lock on the action based on notability.

But basically the best strategy is still to use summon Amanuensis as soon as you can then right? Or did the MW requirement increasing for each level make another strategy better?

No, the requirements change hasn’t really affected what you should do, it’s now just a whole buttload harder.

[color=#009900]It is an effective enough strategy that I noticed it showing up in the logs; and with the December Notabilty amnesty, it was causing some runaway behaviour. [/color][li]
[color=#009900]Relax a bit re: the Notability race, folks, unless of course you want to staystay on the bleeding edge. There will always be a level that’s hard to reach, but over time there’ll be more ways to raise it, and we’re unlikely to return to the days of a no-exceptions weekly drop.[/color]

[quote=Alexis Kennedy][color=#009900]It is an effective enough strategy that I noticed it showing up in the logs; and with the December Notabilty amnesty, it was causing some runaway behaviour. [/color]

[color=#009900]Relax a bit re: the Notability race, folks, unless of course you want to staystay on the bleeding edge. There will always be a level that’s hard to reach, but over time there’ll be more ways to raise it, and we’re unlikely to return to the days of a no-exceptions weekly drop.[/color][/quote]
For me, it’s less that I want to be first to the top and more that… well. I have nothing to do but grind! And grinding drives me crazy without a goal.

If I am grumpy at anything, it’s the Amanuensis, the most punchable man in Fallen London!

EDIT: Also, for the record, I did it that way because I am impatient, effectiveness or no.
edited by MidnightVoyager on 12/22/2013

If I am grumpy at anything, it’s the Amanuensis, the most punchable man in FallenLondon![/quote]

Quite how he manages to escape unscathed from my house after telling me I’m not notable enough to get another six paragraphs and eight stars tagged onto my name is a mystery to me entirely. I should probably set traps and bolt doors or something.

I just want be as popular as popular can be. Making my mark, making my mark in high society.

Such a thing would be quite a rarity, I suppose.

>most punchable[li]

[color=#009900]I should revisit the text at some point to make it clearer that this is a feature not a bug. The sword is mightier, the pen is mightier yet, but the iron laws of status and propriety are copper-bottomed. This is the British Empire, after all.[/color]