Noman's Progress

I’ve foolishly not been tracking: do all the options to advance Noman Knows give the same CP?
edited by an_ocelot on 1/10/2014

If anybody manages to say goodbye to their Noman via the card, I think we’d all like to know the result.

[quote=an_ocelot]I’ve foolishly not been tracking: do all the options to advance Noman Knows give the same CP?
edited by an_ocelot on 1/10/2014[/quote]
It seems the Quirk methods give 2cp and the Ambition 1cp. But I couldn’t check all of them, for obvious reasons.

I haven’t seen my noman for ages, and I’ve suddenly thought to wonder whether he only shows up at my Lodgings. Having checked a random couple of journals, what I see backs up that theory… but it might all just be coincidence.

So, Dear Forum! Please disprove my hypothesis, because I’m stuck at home until you do. Thank you :-)


I’ve seen it in different locations around London.[li]
edited by circe on 1/12/2014

Yes, I see it in the Flit all the time.

Thank you both. And sigh, of course.

It’s 1 cp for Ambition, 2 for Hedonist, and 3 for Subtle, by the way.

Has anyone been so… lavish as to send their Noman to the slow boat yet?

My Noman Knows is 13, my Noman’s Friend is 22, Time the Healer comes tomorrow sometime, I lost 38 Friend last week, and I’m going to be unable to flip cards for a big chunk of the next two days.

(insert standard “if only Exceptional Friendship also doubled your deck” wist here)

bites nails

[quote=an_ocelot]My Noman Knows is 13, my Noman’s Friend is 22, Time the Healer comes tomorrow sometime, I lost 38 Friend last week, and I’m going to be unable to flip cards for a big chunk of the next two days.[/quote]Have you noticed that the final option has a new comment that it will &quotprematurely end its life&quot (or something along those lines - my emphasis)? I’m not sure quite what to make of that. Certainly my view of the Arty Purpose is up in the air again.

[quote=an_ocelot](insert standard &quotif only Exceptional Friendship also doubled your deck&quot wist here)[/quote]+1. Not because I’m a spoilt brat (though plainly I am), but because I increasingly find it’s cards, not actions, which are holding me back from progressing storylines. I actually stopped renewing EF a few months ago for exactly that reason.

Yeah, now that EF lets you bank 40 actions, the disparity is pretty pronounced. Well, I’ve been wisting after this for months and I’m sure FBG has good reasons for not leaping to grant my every desire. :)

My new theory is that letting Noman’s Friend get to 0 leads to it finding a Noman Cafe and living happily ever after.

[quote=Aspeon]My new theory is that letting Noman’s Friend get to 0 leads to it finding a Noman Cafe and living happily ever after.[/quote]If that turns out to be the Arty Point, then I am rage-quitting FL forever ;-)

I’m looking forward to finding out what happens, though. Is there a touching death scene? Or does it just vanish from your life, unnoticed and unmourned? I fear I am destined to find out first-hand - maybe as soon as tomorrow.

Well :(. Second arrival of Time and another 43 bits of Noman lost. No way I can keep hir alive past next week, and I’m only at Noman Knows 3 having seen the card only twice. Ephemeral indeed.

Well im at 13 levels, 3 days left until time the healer and soem fate. Let the subtle devouring begin.

Well I’ve just hit Noman’s Friend 5. No idea when my Time the Healer strikes.
I started playing Rat Sending Simulator 2k13 a couple of days ago and a torrent of messages from there somehow obliterated all my messages in London (Why? Who knows. but it seems Nexus as a whole only shows you around 60 last messages from all games. At least for me). So I don’t know when my last Time hit me.

The Noman Card is frequent enough for me. But yeah, I think you need extreme card flipping to hit 15 in time. With a 40 action cap I now manage to do quite a lot of grinding in London. But as others have noticed before me, those big fat candles do help with cards(

Fhoenix you can delete messages. I find it useful sometimes for getting back to information like when you last got Time the Healer.

Deleting all my Rat Simulator messages in the Storynexus message screen indeed made older messages appear inside the Fallen London messages screen. Bizarre. Thank you for the tip.

So when you hit 0 Friend, you’ll get a storylet. You can indeed then feed Tears to your Noman by going to the Myself tab, but do NOT sleepily hit “wait with a bucket,” thinking “gosh, did I get a bucket of snow somehow and am going to feed it to him when he needs it?”

Because this will instead give you a bucket as he melts and remove all your Noman Knows, so even if you preserve his life a little longer, you’ve still gone from 14+ Noman Knows to 0.

Moral of the story: don’t do things when you just woke up.