Noman Melt Rate Tracking (2024)

Mon May 13 2024 21:02:51 GMT+0300
Noman MayBe lost 247 x Noman’s Friend (new total 526/3011).
It’s strange. It’s less than the last week…
Maybe FBG have adjusted melt rates for PostWhitsun weeks only?
Nevertheless, one more week to be sure. As I have understood from 20 to 23 May you cannot hatch eggs but you can use other Fest-relative areas, as De Gustibus. And then we will see… May Be…


Thank you for the extra observation, but I wouldn’t risk another week in case you miss the DeGustibus option.

Your melt and mine both fit the new estimate – low rolls, both of them, but within the new range:

The “extra” amount is still quite small, and likely would be for the rest of May (ending day 146 on the graph), but if the pattern is remotely accurate it accelerates quite appreciably:

But of course, this is only a working estimate. The actual melt mechanics may not fit this scheme.