Noman Husbandry

The urchins were still selling pails this morning, I think.

As for the Noman question, no-one has found any benefit getting Noman Knows above 15, and some people have gotten it quite high, and you want the sense of an ending if you want the big reward. Waiting for it to melt will just end in various flavours of disappointment.

[quote=RandomWalker]The urchins were still selling pails this morning, I think.[/quote]I think you need some taste of lacre for that option to unlock.

Oops. Sorry, forgot about that requirement. Thought that my characters had all dumped theirs.

Where do I look to find out what my Noman’s remaining life is? I can’t find anything Noman-related anywhere on my &quotMyself&quot page. (except obviously the Noman itself, but that just tells me the Watchful etc) I’m worried my Noman’s life is dropping without me seeing it, since it doesn’t seem to have changed at all since I got it, but I’ve had it for a while now? (I’ve only managed to get Noman Knows up to about 5 so far, since I’m only on FL a little bit every day)
edited by Inky Petrel on 1/21/2015

Noman’s Friend and Noman Knows information is under &quotstory&quot on your myself page.

Edit - Noman’s Friend drops whenever Time calls and those drops can be pretty drastic, it seems to be a random number but I think I lost about half the first time, fed it back up into the 60’s and after a second visit from Time it is down in the 30’s. Just hoping I get to 15 Noman Knows before time comes again.
edited by reveurciel on 1/21/2015

Hmm, I must have missed it, I’ll go dig through the story tab again. Thanks.

Cripes it’s down to 22! 0_o Oh well, I guess I’ll try again next year. grumble

It would have been nice if that count could have been a little more obvious, if I hadn’t known about it from the forums I wouldn’t have known it even existed, and even knowing about it, I’ve been looking for my &quottime, the healer&quot email to tell me when it changed, and I haven’t had one since I got the noman. There’s nothing at all to warn that my noman has even begun to melt, let alone that he’s apparently leaving slush puddles on the hall rug.

Also, why is the picture next to the count in the story tab not of, oh, a noman? That would make sense? Or even a pail of lacre. Again, if I didn’t know what to look for I would never have seen the new counter wedged half way down the story tab between things that happened over a year ago. As it was I had to search twice. I am baffled by the order tbh, there doesn’t seem to BE one.

( Sorry to be so complainy, but these are the sorts of little annoyances that add a completely unnecessary layer of confusion to the game)

edited by Inky Petrel on 1/21/2015

Oh, I don’t bother waiting for emails. Time the Healer will always show in my Messages tab - way more convenient.

I don’t know if it’s possible to get the Noman to 15 Noman Knows without flipping at least half of the maximum cards every day for three weeks.

This year, I was able to get him to 15 a little before two weeks, but I’m holding off on the big finish as long as possible because I can’t bring myself to off the little guy early.

Well, as it’s luck-based, you could get it done pretty quick if you’re lucky. I got mine to 15 inside seven days this time, but that involved a lot of card flipping.

The Urchins are no longer selling buckets of snow.

Truly Christmas is over now.

[quote=Toran]The Urchins are no longer selling buckets of snow.

Truly Christmas is over now.[/quote]

Are we likely to get any warning before our remaining buckets melt? I imagine it’s any minute now, given that it’s hardly &quotmid-January&quot any longer.

[quote=ruen]Are we likely to get any warning before our remaining buckets melt? I imagine it’s any minute now, given that it’s hardly &quotmid-January&quot any longer.[/quote]I would expect that Time, the healer, will see to melting each player’s buckets. I think that’s what happened last time.

Noman down. No quirks burned - just recharged Subtle to 4 each time it was used - and no excessive flipping; took about 10 days to get to 15.

AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH. I’ve been dilligently turning cards continuously since I got the thing. It had 33 noman’s friend left before time the healer hit. I was ONE CHANGE POINT away from level 15 when TTH hit. I’ve spent literally every single action for the past three weeks building quirks for this thing. AUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.

Sorry, had to vent.

[quote=Anathema Dewitt]AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH. I’ve been dilligently turning cards continuously since I got the thing. It had 33 noman’s friend left before time the healer hit. I was ONE CHANGE POINT away from level 15 when TTH hit. I’ve spent literally every single action for the past three weeks building quirks for this thing. AUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.

Sorry, had to vent.[/quote]

Sorry to hear you’ve been unlucky. Hope you have better luck next year.

Yeah, I mostly want to remember to warn others next year. If you’re not a POSI and you still have a lot of cards cluttering up your deck, you’d better nuke 'em if you want a better chance of succeeding. All the guides said flipping cards should be enough, and the only time I let me deck fill up was when I was sleeping, but it was still not enough.

Some option to make a grand gesture of some kind if you’re at 14 noman knows when the guy melts would be nice, though. It bugs me that my ending was indistinguishable from the one my friend who barely tried got.

[quote=Anathema Dewitt]AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH. I’ve been dilligently turning cards continuously since I got the thing. It had 33 noman’s friend left before time the healer hit. I was ONE CHANGE POINT away from level 15 when TTH hit. I’ve spent literally every single action for the past three weeks building quirks for this thing. AUuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.

Sorry, had to vent.[/quote]

I am so sorry. Time came a day early for me. I was just shy of Noman Knows 14 and had 49 Noman’s Friend (with no PTPT in order to try to get more).

All 49 points of Noman’s Friend gone with this visit from Time. I’m heartbroken and angry. I burned Nex and flipped cards desperately trying to get to Noman Knows 15 before tomorrow only to have Time come and steal him away before either of us were ready.

Perhaps a visit to a honey den is in order.

Same here. I flipped a lot of cards, but the Noman card seemed to not want to see me. Lost it when it was at 14. Bad luck ! n_n’

[quote=Anathema Dewitt]If you’re not a POSI and you still have a lot of cards cluttering up your deck, you’d better nuke 'em if you want a better chance of succeeding. All the guides said flipping cards should be enough, and the only time I let me deck fill up was when I was sleeping, but it was still not enough.[/quote]Flipping cards should have been enough, so I’d chalk it up to bad luck. Very bad luck. Or possibly sleeping for a lot longer than regular people, if that’s the only time you let the deck fill up. I draw about 130-144 cards every day, and if I slept for 8 hours a day, that’d be about 16 hours of cards every day, plus the six cards in the deck when I wake up. That’s 16 x 6 + 6 = 102 cards every day.

I think Abundant frequency is supposed to be about four times as common as Standard frequency, and I get most Standard frequency cards about three times per day. So that would make an Abundant card show up 4 x 3 = 12 times per day, on average. 12 x 21 = 252 times in three weeks. Or 252 x 102 / 144 = ~178 times for someone who sleeps 8 hours every day. That should be plenty of cards to draw the 40-60 cards needed to get the 120 CPs it takes to get to level 15. Even with ordinary bad luck. But with all the players in Fallen London, there’s always some exceptionally bad luck waiting out there for someone. My condolences.

Yeah - sorry. I was no more diligent than usual in drawing cards, and got to 15 without issue. The only ‘trick’ I used was to make sure to only have one card gap at a time - in some cases I drew the Noman thrice in succession.