Noman Cost & Melt Rate Tracking (2022)

[quote=amalgamate]Jan 14: lost 29 Noman’s Friend.

Sir Reginald, are you a time traveler?[/quote]

My apologies, I’ve apparently set up my Correspondence time-piece wrong. I meant to write 14th, but seven is the number.

I’m sorry if I’ve caused any confusion…

Forgot the Urchin’s card requires you to still have ToL to buy more snow. Hope that doesn’t screw me this year.

[quote=Skinnyman]Will you use this thread’s date this year?[/quote]I’m guessing you mean data? If so, then yes I’ve been adding it to the same google sheet. Unfortunately there’s a super low number of people reporting info this year, so accuracy is just up in the air. We can get a good general idea, but i’s nowhere near exact.

Data, of course, thank you!
For today, the 21st, was hit by only 34 NF loss. Low compared to last year, but similar to the ones 2 years ago when it survived for quite some time! :)
edited by Skinnyman on 1/21/2022

Is Noman’s decay subject to the RNG gods?

My first TtH after getting my Noman wasn’t until today, so hopefully there’s other people in the same boat who will start reporting values soon as well!

Account 1: 21 Jan., 14:43 UTC: Lost 32 NF
Account 2: 21 Jan., 14:43 UTC: Lost 40 NF
edited by hwoosh on 1/21/2022

Third TtH: Jan 21, 14:25 UTC You’ve lost 32 x Noman’s Friend (same as the second TtH) Also I think my two previous Noman’s Friend losses are registered as two different Nomans in the table while all three data belong to the same Noman, sorry for the misunderstanding.

[quote=Mr. M]Also I think my two previous Noman’s Friend losses are registered as two different Nomans in the table while all three data belong to the same Noman, sorry for the misunderstanding.[/quote]Not your fault at all, it’s more on how I had set up the tables and data. I listed it that way because both were during the same &quotmelting period.&quot I know the tables are sort of confusing but it’s just how the values are grouped. Basically your Noman melted twice in the first time period before they increased the melt rate to the next level.

Again, these are just estimates based on what’s posted in this thread. The best way to view the info is probably scrolling to the right and down a little to view the chart. This is what is currently looks like: Imgur: The magic of the Internet

First TtH: Jan 21, 20:16 UTC “You’ve lost 34 x Noman’s Friend”.

Here’s what I have so far:

Jan14 3:20 EST lost 24 Noman’s Friend
Jan 21 3:20 EST lost 46 Noman’s Friend

I delayed a week because I wasn’t sure exactly when my TtH hit.

Jan 21, ~3:30PM EST-- lost 43 x Noman’s Friend.
edited by Tintinnabulum on 1/21/2022

"You’ve lost 33 x Noman’s Friend (new total 304 - The Noman is pristine). "

21st January, ~10:00 UTC:
Noman &quotBolide&quot lost 49 x Noman’s Friend (new total 73/122) (I, uh, forgot I needed ToL to buy more buckets)

23rd January, ~10:00 UTC:
Noman &quotAphel&quot lost 62 x Noman’s Friend (new total 1/100) i[/i]

edit: was 63, lost 62; fixed.
edited by elderfleur on 1/23/2022

Monday, 24 January 6:03 PM UTC

You’ve lost 63 x Noman’s Friend.

Both of my characters bought their Nomen last week, so here are this week’s melt rates:

Kitty: 25th January, 00:42 AM GMT; -43 Noman’s Friend (new total 541)
Cattus: 26th January, 10:45 AM GMT; -60 Noman’s Friend (new total 652)

07.01. 13x Noman’s friend lost
14.01. 34x Noman’s friend lost
21.01. 52x Noman’s friend lost

Jan 28 hit for 63 NF.

Friday, 28 January 2:15 PM UTC

You’ve lost 55 x Noman’s Friend.

Account 1: 28 Jan., 14:43 UTC: Lost 60 NF
Account 2: 28 Jan., 14:43 UTC: Lost 74 NF

Fourth TtH: Jan 28, 14:25 UTC You’ve lost 70 x Noman’s Friend