The Affiliations offered by this content are different from the Home Comforts from the Incarnadine Robes.

So, I need to use the Snowbound Fate-Locked Story content to get the Home Comfort in question?

edited by Owen Wulf on 12/25/2014

[quote=Owen Wulf]So, I need to use the Snowbound Fate-Locked Story content to get the Home Comfort in question?

edited by Owen Wulf on 12/25/2014[/quote]

Yes, or the fatelocked option that opens the nadir, but if you’ve already gained access snowbound is the only way.

“The Gift” was beautifully written, wonderfully moving and deeply scary. If this wasn’t the best 30 Nex I ever spent, it was close to being so. NiteBrite; thanks for your Journal posts; they have helped me deduce what the road I did not take must have looked like. Check out the profile for my main (cathyr19355) to see the path I took through the story.

[color=#ff9900]That’s the plan! Once we move it to the Nex page we want to make this an option.[/color][/quote]
This is the best thing. The Gift was excellent, but I regret some of my choices; happy to see we’ll be able to pay the cellar another visit. :)

Delete this comment, if it violates forum rules, but I really need to know.

Will I die after turning around? My RP rule is to avoid visits to Hotel and Boat at all costs, and to break it here is hard choice. PM me, please, if answer here not allowed.
edited by Andre Alexin on 12/26/2014

Just finished the story. Great content!! Lots of info… take time to process them again…
But now I have even more questions!
Oh and wouldn’t it be great if someone with the right artistic talents could illustrate the whole story? I especially want to see a certain painting visualised…

Thank you, people who echoed things, because a server guttered and died when I turned around to look–appropriate!

This storyline was incredible. I don’t regret playing it, and may play it again, choosing an alternative route. And as many have mentioned, being eaten was definitely a magnificent and perverse experience. 10/10.
EDIT: Andre, I PMed you.
edited by Zeek on 12/29/2014

The new affiliation does not give any characteristics, so I suppose it’s there only to give you the related opportunity card and there’s no need of equipping it, correct?


If it follows the rules of the rest of the game - Yes. It could probably just as well be a curiosity for that, though =P

The Gift is a fantastic and horrific story, I give it 8/10, just because I was not familiar with the Royal Family issue before and didn’t feel very involved in the matter; this story does arouse my interest though. Besides the material rewards are not very attractive. (GREEDY ME!) Otherwise I will give it 9.5/10.

The plot is well-written: the intriguing doll, the leads, the seeking, the Dinner and the TRUTH, the trap and the TWIST. I love them all (especially the TWIST that I missed).

The setting of the scene is beautiful, but I think there are a few minor flaws. First, discovering the TRUTH (and TRUTH burns!) actually fuels the tension and dramatic effect when you need to make your final decision, will the one who choose not to turn around feel the same level of thrill in his/her final decision? I don’t know. (That might explain why FBG makes the option to pop up twice.)

Second, there isn’t enough information/hints for me to make my final decision (again that may due to my lack of knowledge in the Royal Family or FBG deliberately create this situation). So I picked the most safe-assured one, my rationality paid off but I missed the big TWIST. I am not regretting it until I have read the log from others’ journals. (I want to befriend B_______ instead of her brother! How ADORABLE she is!) If FBG made that option to pop up twice like what they did in the TRUTH (such a good trick in luring people to die!) and give a more detailed description on the girl (her facial expressions, gestures, eye contact and the like), I would feel better and the story would be even more impressive and compelling. (Alright I know I am kind of harsh.)

One last comment, I truly wish I can make acquaintance with B_______ in the future! I hope FBG will consider adding this into future content of the Gift storylet and thank you for bringing me such a wonderful experience!
edited by Lomias on 1/31/2015