NEW CONTENT: A Second Case for Mr Pages

[color=#ff00cc]There’s not much we know; just that someone was seen hobbling away from the library, and that - squashed under one of the books on the floor - we found the petal of a green carnation… [/color]
[color=rgb(255, 0, 204)]Mr Pages library has been burgled again, and the Master is beside itself. Track the culprit across London; learn what moved them to such bold action and decide their fate, as you conduct your second case as Mr Pages’ Reliable.[/color]

[color=#ff00cc]Players who’ve already completed the first Reliables case for Mr Pages - and who’ve begun teaching at the University - will be able to begin this story by finding the &quotAnother Case for a Reliable&quot card in their decks[/color]

A green carnation, eh? Dare I wonder whether the Epigrammatic Irishman or his followers might be having their revenge?

I’m hyped! Can’t wait for the card!

Had the card, waiting for . . . another card, I guess? I don’t see any new storylets anywhere.

Awesome! I’m always glad to have a chance to assist the Masters.

My alt got the second card - “Following the Trail”.

I’m not sure how many cards there will be and if I remember correctly the First Case for Mr Pages was all opportunity cards, so I don’t expect it to become a storylet.

I don’t remember ever encountering the first case. Is there a quality it imparted? Was there a stat cut off that I may have gone past before it showed up in my deck?
edited by finitehp on 10/8/2015

The quality would be in the story quality section, just below a Scholar of the Correspondence. &quotAscending the Reliables List of Mr Pages&quot is it’s name. If you happened to miss out on the first card you can find it on this card.

[spoiler] My awful Masters’ lickspittle main is completely stuck - if even the judgements come across something unexpected from time to time – has anyone decided to take the book yet?[li](never mind, I felt really bad. also wistful about Wilde maybe walking an auroral megalops from aboard ship. what he might have written of the far unterzee–!)[/li][li]
edited by fortluna on 10/8/2015

Ah okay. I do have the quality. I must just not remember the first case.

[color=#ff00cc]The story is played (almost!) entirely through the Opportunity Deck. There’s nothing that will lock you out of the story once you’ve begun it, besides completing it. [/color]
[color=#ff00cc]And if cards are taking a little while to appear, it’s only because Mr Pages or the Culprit being a bit obstinate - keep drawing, though, and they’ll be sure to appear.[/color]

[quote=Cash DeCuir][color=#ff00cc]The story is played (almost!) entirely through the Opportunity Deck. There’s nothing that will lock you out of the story once you’ve begun it, besides completing it. [/color]
[color=#ff00cc]And if cards are taking a little while to appear, it’s only because Mr Pages or the Culprit being a bit obstinate - keep drawing, though, and they’ll be sure to appear.[/color][/quote]

I used the fate-locked option, the system set some stats, and… that’s it. No reward at all, is that OK, or should I just wait more for the next opportunity?

[color=#ff00cc]The Fate-locked branch offers deeper insight into the story, as well as an alternate ending with enhanced rewards on the next card.[/color]

I chose the Fate-locked branch… and I’m really happy. Looking forward to completing the story, but regardless, the writing here really touched me. Thanks Failbetter – this was important to me.

Blimey, talk about a blast from the past. Less &quotlong-awaited&quot than &quotlong-since no-longer-expected&quot. Still, looking forward to it.

I have a problem: I’m in the middle of a time-sensitive grind & I played the non-discardable card to get into the dandy’s house to get rid of it as I need to draw cards, and now I’m trapped in a storylet. I haven’t decided whether I want to take the fate path yet, but now I’m trapped & locked out of everything else until I decide. Could I please be released, or rather, if I take a non fate path will I be able to reset the story? It’s a shame that these cards have been non discardable, and that there was no warning I’d be trapped by trying to get rid of it.

Edit: took the non fate path so as not to waste my actions. Im genuinely interested in & fond of this story, and I’m really pleased to see you doing something tender like this. I hope you’ll offer a reset option, or at least consider making the cards discardable - I’d have loved to enjoy this at my own pace when I wasn’t busy with other tasks, rather than feeling that I had to play. But I must say these are some lovely words.
edited by Màiread on 10/8/2015

Yeah it’s not entirely clear to me what the motivation for making them undiscardable was…

I had actually assumed that the first card at the least was made non-discardable so people didn’t discard it without looking at it thinking it was another invitation to the revels.

I just got the last card. I did the fate-locked bit. There’s three typos in the result and option.

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