NEW CONTENT: A Second Case for Mr Pages

Incidentally, the “non-discardable” feature has now been removed from at least some of the opportunity cards

Finally got all the cards to show up for this. I love silly words, and so I have great affectitude for Pages - he (it?) is the fumungliest character in this game.

Spent the 5 fate, got both endings, and a new…thing…that looks like it’s a made-up word, but is of course actually a real word, wot I have now learned.

More of this sort of thing please!
edited by yetanotherone on 10/14/2015

So, who do we suppose the Wilting Dandy is? Bosie? Robbie Ross?

My alt got the first card of the new story mere hours after finishing the first branch, but my main character has been drawing cards for a whole week and still hasn’t seen it. Is it only drawable in particular places, or am I just really, really unlucky?

You might just be unlucky. My two alts had finished the story relatively quickly, but only just today did my main progress past the first bit.

Both my alt and I have seen only the first card up until now.

I didn’t see it for a while and then it decided to appear.

Unrelatedly, also count me as annoyed that

The card redirected to a must storylet with a fate option, that’s just bad design. I was lucky to have the fate handy, but I kinda wanted to keep it, since it was only 7 fate I had

I’m not sure… I’m trying to think of what book it would have been…
If it was The Picture of Dorian Gray, it would kind of fit with the description of Mr. Page’s book and make a bit of sense for it to be… Well, either one of them, depending on which character they identified with, since the man claims it was about them.
If it was De Profundis it certainly wouldn’t be Bosie, but Robbie Ross wouldn’t have seen it as about himself and Oscar, Obviously.
So many other options but the main logical factor for me is, the character was going to him. That would only be Robbie Ross.

(That said, his personality fits my head-on of Bosie a bit mid).

In the book ‘The Green Carnation’ Lord Reggie wears the namesake flower and he is based on Bosie. Fallen London’s altered timeline makes it a bit hard to be certain, since it is only 1893 at the moment.

Is it possible to reset this story? Back when I played it long ago I wasn’t yet a paying player, and I would love to replay the Wilting Dandy case through the fate locked branches.

Which is the better option? Assisting Mr.Pages or making a short story to let the Wilting Dandy keep his?

You get a unique item if you side with the Dandy, though you have to write a short story for Mr Pages. You get a cp of master’s connection if you side with Mr Pages (and don’t have to write anything).

Specifically, you get a unique +5 Persuasive weapon. Quite useful. (You also don’t have to write the short story immediately and can put it off as long as you want.)

Though you’ll get a pestering card in your deck until you do write it.