Need friend for exceptional rose

I thought you could only get to 20 masquing through the Feast deck card masquing gains, but the card just bumped me up to 21. Can anyone clarify if it will always award masquing, or does it have a limit after which it will not (as I had assumed or read somewhere)?

Masquing cannot be boosted with the card if you have 20 or more Masquing. You had 19, so you still gained the +2 Masquing from the card. Now you’re at 21, so the card won’t boost it anymore.

Ah yep, I just confirmed that myself as well. Glad I was right about it.

I would like to make exchanges as well, but being a new player with no set goal in mind, I will likely just reciprocate any sent gift. Check with me before sending and I’ll see if I can provide.

Dear friends,

I need seven more Masquing to secure the meeting I desire. They do not have to be Fate-locked. Would anyone be willing to exchange gifts? Call on me, if you are.
edited by Voynich on 2/25/2015

Got my gift! Many thanks to HawaiinBelle. Now to see about a return gift. Very very happy with this!
edited by Somner on 2/26/2015

:3 Looking to exchange fate locked gifts! I’m also always happy to make new acquaintances/delicious friends.