Neathy Memes

Oh, thank you very much - you’re too kind!

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The quote my numerical methods professor used WAYYYY too many years ago was, “All models are wrong. Some models are useful.”


After noticed some parallels between the old black sheep of the Fate-locked stories, the Rubbery Murders, and our new ES, I felt compelled to make this.


My last-last (and surprisingly mirthful) take on the CiS. Which, infantile though that take may be… it does actually make me smile. Because after the game itself characterized the TLU as a truckload of squalling infants?

That forever cemented the archetypal robber baron PC as an abusive step-parent to said infants in my mind.

Especially after realizing Furnace is still happy to shack up with you no matter what you do to the Tracklayers or the city. It all paints a starkly realistic picture of a toxic domestic situation… which I choose to view comedically in this one rare instance.

(In addition that interpretation would cast every PC desperate for acceptance from the TLU as a cloying step-parent trying entirely too hard to seem cool in the eyes of their spouse’s standoffish kids. Which is also pretty funny, NGL.)


Hearts’ Game players the more they audience with the Cottage’s shames


Steward of Discord
Known to his friends as Disco Stu


i just finised the part of evo where your on the delight and OH BUDDY, that was something! anyway i feel real bad for babygirl so i made a meme about it. hope you like it!

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Insert “oh… I can’t not fuck him” meme here ig


Just White Chessboard things.

Because at this point even I find it funny how much of a pet peeve of mine it’s become…

My railway passengers watching me do nothing but ride the train back and forth for several days:

(Context: need 30 rumors and this is my only consistent grind for them)


It is kind of amazing that that’s still the most convenient way to grind rumours…

I mean… as soon as you get Jericho Locks there’s an immediately available, strictly better option. I wouldn’t say that it’s the most convenient personally.

Oh I know they’re more efficient.

But nothing involving hinterland scrip or the bone market is ever convenient. By any measure.

(I don’t care if it’s less actions if it involves 5x as many clicks total thanks to inventory juggling, cross conversions, and location jumps. It’s just more work. Period.)

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Agree to disagree. Assuming you have even 50 scrip to start with:

Buy 50 ale (2 clicks)
Trade ale (50 clicks)
Sell surveys (2 clicks)
54 clicks per 50 rumors.

1 click to enter the options
1 click to travel
100 clicks per 50 rumors

One way you click less and make money. I just don’t think you’re even a little bit right here.

This is one of those rare occasions where I’m overjoyed to admit to not bothering to do the math, because it actually neatly ties into my point.

The number of action changes/inventory checks/etc. involved in an operation directly corresponds to the presence of mind involved. Jumping from one end of the station to the other requires none.

It’s one thing over and over compared to 4 things in a set sequence with a set frequency.

Then take that 4 and multiply it by about… 5-30 for the bone market.

(Again, I know you’ve got me on efficiency of actions for sure, and often clicks overall… but the low-key investment banking involved in said operations make them feel sooo much longer. At least to me.)

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Yeah Bone Market I’ll give to you. I personally can’t get enough of it, but I DO understand why some people hate it, haha!


Youthful naturalist: I am the jellyfish guardian, guardian of the jellyfish

FLPC: storm quivers before him!

Wave splashes menacingly in their direction

Both: fuck off!

This is a mere draft of an meme I’ll draw/edit later, just had to get it here so I won’t forget about it.


My spouses and my public are synonymous.


Ah, a fellow bewildering procession enjoyer. Good taste.

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